47 posts tagged with fun.
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PPPPPPPPPPPPPP* Continues: Vladivostok to Kyiv by way of Philippine Sea (2472 hours) 🐧
Formerly the Remote Non-synchronous Relay Walk. Formally the Peripatetic Persistent Pirate Puffins' Perpetual Peregrination*: Vladivostok to Kyiv by way of Philippine Sea to pick up The corpse in the library** 🐧. You say it takes 2472 hours of peregrination* to get from Tokyo to Vladivostok. The more you (dear reader) log your hours, the sooner we'll have gone the distance. Join any time. Track our progress. Still with our Official Puffin Mascot "S.F. Tokyo, Pirate" (they/them)! [more inside]
Peripatetic Persistent Pirate Puffins' Peregrination Continues: Tokyo to Vladivostok (633 hours) 🐧
Formerly the Remote Non-synchronous Relay Walk. Formally the Peripatetic Persistent Pirate Puffins' Pacific Peregrination: SF to Tokyo 🐧. You say it takes 633 hours of peregrination* to get from Tokyo to Vladivostok. The more you (dear reader) log your hours, the sooner we'll have gone the distance. Join any time. Track our progress (hopefully I can figure it all out soon). Still with our Official Puffin Mascot "S.F. Tokyo, Pirate" (they/them)! [more inside]
Peripatetic Persistent Pirate Puffins' Peregrination Continues: Tokyo to Vladivostok (633 hours) 🐧
Formerly the Remote Non-synchronous Relay Walk. Formally the Peripatetic Persistent Pirate Puffins' Pacific Peregrination: SF to Tokyo 🐧. You say it takes 633 hours of peregrination* to get from Tokyo to Vladivostok. The more you (dear reader) log your hours, the sooner we'll have gone the distance. Join any time. Track our progress (hopefully I can figure it all out soon). Still with our Official Puffin Mascot "S.F. Tokyo, Pirate" (they/them)! [more inside]
Pirate puffins keep on puffin'. We have gone ALL of the way across the Pacific Ocean to Japan. Log your hours, we're DONE! ADMIRE our progress. [more inside]
Peripatetic Persistent Pirate Puffins' Pacific Peregrination*: SF to Tokyo (155.6826567 of 1708 hours to go!) 🐧
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. You say it takes 1708 hours of peregrination* to get from SF to Tokyo. We're coming along! The more you (dear reader) log your hours, the sooner we'll have gone the distance. Join any time, we're almost there! Track our progress. Wondering what's out there with us? lemonade made an app for that. Now! With Official Puffin Mascot S.F. Tokyo, Pirate (they/them)! [more inside]
Peripatetic Persistent Pirate Puffins' Pacific Peregrination*: SF to Tokyo (898 of 1708 hours to go!) 🐧
Part 1. Part 2. You say it takes 1708 hours of peregrination* to get from SF to Tokyo. We're coming along! The more you (dear reader) log your hours, the sooner we'll have gone the distance. Join any time. Track our progress. Wondering what's out there with us? lemonade made an app for that. Now! With Official Puffin Mascot S.F. Tokyo, Pirate (they/them)! [more inside]
Peripatetic Persistent Pirate Puffins' Pacific Peregrination*: SF to Tokyo (1411 of 1708 hours to go!) 🐧
Formerly the Remote Non-synchronous Relay Walk*. You say it takes 1708 hours of peregrination* to get from SF to Tokyo. We're ~300 hours along! The more you (dear reader) log your hours, the sooner we'll have gone the distance. Join any time. Track our progress. Wondering what's out there with us? lemonade made an app for that. Now! With Official Puffin Mascot S.F. Tokyo, Pirate (they/them)! [more inside]
Peripatetic Persistent Pirate Puffins' Pacific Peregrination: SF to Tokyo (1708 hours) 🐧
Formerly the Remote Non-synchronous Relay Walk. You say it takes 1708 hours of peregrination* to get from SF to Tokyo. We're 200+ hours along! The more you (dear reader) log your hours, the sooner we'll have gone the distance. Join any time. Track our progress. Wondering what's out there with us? lemonade made an app for that. Now! With Official Puffin Mascot S.F. Tokyo, Pirate (they/them)! [more inside]
Learn fencing in Victoria BC!
Make new friends, then stab them!! My fencing club is offering an 8 week beginners fencing class starting Wednesday January 9. [more inside]
Raiders of the Lost Ark Film
Come watch (or rewatch!) this 2-hour classic from 1981. Possibly without any MeFite company. The movie starts at 18:00. Tickets are 80 SEK and the seats are unnumbered, hooray! [more inside]
Stockholm MeFite Dinner Wed. 21 Nov
In 1792, the underground Caf Sten Sture in Gamla Stan was a prison. According to its website, "It’s an amazing experience to sit in our caves from 1400 century. We have many cozy and exciting Caves." [more inside]
Mr. Conspiracy and I are going to be visiting Spokane at the end of July. We're free in the late afternoon and into the evening of Friday, August 3 and I'm wondering if there are any Spokane or Spokane-adjacent MeFites who want to get together for a meetup.
Thinking a hangout involving drinks, food and mellow conversation in a reasonably chill venue in/around downtown Spokane. Suggestions welcome - we've visited before and we know there are some great beverages and eats to be had in that town.
SSSCSSCC - The 2018 Primary Edition
As everybody who wrote postcards to voters until their hands cramped last month, the Illinois Primary is March 20th. Let's get together and discuss any questions we might have about the candidates and where our loyalties lie. Also BRUNCH! [more inside]
PDX-adjacent campout!
UPDATE - Please add any meals you want to make or contribute to, along with any special equipment you're bringing or need someone to bring, to the food and equipment planning spreadsheet!
This will happen Thursday afternoon - Sunday morning, June 21-24 at Lost Lake Campground and Resort. I've booked a site near the top end of the D loop. Reservations can be made at ReserveAmerica.com. [more inside]
This will happen Thursday afternoon - Sunday morning, June 21-24 at Lost Lake Campground and Resort. I've booked a site near the top end of the D loop. Reservations can be made at ReserveAmerica.com. [more inside]
Game of Thrones Pop Up Bar
Hey everybody, I really want to go to this! Based on my friends' pictures, the bar has a bunch of props and it just sounds like a treat. Anybody else up for grabbing a drink or two there? (Non-drinkers interested in drinking non-alcoholic stuffs are welcome as well, of course). [more inside]
Meetup in Chicago!
I'm traveling to Chicago next week. Anyone free to get together on Tuesday (8/8) or Wednesday (8/9)? I'm up for dinner, drinks, rocking out, etc. [more inside]
What! Is! Up! Brooklyn! (what's up is a meetup)
Hi, people. Let's meet up. Internet Fraud Detective Etc. is in town. In her honor, a meetup classic: the 4th Ave Pub. [more inside]
The Return of SSSC: Second Saturday Second City Stand-Up Sanity Check Committee Part 6
So last month, the calendar and my dark mood got the best of me and we didn't get together for activism talk and grousing and camaraderie -- with food and drink!) Let's fix that this month at the Long Room. [more inside]
Air hockey tournament to raise money for the ACLU
Hey all! I'm putting on an air hockey tournament to raise money for the American Civil Liberties Union. The event is called Give A Puck! Beginners are welcome -- in fact, most of us are beginners! There will be beer, prizes, and a speaker from the ACLU to talk about all the great work they’re doing. Bring your friends! All proceeds go to the ACLU. [more inside]
Second Second Saturday Second City Stand-Up Sanity Check Committee Or 2ndSSSCSSCC*
So Second Saturday is upon us sooner than I realized. And we're still getting together and chatting about our activism plans again like we did last month.
However, there's a slight change in plans... [more inside]
Second Saturday Second City Stand-Up Sanity Check Committee Or SSSCSSCC*
So there's no way I would have made it through the last few post-election days without the support of my friends and family, especially seeing so many reactions that amounted to"WHAT CAN I DO?" and last night I was struck by all the youth hitting the streets, but, even as I was there, I wondered "what can I, an older person out of the activist game, do?" Here's what I came up with: [more inside]
Big Damn Heros!
I've been obsessed with RPGs since high school but only fairly recently started actually playing them. Now I find I'd like to run a game from time to time and I thought mefites would make a good group of people to play with! [more inside]
PEDALPALOOZA: Portsmouth Parkways
Portsmouth neighborhood has ALL THE PARKS. They're a resource, a treasure, socialism at its finest, and we will explore them. Flat, slow pace, no drop ride. There might be snacks. [more inside]
Central VT welcomes chrismear & greenish
chrismear returns to Vermont after almost exactly 8 years since his last visit, this time with his lovely fiance, greenish. You are cordially invited to gather for drinks and/or dinner to help welcome them! The date for this event is Friday, October 9. [more inside]
Big Quiz Thing Needs More Taters
Hey folks, the Big Quiz Thing is happening next Monday 9/21 in Harvard Square at the Oberon. Anyone wanna help me take a shot at learnin' them all a thing or three? Not sure what the exact format is, but here's an overview, and if you have an iPad, even better, you can be our captain! Free admission, doors open at 7pm, no registration needed.
Trivia @ Canal Bar
Hey there, NYC MeFites! My wife and I will be filling in as trivia hosts this Wednesday at dog-friendly Gowanus watering hole Canal Bar and it would be great to meet some of you as we stumble our way through what will no doubt be a gaffe-prone debut.
This is a clever joke about Trivia
You know the drill, my tater friends. Wednesday. 7:30pm. Joe Sent Me, Cambridge. Geeks Who Drink. Questions. Prizes. Fun. [more inside]
Light Straw Clay Work Party! Someday!
We're building a house! This summer! Here! In Portland! And we'll be using light straw clay! You can help! [more inside]
Housewarming/beer & soda tasting party at Horace Rumpole & DiscourseMarker's
Help us warm our new house and celebrate DM's birthday with a beverage tasting of tasty beverages. Bring your favorite beers and/or exotic sodas (Moxie!) and we'll have a few of our own. Bonus activities include board games and noshing.
Note: location approximate. We'll memail those who RSVP with the exact address. [more inside]
Cambridge is kicking our ass, Portland. We need more meetups.
I was thinking we should have a game day/evening here in Portland again. Any suggestions for days/times/locales?
Just cards, like that one time that devolved into cards against humanity?
Board games? Which also usually devolves into cards against humanity.
How do we feel about just playing cards against humanity, or do we not want to do that at all? [more inside]
I would like to meet some London mefites in April.
I moved to London last year but I have not managed to meet up with any London mefites yet, I feel like it would be fun to go to a pub and meet you guys. Perhaps we can bring board games or card games to play? The Penderel's Oak is a pub(wetherspoons) in the centre that I know is nice and big - would anyone like to have a london mefi meetup there next month?
Edit: OK, 5th of April Then, I will bring a sign with a mefi logo on it and will be there from 7 till whenever. Please bring games if you have them. :)
Ice skating
ICE SKATING! [more inside]
Blackwolf Beach/Three Mefites...one band
Hey, our (capnsue, josher71, petulant beard) band, Blackwolf Beach is playing at Grand Victory in Brooklyn at 8pm on the 21st of September. It would be awesome to see some mefites there and have an impromptu meetup of sorts. We are from Baltimore but would love to meet some NYC mefites. We will answer any and all questions relating to Charm City.
We have a facebook and a bandcamp if you would like to check us out to see what you are getting into or make sure you don't hate us.
It's a show with Cut Up Cult.
Stewriffic makes it a trifecta!
Sunday, September 29, Stewriffic will be back on the Peninsula for another visit. Let's all get together and say hi! [more inside]
JTTEOTN 2013 - it's a giant game of tag (for grown ups) across the city. I will be running a checkpoint. You should come play!
Fun in London
Harlem Street Festival!
The original "Let's Walk Broadway" meetup has been postponed until more reasonable temperatures return. But there's a nifty little street carnival happening in my neighborhood that was along the original route. We should check it out! [more inside]
CHIKARA: "The Case Of The Bulletproof Waldo" at the LSA
Pueblo's First Show @ Bella Cafe
My band, Pueblo, is debuting as part of the STPP festival (fb) in DC. It's a rare free show, and it's our first! It'll be zany and great. [more inside]
Strictly Canadian
Strictly Canadian - vintage Canadian music of all genres and $4 shots! [more inside]
Strictly Canadian
Strictly Canadian - vintage Canadian music of all genres and $4 shots! [more inside]
Friday Night Fuzzbox presents TAX DAY SHAKEDOWN
Our first Friday night was a success, so we are doing it again!
Some people say that taxes are the price we pay for civilization. Now that they're paid for the year, join us* in throwing off civilization's shackles. [more inside]
We've been invited back to Late Bar! Come dancing! It's only natural. [more inside]
Space Ball
Post-New Year's party for those who have to work on 12/31 or just want to have more fun. [more inside]
Let's show Scalefree a good time!
If you are unaware of Scalefree's situation, you can check out his Askme question, and my subsequent Metalk post. Let's head to the Standard Tap sometime soon to show him a merry time! [more inside]
CHIRP's DJ Emily* and myself will be playing music from 10pm - 4am while el Santo fights evil on the projection screen**. [more inside]
Boardgaming at Dragon*Con
How about a "rolling" meetup to play board, card and role-playing games in the ginormous gaming room at Dragon*Con? [more inside]