225 posts tagged with Chicago.
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Chicago: Brit YouTuber Meetup at O'Shaughnessy's
I regret I never made it to a Chicago Goat meetup. But I may actually make the trip from the north suburbs to meet one of my favorite London mudlarkers, Nicola White, who is coming to town to meetup with Brycefoot, who does Geocaching and related stuff locally. I don't know how much this might appeal to some of my local Mefites - or even if it doesn't - if you want a reason to get out for a bit, then come on out! [more inside]
We Won't Go Back: Rally to Defend Abortion Rights: Chicago
Protest Chicago
Supporting Organizations: Chicago for Abortion Rights, Chicago NOW, Gay Liberation Network, IL NOW, Women's March Chicago & others [more inside]
Chicago's Lincoln Park Zoo: Pride-themed "Adults Night Out"
My spouse and I are planning to attend the Lincoln Park Zoo's Adults Night Out event on June 26. Tickets are $20 and may sell out.
We'll be socially distanced, wearing masks, and fully vaccinated. The venue looks like it should be reasonably safe, perhaps aside from lines for the cash bar.
If anyone else is interested in going, it would be fun to meet up in person.
I’m in Chicago again! (also: help!)
I will be in Chicago for a week starting tomorrow 8/1, because I have to retake the stupid blasted exam that kept me from graduating med school because it was misadministered. First Wednesday meetup on 8/7! [more inside]
Mefi20 Chicago - Picnic in Smith Park
Happy 20th! Chicago-area Mefites will celebrate with a picnic in Smith Park, on the West Side. [more inside]
It's raining goats
First Wednesday is upon us, which means it's time for the monthly Chicago meetup at the Billy Goat Tavern! [more inside]
Music Improv Performance (at the same building as Second City)
Goat Milk Goddesses - a new music improv team formed with my classmates. We'll improvise a short musical. There's an opening non-music improv act. You get what you get. [more inside]
The Distillers @ Metro Chicago Weds May 23rd
Extra ticket: Read all about it. [more inside]
Hello Chicago!
I’ll be in Chicago next week and I’d love to meet everyone! Details inside. [more inside]
First Wednesday, a Filmways presentation, darling*
It's the 102nd anniversary of Zsa Zsa Gabor's birth. Celebrate by slapping a cop joining us at the Billy Goat for our monthly revelry. [more inside]
ocherdraco in Chicago
Hello friends! I’m in town for an interview, and am sticking around through next week. I’d love to meet up with folks (anyone know of a good bar trivia night?) UPDATE: We’re on for Riddle Me That on Tuesday evening!
SSSCSSCC on a Thursday? VOTE! (Benefit for Chicago Votes)
So though the Second Saturday Second City Stand-Up Sanity Check Committee has been silent for a few months (though I know many of us have not been inactive), the Long Room (which has hosted us many times) and 5 Rabbit Brewery are hosting a benefit for Chicago Votes. Let's hang before the weekend [more inside]
The Collider Improv Competition (with the Dunning-Kruger Effect)
Seven teams enter, one team leaves with a prize. Plus there's food. And an excuse to hang out in a bar this Saturday. [more inside]
Chicago Suburbs Ice Cream (& hog dog) Social!
Join us for an ice cream social at the Village Green Park in Northbrook! Bring a picnic, or buy a hotdog, and have some ice cream. Park features shady grassy areas, picnic tables, and a great playground if you bring the kids! (The small McGees will be there.) Hang out and chat with the grownups, or rediscover your inner child on the playground (we won't judge). 1 block from Metra, free parking for drivers. [more inside]
Coco and Picnic at the Park
The Millennium Park Summer Film Series is showing movies (again) at the Pritzker Pavilion - bring a cheese plate or a bottle of something, a blanket to sit on, and be prepared to be EMOTIONALLY DESTROYED, courtesy Pixar. [more inside]
In Like a Lion, Out Like a Goat
First Wednesday is almost upon us, which means it's time for the monthly Chicago meetup! [more inside]
SSSCSSCC - The 2018 Primary Edition
As everybody who wrote postcards to voters until their hands cramped last month, the Illinois Primary is March 20th. Let's get together and discuss any questions we might have about the candidates and where our loyalties lie. Also BRUNCH! [more inside]
SSSCSSCC - So It's Been A Year
And we've made it through all 17 of the years that have passed since last November somehow. In the oldest tradition of Second Saturdays, let's get together on the Third Saturday to commiserate and even celebrate what we can. [more inside]
UB40 at Ravinia (7:30 concert start)
Second Something Um What Are We Calling This Now?
Looks like today is the current second Saturday. Maybe third? What's up?
Let's get together and help out the BarberQue folks throw a great event feeding, clothing, and giving haircuts to people who need them. [more inside]
The Return of SSSC: Second Saturday Second City Stand-Up Sanity Check Committee Part 6
So last month, the calendar and my dark mood got the best of me and we didn't get together for activism talk and grousing and camaraderie -- with food and drink!) Let's fix that this month at the Long Room. [more inside]
Food Depository repack -- June
Mike's March-End Art Part 2 - AIDS Art America
Along with the meetups we've had that are fun and/or political, let's end March with a couple of free art events (that are also fun and/or political, I guess.) Join me to tour AIDS Art America before it closes. [more inside]
Mike's March-End Art Part 1 - The Furies
Along with the meetups we've had that are fun and/or political, let's end March with a couple of free art events (that are also fun and/or political, I guess.) Join me for the premiere of The Furies, by King is a Fink Productions. The Furies is a series of five dance films that explore how social prohibitions against female anger limit self-actualization for women. [more inside]
5th Second Saturday Second City Stand-Up Sanity Check Committee Or 5thSSSCSSCC
We meet, we talk about and organize the resistance, we share some foods. [more inside]
Springtime drinks in Chicago
Hi y'all, I'm going to be in Lakeview/Boystown in the afternoon. I'm totally flexible on time and place as long it's 4 pm or later. I just picked the Long Room because we've been there before and they have food. Can't wait to see the Chicago Cabal again!
4th Second Saturday Second City Stand-Up Sanity Check Committee Or 4thSSSCSSCC
(except that it's gonna be on the 3rd Saturday again maybe)
Because of the holiday weekend and conflicting events, I'm suggesting we move this month's event to the Third Saturday. However, I'm open to other routes.
NOTE: Please see the changed location and the fixed time; garlic has generously volunteered to host this month and I'm generously taking him up on that offer.
Come watch me wince in pain!
I snagged one of the tattoo slots at the Field Museum Tattoo exhibit. Come keep baniak company! [more inside]
Chicago TGIF Happy/Sad/Terrified Hour
I'm going to be in Lakeview/Boystown on Friday, January 20 for some appointments. I'll be done with what I need to do by 2 pm at the absolute latest. Does anyone want to meet up anytime after that (I assume most of you work)? It's inauguration day (*shudders*) so we all may need a beer to cry into. If you don't want to cry, you can help me celebrate some (obviously unrelated) good news.
Food Depository Repack -- March
let's help the Greater Chicago Food Depository get food repacked so it's easier for them to distribute to hungry people. [more inside]
Third Second Saturday Second City Stand-Up Sanity Check Committee Or 3rdSSSCSSCC*
House MCNamara is still out of commission--we'll be meeting at the crush family compound. Contact me (email in profile or via MeMail) or MCMikeNamara for actual address. [more inside]
Second Second Saturday Second City Stand-Up Sanity Check Committee Or 2ndSSSCSSCC*
So Second Saturday is upon us sooner than I realized. And we're still getting together and chatting about our activism plans again like we did last month.
However, there's a slight change in plans... [more inside]
First Wednesday is Upon Us
First, we meet at the Original Billy Goat Tavern. Then we decamp for shenanigans. You should join us because the world is a terrible place, but the Goat is familiar and the Chicago Metahounds are the best folks around. [more inside]
DIY Messiah!
Who wants to come sing some beautiful music! Come to the DIY Messiah at the Harris theater in Chicago. [more inside]
Food Depository repack
let's help the Greater Chicago Food Depository get food repacked so it's easier for them to distribute to hungry people. [more inside]
Second Saturday Second City Stand-Up Sanity Check Committee Or SSSCSSCC*
So there's no way I would have made it through the last few post-election days without the support of my friends and family, especially seeing so many reactions that amounted to"WHAT CAN I DO?" and last night I was struck by all the youth hitting the streets, but, even as I was there, I wondered "what can I, an older person out of the activist game, do?" Here's what I came up with: [more inside]
Third Coast Conference!
Any public radio or podcasting MeFites gonna be in Chicago for the Third Coast Conference from Nov 11-13 at the Hyatt Regency McCormick Place? I'll be in from L.A. representing KCRW. Would be fun to have a lunch / drink / meetup at some point over the weekend, if we aren't already going to be stacked with plans. I haven't even looked at the schedule yet, but just throwing it out there. Would be fun to raise a glass with my fellow producers! (I'm also planning a field trip to the best bookstore in the world.)
There is no Chicago Cabal of Charity
We've been there, done that with RMH meals. We might be there, do that again (say in November). But in 2017, lets try some new charitable things we can do as a group. But what should they be? [more inside]
Save the 11 Bus! Destroy your liver!
Remember the 11 bus? Were you mad they discontinued it? Well, it's back! Temporarily, anyway, and a number of bars along the route have teamed up for 11 on 11: a beer explorer trek to bump up ridership. Join us for a full day of stupidity as we try to hit all 11 in one day because we are idiots. [more inside]
August: Goat County
This Wednesday is First Wednesday, which means Chicago will be gathering for another meetup at the Billy Goat. [more inside]
Pequod's for Pizza
Jessamyn is coming! Let's drink!
It's drinking season! Maybe we'll drink... yes, we'll drink. Join us for a chilly glass of rose at the City Winery on the Riverwalk. It'll be a delight!
Jessamyn is coming! Let's dance!
It's SummerDance season! Maybe we'll dance, maybe we'll just sit and watch. Maybe we'll dance, then sit, then watch, then dance again! Who's to say? But join us Sunday for a twirl about the park for Chicago's SummerDance... and don't forget your comfy shoes!
Independence Goat: Resurgence
This Wednesday is First Wednesday, which means Chicago will be gathering for another meetup at the Billy Goat. [more inside]
Independence Day: Resurgence will be having a special premiere-only double feature showing at 5pm on Thursday the 23rd! If you haven't seen the original, or if you're a superfan like me, THIS IS AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY! [more inside]
Eyebrows is coming to Chicago (well, Glenview)
Hey Chicago Mefites! I will be on a whirlwind tour of Chicago and environs in late June and I want to meet up! Unfortunately it has to be in the suburbs but I picked a bar with both parking and Metra access. [more inside]
G . O . A . T .
Let's get our act together and go, at the usual time, to the greatest of all taverns! (The Billy Goat.)
RMH brunch: May
Let's go to the Ronald McDonald house in Hyde Park and make brunch for the families of sick kids in May. [more inside]
Killer Queen
Killer Queen is a 5 player vs. 5 player arcade game. There is a machine at Logan Hardware at Fullerton/Western in Logan Square. Here is a video to get you acquainted with the game. [more inside]