6 posts tagged with portland by fiercekitten.
Displaying 1 through 6 of 6.
Portland Metro Outside Do @ Bye and Bye
Even before the MetaTalk post I was thinking about posting something outside (cart pod? Beer garden? Other?) for our fair city. [more inside]
PDX ketchup meetup
Or is it catsup? I got some really great homemade ketchup a few years ago and thought it would make a pretty swell meetup opportunity, a la the marmalade meetup or the dilly bean meetup. [more inside]
Sunday Brunch - Homestead edition
We've had meetups for Sunday brunch, we've had meetups for making things. Let's combine the two and have a meetup for making brunch!
Waffles! Juices! Maybe bloody marys! [more inside]
Waffles! Juices! Maybe bloody marys! [more inside]
PDX dim sum again?
Dim sum was awesome last time, does anyone want to meet up for it again? Maybe we could try a Saturday? Or get there around 10am since the line is CRAZY. [more inside]
Cambridge is kicking our ass, Portland. We need more meetups.
I was thinking we should have a game day/evening here in Portland again. Any suggestions for days/times/locales?
Just cards, like that one time that devolved into cards against humanity?
Board games? Which also usually devolves into cards against humanity.
How do we feel about just playing cards against humanity, or do we not want to do that at all? [more inside]
Portland dining meetup for dim sum
It's been a while since we had a food oriented meet up. I think the last one was when we went to Podnah's for BBQ. Is anyone up for dim sum some night next month? Dim sum is usually eaten in a large group so why not! [more inside]