79 posts tagged with Portland and meetup.
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Portland Metro Outside Do @ Bye and Bye
Even before the MetaTalk post I was thinking about posting something outside (cart pod? Beer garden? Other?) for our fair city. [more inside]
Portland, persevering on a patio
It’s been ages, we survived the heat, things are open, let’s hang out. [more inside]
Want to meetup for a donut with an old fool?
I'm going to be in Portland for a few days at the end of the week and I figured I'd visit Voodoo Donuts Bijou Cafe on 3rd. I'll be there Saturday at 9 am if you'd like to have a meet-up. [more inside]
Portland XOXO + Mefi meetup!
XOXO fest is right around the corner! Let's meet up at Cascade Brewing on Thursday, in advance of the opening party. [more inside]
Hangin' out in Portland
The weather's getting a bit nicer. Want to hang out and grab a drink?
Stamps + paper + scissors + glue = valentines!
Will you be my valentine.... making pal? [more inside]
MeFi @ XOXO'18
XOXO is happening this week in Portland – we're going to meet up at Ex Novo Brewing on Thursday before the festival opens! [more inside]
MeFi 19th Birthday meetup at cortex's place!
Hey, MeFites of Portland and Portland-adjacent places! Haven't seen some of you in a while, and others of you literally ever, so, heck, let's do something about that on Saturday, July 21st, with a relaxed, no-biggie meetup at my place in North Portland to celebrate 19 years of MetaFilter! [more inside]
mr zippy goes to pdx
i'm in Kerns sunday (aka today) and free at 5pm. wanna meet? i'll be at crema at 5.
Hello Portland!
My journey has gotten me finally to the Pacific Northwest and I am slowly making my way up the coast. I should be in Portland on the 17th and I’m staying for a record breaking 2 weeks! I have long wanted to visit this hotbed of Metafilter, can we all get together for drinks or food or, I don’t know, it’s your city, you tell me where and when!
Public Talk and/or Beer
I'm giving a public lecture on NW Coast Archaeology at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI) on October 3rd at 7.45 (This link says 7.00 but there is an AGM first, I think). It's free and open to the public. If you come, be sure to say hi.
I'm also in Portland the next day (October 4) and if anyone was interested in meeting for an after-work beer that would be fun - but I'm staying near Gladstone/Jennings Lodge so don't know how feasible that is, I don't know Portland at all.
O hai PDX
Portland! LoRichTimes and I will be visiting from April 12 - April 15 and we would love to meet some locals and have a drink and chat about nothing! Come hang out at Breakside Pub at 7PM on Friday the 14th! [more inside]
Out-of-towner low-key visit
I'll be in Portland on business the week of December 5th and would like a chance to meet-up with some fellow MeFis for a beer and food one night. [more inside]
Maine Cheerup Get Together
Ok well that election was a shitshow. Anyone in the Portland/Southern Maine area want to get together December 10th and have a lowkey cheerup chat/snack? [more inside]
I know this is ridiculously last-minute, but I'll be at a loose end in Portland, Maine this Friday. [more inside]
Bojack Season 3 viewing
Lets get together and watch some of Season 3 of Bojack Horseman. It will be available on Netflix starting this Friday the 22nd. [more inside]
Meetup at The Abbey!
We haven't had a PDX-area meetup in a few months.
I think we should remedy that. [more inside]
Pre-holiday craziness meetup!!!
The holiday season is nearly upon us (say it ain't so!), so we are having a meetup before things get too crazy! [more inside]
The "other" Portland, let's meet up!
So it looks like the other meetup got canceled, but the wife and I will be in town this weekend! Anyone interested in Saturday dinner/drinks? [more inside]
PDX Chocoluck Dinner Party
The ketchup meetup reminded me that I wanted to throw a chocolate party! How about Halloween?
OK! A Chocolate Potluck it is! [more inside]
PDX ketchup meetup
Or is it catsup? I got some really great homemade ketchup a few years ago and thought it would make a pretty swell meetup opportunity, a la the marmalade meetup or the dilly bean meetup. [more inside]
It's Time!
For another meetup....
The Loyal Legion it is!
err....Now it's the Leisure Public House!
Scratch that....now it's the Loyal Legion again, hopefully for real real. [more inside]
Roadtripping through Portland (hiking + lunch)
Details added: Tryon Park, then lunch somewhere in Sellwood.My plan is to slowly amble through the nature center and the trees at a leisurely place. More ambitious hikers can charge ahead! Memail me if you need my number. (You're welcome to just join us at the restaurant, too.) [more inside]
I'll be in Portland this weekend! (Apr 3-5)
Anybody want to do something? We're from New Orleans. We'd like to bicycle around and do stuff.
Sunday Brunch - Homestead edition
We've had meetups for Sunday brunch, we've had meetups for making things. Let's combine the two and have a meetup for making brunch!
Waffles! Juices! Maybe bloody marys! [more inside]
Waffles! Juices! Maybe bloody marys! [more inside]
Post-Thanksgiving gathering?
Who's up for a post-Thanksgiving, pre-Xmas meetup? [more inside]
Meetup at The Mash Tun
This New Englander will have some free time in Portland next month and I've never met the local MeFites. After some discussion we've settled on talk and drinks and food at The Mash Tun Brewpub on Alberta. We'll start around 6pm and stay there until we feel the need to walk the block to Salt and Straw or somewhere else the locals suggest. See you soon!
Portland, ME food and drink
Hi! We'll be meeting up (some of us for the first time in Portland!) at Great Lost Bear on Saturday, 10/4, at 4 pm. We'll be bringing our one-year-old daughter, and hope you'll bring your young kids as well! (Of course you're welcome to bring your old kids but they probably don't want to be seen with the likes of us.) Food, beer, whatever...it's going to be superb.
New England Vacation time Part II - Portland Boogaloo!
I'm going to try and get to Maine on the last day of my New England Vacation trip with my grandson. Any meetup takers? I suggesting next Thursday or Friday the 21st or 22nd of August. Ideas?
I've updated it to the Great Lost Bear on Friday. Changes are still possible, but I'll be on the road after tomorrow.
Metafilter Oregon Coast Labor Day Weekend Beach Party Meetup: Lincoln City Edition
There will be: food! games! music! probably drinking! definitely fire on the beach! camaraderie! et cetera et cetera. Spreadsheet! [more inside]
New to New England
Good lord, I seem to have up and moved cross-country to a place where I know only one person! Help me feel like this was a good decision by meeting up with me and showing me what awesome folks Maine Mefites are. Anything West End or Old Port works for me, I know a few places for drinks/dinner but would love to try someplace new. I'm going to toss out Jan 23-26 as open days just to get things started.
Edit: we've settled on Saturday 2/1, daytime.
Drinking with[out] men's underwear on in Portland
I'm going to be visiting family in the Portland area between November 27th and December 3rd, and I would love to gather sometime toward the end of my trip. A few weeks ago in MetaChat, Lutoslawski told me about a bitchin' sounding men's underwear emporium called UnderU4Men in downtown Southwest Portland.
While we don't have to all buy men's underwear at the same time, it would be cool to time that visit with some mefi-jam-packed local beers and cocktail magic drinkies out on the town. I've not been to Portland in a few years, so please suggest some fabulous places for our extended temporal collision. Suggestion of potential activities beyond mere ingression is of course also welcomed. Looking forward to it! [more inside]
PDX visitor interested in a DC meetup!
Hey all, I'm gonna be in DC for a work conference December 3-7, and I'd be interested in meeting a few of y'all. Maybe the afternoon or evening of Friday December 6? [more inside]
PDX, are you up for a challenge?
...the Challenge of Mondor, that is? It's been a few years since the last Enchanted Meetup, and figured maybe it was time for another. [more inside]
Post-camping AND non-camping meetup!
Whether you made it to the MetaFilter Mt. Hood camping trip or not, how about we all meet up the week after? Victory Bar, 7.30 pm on Saturday, September 21st. [more inside]
Beach Discussion Meetup at Hopworks?
Oregon Coast excursion (cancelled for now)
Maybe next year! [more inside]
Human Power Challenge
Oregon Human Powered Vehicles is hosting the annual Human Power Challenge at Portland International Raceway. [more inside]
Portland Oregon - A Canadian Abroad II
Hi Portland! I will be visiting your lovely city June 2-4, and I had a lot of fun meeting some of you the last time. [more inside]
Hello, Portland.
Hello, Portland. I find myself unexpectedly in your vicinity for a few days. So, uh, you want to hang out or whatever? [more inside]
Portland OR this Thursday: both please!
I'm in Portland until Friday and would love to meet some of you people for an impromptu meetup on Thursday night.
UPDATE: Victory Bar, 3652 SE Division Street, 7.30 pm. [more inside]
PDX "we haven't been to Green Dragon in awhile" pub meetup
...we haven't been to Green Dragon in awhile! Let's do that again. We can play that old favorite, "Which of these beers that we finally decided on aren't actually available, despite the fact that this list was printed half an hour ago?"
BridgePort BrewPub MetaFilter MeetUp II: Drink Local Brew
I'm going to be in Portland this Saturday and would love to meet you folks again. How about meeting at the BridgePort BrewPub for some afternoon beers before I catch the evening train back to Seattle?
Bushwhacker cider bar
Labor Day BBQ at mrzarquon's (with L.A. refugees in attendance)
Hello, Portland! Mr. Scody and I will be visiting your fair city over Labor Day... anyone interested in a get-together to celebrate the holiday, grill various foodstuffs, sing a chorus or two of "Solidarity Forever," etc.? [more inside]
Portland pub meetup
Generic pub meetup! Bazi @ 4pm on Saturday, September 8. [more inside]
Occupy Podnah's! (Tasting the local BBQ in Portland)
Downtown PDX Lunch Meetup
Another downtown lunch on Wednesday? [more inside]
PDX Bowling
Grand Central Bowling, 3:30pm, May 19th. [more inside]
PDX Lunch Downtown
Anyone up for lunch downtown on Tuesday, April 24th? [more inside]
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