197 posts tagged with Portland.
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Portland: Cards and beverages and foods

Greg_Ace's place is the.. the place! Saturday April 7, start showing up around 4PM or so. Bring some potluck-y foods (Greg will probably smoke some meats for us) and/or beverages (fermented or non). Gaming is going to be a mix of One Thousand Blank White Cards and Cards Against Humanity, and maybe even some regular cards. And who knows what else?!
posted by curious nu on Mar 23, 2012 - 99 comments

Lunch w/ MeFites

Let's do it again! [more inside]
posted by nickthetourist on Mar 13, 2012 - 12 comments

More Portland Pubbery: Irish pub edition

Going to be headed over to County Cork tomorrow night for ye olde Irish music around 7 (music is supposed to start ~7:30). Haven't been there for music before, but the food's pretty good and the beer list is alright. Parking might be a bit iffy, though.
posted by curious nu on Mar 8, 2012 - 12 comments

Lunch w/ MeFites @ Deschutes PDX

Are any Portland MeFites interested in a lunch meetup with other MeFites? [more inside]
posted by nickthetourist on Mar 4, 2012 - 27 comments

Parents of young children meetup

Mefi parents and their babies/toddlers meetup. A meetup for the rest of us! [more inside]
posted by rabbitrabbit on Mar 3, 2012 - 27 comments

TEDxConcordiaUPortland Theme: Becoming Extraordinary

Hi Portland! You are hosting a TEDx conference at the end of the month. I'll be there, and I'm wondering if anyone else would be and would like to meetup during the day. There's still tickets, so if you haven't heard of or thought of this yet, you might be interested. I'm going because the Communicatrix is talking, and then I found out Sugar from the Rumpus would be another speaker, so I'm both thrilled and expecting to cry in public.
posted by ansate on Mar 3, 2012 - 2 comments

Classic(al) Pub Fare on Leap Day

Delphinium Quartet at the Broadway McMenamins, Wednesday (Feb 29) evening at 6:30.
posted by curious nu on Feb 28, 2012 - 12 comments

Portland bowling

Grand Central Bowling, 3pm on March 18. Probably food/drink nearby afterwards.
posted by curious nu on Feb 13, 2012 - 68 comments

Ignoring the Super Bowl Party - February 5th, 2012

It's official. We will be ignoring the Super Bowl at Greg_Ace's house. [more inside]
posted by nickthetourist on Jan 3, 2012 - 100 comments

Portland happenings: OMSI After Dark

It is 2012! It is January! There should be a thing. The (first decided upon, but we could decide on others, or YOU could, you could just put it out there and see if it'll happen) thing is: OMSI After Dark, January 25, 6-10 PM.
posted by curious nu on Jan 1, 2012 - 51 comments

Post Xmas Meetup w/dhruva

dhruva mentioned in this thread that if we were to have a meetup while he's in town he'd finally get to meet some some PDX MeFites since previously he had been unable to make it. [more inside]
posted by nickthetourist on Nov 29, 2011 - 92 comments

PDX Gaming Meetup #9 (with whisky)

Another gaming meetup, but this time the theme is card games and there will be....WHISKY!!! [more inside]
posted by nickthetourist on Nov 1, 2011 - 138 comments

Standup Comedy in Portland - Sklar Brothers and msalt

I'm going to be hosting a week at Helium Comedy Club. Headliners are the Sklar Brothers -- regular guests on ESPN Sports Center, & former hosts of Cheap Seats on ESPN. They've appeared on many TV shows including Entourage, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and Grey's Anatomy (where they played conjoined twins). Also, they're funny. (Edited so it doesn't disappear before the last show Saturday) [more inside]
posted by msalt on Oct 6, 2011 - 5 comments

Bye Bye Lutoslawski

So Lutoslawski's leaving town to go do something kind of awesome. He's leaving some time around 6 October or so. I think we should have a beer or four or more to send him on his way. Me, I'm out of town from tomorrow through 29 September, so I'm proposing we get together somewhere (Green Dragon? East Burn?) on the weekend of 30 Sept / 1 Oct / 2 Oct. Are you fuckers in or out?
posted by dersins on Sep 21, 2011 - 56 comments

Shakespeare in Portland: King John

Northwest Classical Theater Company is putting on a production of King John, an apparently now-very-rarely performed play. Show starts at 7:30p and we're going on Saturday, November 5. You can purchase tickets through NWCTC's website, or you can call them and reserve a spot and pay at the door. [more inside]
posted by curious nu on Sep 5, 2011 - 15 comments

Portland barbeque/pot luck AND ALSO Metafilter music club: part deux

Greg_Ace's house! Music in the early afternoon! Food later! [more inside]
posted by curious nu on Aug 25, 2011 - 64 comments

BridgePort BrewPub MetaFilter MeetUp

I'm going to be in Portland this Sunday and would love to meet you folks. How about meeting at the BridgePort BrewPub for some afternoon beers before I catch the evening train back to Seattle? [more inside]
posted by grouse on Aug 22, 2011 - 12 comments

Pre-Labor Day Portland Backyard Beer & BBQ Meetup

DjangoCon is taking place in Portland the first week of Sept. (9/4--9/10) and I'd love to meet up with some Portland MeFites while I'm there! [more inside]
posted by estherbester on Aug 11, 2011 - 50 comments

Team MeFi Trivia?

Update: Tuesday's trivia is on at the Cruzroom, but we are still trying to find the best "everyone can make it" night / location.

My friend is behind ShanRock's Triviology and I just had a chance to compete last night at the Cruzroom off Alberta. Which has led me to the conclusion that we might want to try and put together our own Trivia team (or Teams) and compete. Would be a good excuse for a weekly outing.
posted by mrzarquon on Aug 3, 2011 - 21 comments

This Guy in Portland

Short notice! My partner and I will be in Portland from tomorrow evening (Tuesday, 19 July) to Saturday. I'd love to see if anybody is up for a night of dinner/drinks somewhere in the area. [more inside]
posted by This Guy on Jul 18, 2011 - 23 comments

Metafilter music club

Bring an instrument you like, play music together for a couple of hours. [more inside]
posted by curious nu on Jul 10, 2011 - 41 comments

MeFi PDX 12.0: Mondor Strikes Back

Portland 12.0: Enchanted Forest, Part 2. It's a Thing. Howzaboutit? [more inside]
posted by geckoinpdx on Jun 30, 2011 - 48 comments

MeFi Meetup at MC Frontalot show

Just like the last time MC Frontalot came to town, I'd like to see a healthy turnout of MeFi members in the audience and will buy a ticket for any MeFi member that shows up outside the club by 8pm when we'll go in. [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Jun 24, 2011 - 17 comments

Game Day in PDX!?

Play boardgames, drink beer, eat stuff. You know, the usual.... [more inside]
posted by nickthetourist on Jun 17, 2011 - 64 comments

BBQ At Cortex's, with Jessamyn!

Afternoon BBQ at cortex and Secretariat place, with Jessamyn, Sunday, June 12th. Starting around 3pm. Details inside. [more inside]
posted by mrzarquon on May 13, 2011 - 113 comments

Division Pub Crawl! (originally Coming to Portland!)

Me and baniak will be in Portland next month. Even though we here in Chicago consider PDX our IRL rival, we come in peace and want to see how it is possible your city can rival ours in meetups. So, a BAR CRAWL! [more inside]
posted by bibliogrrl on May 7, 2011 - 49 comments

Hello, Maine!

(The Rt Hon.) MP and I are coming to Portland this weekend, and would love to meet up with Portlanders on Sunday, May 1 before we leave around two-ish. Shall we do lunch, Portland?
posted by ocherdraco on Apr 28, 2011 - 5 comments

Portland Oregon - A Canadian Abroad

Hi Portland Oregon - I will be in your fair city April 12-16 for a conference. I was hoping to meet a few of you for beers on the evening of the 15th. [more inside]
posted by never used baby shoes on Apr 4, 2011 - 63 comments

Bridgetown Comedy Festival - Tabor Lounge I Showcase

Jon Daly (Jon Stewart, Conan, UCB, SNL)
Solomon Georgio (Seattle)
Don Frost (Portland)
Paul Jay (LA, Biggest Mistake podcast)
Marianne Sierk (LA, Live at Gotham)
Keith Lowell Jensen (famous atheist)

Hosted by Mark Saltveit (Metafilter, palindromes)

Solomon Georgio (lanky, very clever queer Ethiopian Seattlite) and Don Frost (blue collar stream of consciousness improv) are brilliant. I haven't worked with the other comics.

Bridgetown is one of -- if not THE -- best comedy festival(s) in the U.S. 180+ comics in 120+ shows at several venues along Hawthorne Street over several days (April 21-24th, 2011.) Plus long-form improv, sketch and live podcasts. These are the best "comics comics", not necessarily the Seinfelds and Chris Rocks', but some will get famous and all are doing great work right now. Margaret Cho, Andy Dick, Doug Benson, Oscar Nunez, Jimmy Dore, and Hannibal Buress you might know, but also don't miss Kyle Kinane, Kristen Schaal, Brent Weinbach, Moshe Kasher, Hari Kondabolu, Nick Thune, Auggie Smith, James Adonian, or Don Frost either. [So as not to be overdo it, I'm editing this first event to cover the show I'm hosting on Thursday night, at 10pm. ] [more inside]
posted by msalt on Apr 2, 2011 - 3 comments

Baghdad Comedy Show

I'm headlining the April Fools Day show at the fabulous Baghdad Theater, + Tim Hammer, Carmen Trineece, Bri Pruett, Will Woodruff
posted by msalt on Mar 31, 2011 - 2 comments

Board Game Night in PDX

Cascade Brewing Barrel House. Games include Dominion, Settlers of Catan, Zombie Dice, Fluxx, Set, 1000 Blank White Cards, Trivial Pursuit, Bananagram, etc. Beginners welcome!
posted by Specklet on Mar 15, 2011 - 22 comments

heeeraldo + boyfriend + portland + beers.

After years of threats and/or promises, I'll be in Portland from the 18th to the 23rd of April, and I'd like to meet you fine folks over some local brews! [more inside]
posted by heeeraldo on Mar 14, 2011 - 69 comments

Another Board Game Sunday in Portland

Come play Dominion, Settlers of Catan, Zombie Dice, Fluxx and more! [more inside]
posted by Specklet on Mar 8, 2011 - 18 comments

Rooftop Comedy's National College Competition - Round One!

ATTENTION, PORTLANDERS! Tomorrow night is the first round of Rooftop Comedy and TBS's National College Comedy Competition. I am a member of Evergreen State College's stand-up comedy team - my comrades and I are traveling south tomorrow to take on PSU at Portland's Helium Comedy Club! Tickets are $5. How busy could you possibly be on a Wednesday night? Too busy to come check out a dirt cheap comedy show? Balderdash! [more inside]
posted by EatTheWeek on Mar 1, 2011 - 0 comments

Board Game Sunday in Portland

The sequel to the board game night of February 10th. Let's nurse our Saturday night hangovers with the hair of the dog and some board games! *Update* Both March 6th and March 13th are on! [more inside]
posted by Specklet on Feb 16, 2011 - 24 comments

Portland Meetup!

We're planning on visiting Portland to scout out areas we might move to, while we're there we'd love to share a beer with some of the local mefites. Our schedules are essentially wide open at the moment, we'll get in Friday - Feb 25 and depart Monday the 28th. [more inside]
posted by iamabot on Feb 7, 2011 - 53 comments

Mid Week Board Game Night in PDX

In order to survive the cold damp winters of Portland, I suggest we try to coordinate a midweek game night somewhere around town. [more inside]
posted by mrzarquon on Jan 22, 2011 - 73 comments

Standup Comedy: Ben Bailey & Me

I'm appearing at Helium Comedy Club with Ben Bailey of the TV show "Cash Cab", Thursday at 8pm, Friday and Saturday at 7:30pm and 10pm. Word on the street is that he's very funny and not especially like he appears on the show.
posted by msalt on Jan 11, 2011 - 0 comments

Happy New Year at HUB?

Anyone up for a meetup at Hopworks Urban Brewery? [more inside]
posted by nickthetourist on Jan 1, 2011 - 31 comments

Standup Comedy @ Helium in Portland, OR

I'll be appearing at Helium Comedy Club in Portland this week, with Tony Deyo and Dan Cummins. Shows are at Thursday, Dec. 2 8pm; Friday, Dec. 3rd, 7:30pm and 10pm; and Saturday Dec. 4th 7:30pm and 10pm. Also, Tuesday, Nov. 30th 8pm I'm hosting the open mic there (no cover charge).
posted by msalt on Nov 29, 2010 - 4 comments

Proposed Meetup Thingy

Saturday, November 27th. [more inside]
posted by nickthetourist on Nov 20, 2010 - 31 comments

Thanksgiving dinner potluck for PDX "orphans"

I figure since I consider Thanksgiving to be a great excuse for me to go nuts cooking anyway, I'd see if there are any local Mefites who are - like me - at loose ends family-wise and have no other plans for Turkey Day. My apartment can probably accommodate about 8 people comfortably, but if the response is greater than that and someone has the means (and willingness) to host a larger gathering, that's cool too. We can figure out the exact logistics and time but what I had in mind was an afternoon+early evening potluck sort of thing.
posted by Greg_Ace on Nov 6, 2010 - 13 comments

Mad Blood House Party

Lutoslawski and I are Mad Blood (so far), a raucous, rockish band in its formative year, donating a show to support our local theatre endeavors. He is a classical composer with a gift for keys; I holler a lot. We are playing in the basement of our home Saturday night! [more inside]
posted by JaiMahodara on Oct 22, 2010 - 1 comment

Tugboat! PDX meetup at Tugboat!

Let's all go to Tugboat and buy idiosyncratic beer from their awesome staff! [more inside]
posted by cortex on Oct 1, 2010 - 56 comments

Hey Portland, a meetup soon?

There hasn't been one in a few weeks. How about 25-September? [more inside]
posted by nickthetourist on Sep 5, 2010 - 57 comments


Portland meetup with brujita
posted by brujita on Jul 31, 2010 - 8 comments

MeFi 11th Anniversary

This July 17th, in Portland, OR, is going to be an 11th Anniversary Meetup. Be here or be square. [more inside]
posted by pb on Jun 16, 2010 - 85 comments

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