125 posts tagged with sanfrancisco.
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Metafilter - Holiday San Francisco Meetup
Wondering if folks would like to do an in-person meetup in San Francisco, some folks from the near future lab are already interested? I'd propose Destapas in the Mission as the local and sometime in early December as a potential Data [more inside]
Meet me in SF Aug 30-Sept 1
As above, my vacation dates in San Francisco are confirmed, but I’d love it if you’ll share your fav local-best-kept-secret-fun-things/places (as an former Londoner/multi-East coaster, it’s been a decade since I was last in SF!) and as a bonus, also your company to join ne at restaurants with *outdoor seating* in the Bay area (breakfast/brunch, lunch, or dinner)! I like solo travel, but find meals awkward on my own. I’ll be staying in the Mission, but am happy to take the BART etc. I don’t drive. Thanks! (I’m using the address of a sushi venue to post this.)
Peripatetic Persistent Pirate Puffins' Pacific Peregrination*: SF to Tokyo (898 of 1708 hours to go!) 🐧
Part 1. Part 2. You say it takes 1708 hours of peregrination* to get from SF to Tokyo. We're coming along! The more you (dear reader) log your hours, the sooner we'll have gone the distance. Join any time. Track our progress. Wondering what's out there with us? lemonade made an app for that. Now! With Official Puffin Mascot S.F. Tokyo, Pirate (they/them)! [more inside]
Peripatetic Persistent Pirate Puffins' Pacific Peregrination*: SF to Tokyo (1411 of 1708 hours to go!) 🐧
Formerly the Remote Non-synchronous Relay Walk*. You say it takes 1708 hours of peregrination* to get from SF to Tokyo. We're ~300 hours along! The more you (dear reader) log your hours, the sooner we'll have gone the distance. Join any time. Track our progress. Wondering what's out there with us? lemonade made an app for that. Now! With Official Puffin Mascot S.F. Tokyo, Pirate (they/them)! [more inside]
Peripatetic Persistent Pirate Puffins' Pacific Peregrination: SF to Tokyo (1708 hours) 🐧
Formerly the Remote Non-synchronous Relay Walk. You say it takes 1708 hours of peregrination* to get from SF to Tokyo. We're 200+ hours along! The more you (dear reader) log your hours, the sooner we'll have gone the distance. Join any time. Track our progress. Wondering what's out there with us? lemonade made an app for that. Now! With Official Puffin Mascot S.F. Tokyo, Pirate (they/them)! [more inside]
Let's have a drink at Amplifier in Oakland first week of December. Things to celebrate: Larry Bird's birthday and Rhodesian independence. Or, bring your own happy event. [more inside]
Board Games, Berkeley
Okay, Victory Point Cafe in Berkeley, August 4th sounds good. [more inside]
Memorial gathering for rtha's birthday
This is a casual gathering at Southpaw to mark what would have been rtha's 53rd birthday. Come have some food or a drink and hang out and tell stories about rtha or just hang out. I'll be asking for donations in her memory for the Golden Gate Raptor Observatory and the San Francisco Dyke March, two of her favorite organizations. [more inside]
Lesbian potluck!
Looking for new lesbian friends in SF! I’d like to set up a recurring small group to have meals together and hopefully form a friend group. Not looking for dates or romance.
First iteration June 8 at Dolores Park (perhaps near the playground) at 2pm. Bring a picnic blanket or towel in case we can’t find a table, and bring something that you want to eat, with a little extra to share if you are able. [more inside]
Dark Horse Inn and Plants
I am growing a ton of mint from cuttings and I have several pepper plants I am growing from seed. One of these plants is mine- that leaves 4 extra. I anticipate in late June/early July I will have even more things from seed/cuttings. I have been giving some away as gifts to my best friend and my favorite bartender- but this is getting ridiculous. I don't want to compost viable plants. I propose on one of my days off (all on weekdays, and I wont know which for a bit) we meet at my local bar/restaurant The Dark Horse Inn on Geneva at 5pm-10pm on a to be determined weekday in late June/early July and we can all have a chill hang and eat and drink and support a local place and maybe some of you can give my plants a new home. [more inside]
Trivia in Mission Bay?
Spark Social - a pile of food trucks and fire pits Mission Bay- hosts trivia on Wednesdays. It’s been a minute since we’ve had an SF meetup - would folks be interested in grabbing some drinks and truck food, doing some mingling, and answering some questions in a few weeks?
San Francisco! Exploratorium At Night outing?
I'm itching to make some new friends and also finding New Things To Do here in this glorious town, and thus I'd like to organize another IRL meetup.
Let's go to the Exploratorium evening program on Thurs, Feb 28th at 6PM. [more inside]
Board Game Night Near West Portal
My friends and I run a board game night group at a friend's place near west portal every thursday. Mefi people would be welcome. [more inside]
The Dancehall of Beautiful Radiant Things
The Dancehall of Beautiful Radiant Things is a social-mixer-disguised-as-a-slow-dance-club that welcomes dancers and non-dancers of all skill levels to share in a night of song-length social vignettes. Upon entry, attendees are given a dance card with 21 spots for 21 songs. Fill your card with friends, with strangers, with secret crushes, with future besties. That's 21 chances to be present and connect with a dance partner for the length of a simple, 3.5 minute serenade. No strings attached. No irony. No dancing skills required. [more inside]
Visiting San Francisco Mar 25
So I'm going to be in San Francisco for GDC, but I'm also staying for a few days afterwards, and would love to meet any local MeFites. Let's meet up in Union Square at noon on the 25th May. I will be wearing a bright green scarf.
The Recurrent Mefitraveler
SF or Bay Area mefites: let's do brunch again? Details confirmed: Roosevelt Sip 'N' Eat, on Saturday, Aug. 12, at noon! The consensus seems to be in favor of math puns. [more inside]
Sonoma, Marin, North Bay (SF) Activism Round Table
Our monthly North Bay meet-up! Come by and talk politics, resistance, advocacy, and coping strategies, or just come to hang out. [more inside]
Very impromptu casual drinks/food, San Francisco
I'm blowing through San Francisco, and thought it might be nice to see people, but then totally failed to organise anything. So, since I have to eat dinner somewhere anyway, I'll be at the Thirsty Bear on Howard Street this evening at about 8 - if you are nearby and feel like dropping in to say hi, please do so! [more inside]
Dancehall of Beautiful Radiant Things
The Dancehall of Beautiful Radiant Things is a social-mixer-disguised-as-a-slow-dance-club that welcomes dancers and non-dancers of all skill levels to share in a night of song-length social vignettes. Upon entry, attendees are given a dance card with 21 spots for 21 songs. Fill your card with friends, with strangers, with secret crushes, with future besties. That's 21 chances to be present and connect with a dance partner for the length of a simple, 3.5 minute serenade. All proceeds go to benefit Figment Oakland. See you soon, and save us a dance.
San Francisco March for Science
Hey San Francisco, grab your lab coats and let's march! All STEMfolk and friends of science are welcome! [more inside]
CANCELLED due to lack of participants
It looks like we will not have enough participants for a useful discussion so I am canceling this meetup. There is a "public" huddle at 11:15 am at 705 Monterey Blvd (a cafe), which I have signed up for - I'm sure anybody would be welcome to attend even if you haven't signed up beforehand. Hope to see you there!
The Women's March website has posted the second suggested action (description here), which is to get together with friends and neighbors and decide what issues are most important in your community, and what actions to take about them. [more inside]
10 actions / 100 days from the Women's March - let's start this
I went to the Women's March in SF with some other MeFites and found it a great experience, so I'd like to keep doing ... something. The organizers of the march have started a campaign to continue the momentum, with 10 suggested actions over the next 100 days. How about we get together and try out the first of these actions? We'll write some postcards to Congress, drink some beer, and encourage each other to not just crawl under the blankets for the next 4 years. [more inside]
Resist Trump Tuesday
"Stop the Swamp Cabinet" Rally-Sen. Feinstein's office, San Francisco [more inside]
SF Women's March?
Any Bay Area MeFites want to march together in San Francisco? Maybe we can make it into a meetup too, before or after. Pink hats optional! [more inside]
Peninsula pastrami in January?
The (New) Mikado
In Italy fantastical, blooms our Mikado new, / And we invite you, come, your dolce vita's overdue! Lamplighters Music Theatre presents The (New) Mikado. It's Gilbert & Sullivan's hilarious hit The Mikado, set in Italy instead of Japan, and with 1.7% worth of libretto changes to make it appropriate for today's world of inclusiveness and compassion. [more inside]
Pre-Meetup Meetup at Borderlands Books
So captivepredator and I were talking about a pre-meetup meetup on Saturday before the Writers with Drinks event. If you can't go to WwD or if you just want EVEN MORE Mefite time, come hang out with us at Borderlands. (It's just a few blocks away from the main meetup!) [more inside]
Writers with Drinks, starring mefi's own asavage and tapir-whorf
<>Writers with Drinks is an excellent local event series, curated by Charlie Jane Anders, at the MakeOut Room. The April 9th event stars Adam Savage, better known as asavage on MeFi. [more inside]
Board game (Cosmic Encounter) meetup
In the Cosmic Encounter thread more than a few people in the Bay Area expressed interest in a mefi meetup to play. Here's our peninsula chance to play [more inside]
Past the mission, I once knew a hot girl
I am visiting the Bay Area for the first time and would like burritos, booze, and MeFites. [more inside]
Back Around Again
Let's meet for drinks at Virgil's Sea Room on Saturday 15th August. Meet at 2pm but we will likely still be around in the evening. We might pop out for food - will keep the thread updated. [more inside]
Urban Putt
Where else but Frjtz?
It's been too long since a Frjtz meetup, and alexordave and I will be in SF bay area (and beyond) from June 5th – 17th. What say we meet on the eve of the 6th, 7pm onward? [more inside]
Post ALA Meetup
I will be in San Francisco for ALA, and a meetup would be grand. I will propose Monday night (29 June) at 6pm-ish. I will be near Levi's Plaza on the Embarcadero, so something near that would be best for me, but I am open to other options. Any thoughts?
Meet the Finn. Saturday 11th, 4 PM, at Frjtz
Hey there, Bay area mefites! I'll be visiting 7-13th of April and would like to have a meetup with some Metafilter-people. This will be my first trip outside Europe. I've also never been to a Metafilter meetup, so let's have one! [more inside]
West Coast Tour Stop 3:Exploratorium After Dark!
Hey bay area mefites! You may recall my question about visiting in which I expressed interest in going to the Exploratorium after dark. I just bought my plane tickets. Who's in for poking around at the museum on Thursday April 30th? [more inside]
YKB 2015 - SF Bay Area
I am coproducing and performing a self-written piece for this year's Yoni Ki Baat, a theater performance inspired by the Vagina Monologues where all the content, cast, and crew are by or about South Asian women. [more inside]
San Francisco Citizens Celebrate "We Love mathowie" Day!
Two things have come to my attention: 1) There is, somehow, not an active MeFi meetup in San Francisco. 2) Mathowie is gonna be in SF next week. Let's use those two bits of information to have a good time. [more inside]
SF peninsula board games night
Come drink beer and play board games! [more inside]
♪Amaro, amaro, I love you amaro♬
MeFi Spirited Away Meetup Cancelled!
Apologies but the rain has started and there's tons of doom and gloom on the news so I think I will sit this one out.
Next time I'll give more advice notice, how about that? Stay dry and happy, folks!
New Barbarians 3.0 by La Pocha Nostra
Guillermo Gómez-Peña and his radical performance art group La Pocha Nostra are hosting a "extreme fashion show and photo performance karaoke" with participants of a week-long performance workshop - including yours truly! Tickets are available here for $10 each and you are more than encouraged to dress up.
Kubrick - An Art Show Tribute
Spoke Art is proud to present: KUBRICK - An art show tribute to the films of Stanley Kubrick. Over 60 artists were invited to re-imagine their favorite characters, scenes and thematic concepts from one of the world’s most prolific directors. Spanning a plethora of mediums from sculpture and painting to limited edition prints, the show seeks to honor one of the 20th century’s most significant directors while also reinterpreting his impact in a contemporary context. [more inside]
John Scalzi reads at Borderlands
Let's go see mefi's own jscalzi read from his new novel, Lock In, at San Francisco's terrific Borderlands Books. [more inside]
Darkness Descends Over the Bay
I'm visiting SF again 4th to 20th August and it would be cool to meet some MeFites. Drinks at Virgil's Sea Room at 3pm on 16th August (Saturday). Come later in the day if you want since I'm presuming we will be there a while. We may pop out for food at some point - I'll keep the thread updated.
Irish Labor History Walk
This is a walking tour of San Francisco's waterfront labor history, with talks by labor historians along the way. Starts at noon at 240 2nd Street, in front of the Marine Firemen’s hall near Howard. It's a part of LaborFest 2014. [more inside]
MeFi anniversary event -- July 17th
Spin off from this thread -- Thursday evening at the SOMA Streatfood Park. One SF MeFi anniversary event among many. [more inside]
15th anniversary party!
Ok fine. We need to step up with the meeting up this month. There's an anniversary to celebrate! Here are my proposals, and we can start a round of negotiations, counter-proposals, wild-eyed propositions, grumpy disagreements, and in the end some more scandalous stories to share. I'll spin off any of these that get support into its own IRL post for easier rsvp'ing. [more inside]
The Two Coasts of Mlle Valentine (aka Meet Me in San Francisco?)
As some of you may know from kindly answering my question about where to eat and drink in the San Francisco area, I'm going to be visiting your city soon. I would love to meet some SF Mefites if you all are amenable! [more inside]
Hello San Francisco
Hey! I've just moved back to the Bay Area and would love to hang with some of you Bay Area mefites. [more inside]