164 posts tagged with TINCC.
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First Wednesday: November Vote for the Goat
After a few months of trying elsewhere, we're returning to the Billy Goat for this first Wednesday because 3 years ago we were here for the Cubs winning the World Series and also we haven't found a better permanent place. I'll be there after work around 6 and we'll be there for a few hours probably and then I'm planning on heading up to Carol's Pub for karaoke and burgers. [more inside]
First Wednesday Rebooting the Reboot
Sadly, the trivia night interfered with our new alternate First Wednesday plan. So we are trying another new thing this month! We hope that means some new faces! Kite String Cantina at 1851 W Addison (Addison at Wolcott). Sometime after work, say 5:30? [more inside]
A First Wednesday Experiment
It's First Wednesday again already! We're going to mix things up a little this month and try a new location very close to our traditional location. Meet us at the Red Star Bar inside Whole Foods Streeterville (255 E. Grand) for food and drink and excellent companionship. [more inside]
August Goat is a Go!
After work, we shall nonetheless gather at the Goat on this, the First Wednesday of August 2019. Tiny beers, grilled meats, unexpected party room complications! Wheel of Fortune. Internet jukebox. All this can be yours, if you join us. [more inside]
I’m in Chicago again! (also: help!)
I will be in Chicago for a week starting tomorrow 8/1, because I have to retake the stupid blasted exam that kept me from graduating med school because it was misadministered. First Wednesday meetup on 8/7! [more inside]
It's raining goats
First Wednesday is upon us, which means it's time for the monthly Chicago meetup at the Billy Goat Tavern! [more inside]
One World, First Wednesday, One Love (plus 20th Anniversary planning)
It's World Environmental Day and also Arbor Day in New Zealand, so since we can't go plant some trees there sadly, let's drown our sorrows for fellowship, beers tiny and otherwise, and hopefully Wheel of Fortune. I'm also commandeering this time to discuss what Chicago will be doing for Metafilter's 20th anniversary in July. Eventually, we'll dismiss to karaoke if the last ~10 years are anything to go by. [more inside]
Tiny Beers of the World, UNITE!
So First Wednesday being on May 1st means it absolutely snuck up on me. Let's celebrate International Workers' Day by meeting at the Billy Goat under Michigan Avenue and striking up conversation. [more inside]
April Showers Bring Tiny Beers
It's maybe-springtime and another First Wednesday is upon us. Let's gather for fellowship under Michigan Avenue at the Original Billy Goat. I'd love to see your face!
First Wednesday, a Filmways presentation, darling*
It's the 102nd anniversary of Zsa Zsa Gabor's birth. Celebrate by slapping a cop joining us at the Billy Goat for our monthly revelry. [more inside]
Ho! Saturnalia!
The First Wednesday of 2019 is soon upon us. Join us at the Goat for companionship and strange new tiny beers. We really would love to see your face, Don't be like Lyft drivers--don't look for us on Upper Michigan; we'll be on Lower. (Goddamn calendars) [more inside]
It's so Hard to Say Goat-bye
As always, we'll be starting at the Billy Goat on/under Michigan Avenue for tiny beers and gigantic bathrooms. Afterward... we'll just have to see.
Goating Is Easy, Calendars Are Hard!
The calendar has pulled that trick again where First Wednesday falls on the first of the month, which is...this week! That's very soon, but there's still time to make plans to join us at the Original Billy Goat Tavern for tiny beers and excellent company. Even if - especially if! - you haven't joined us before, we'd love to see you on Wednesday. [more inside]
Dinner and democracy
Come have dinner at my place 8/28 from 7-10 and we'll also write postcards to get out the vote, and tell our elected officials what we think. [more inside]
In Like a Lion, Out Like a Goat
First Wednesday is almost upon us, which means it's time for the monthly Chicago meetup! [more inside]
Medieval Times
Medieval Times in Schaumburg is now ruled by a queen. We must show our fealty. [more inside]
SSSCSSCC - So It's Been A Year
And we've made it through all 17 of the years that have passed since last November somehow. In the oldest tradition of Second Saturdays, let's get together on the Third Saturday to commiserate and even celebrate what we can. [more inside]
Remember, Remember the Goat of November
First Wednesday is on the first of the month in November! Don't let it catch you by surprise. Join us at the Original Billy Goat Tavern for tiny beers and excellent company. [more inside]
Here We Come A-Goatening
It's about to be first Wednesday again! Let's go enjoy burgers and tiny beers and excellent company. [more inside]
SSSCSSCC An Occassional Series: Peace March
The Nationwide Solidarity March For Peace falls on October's 2nd Saturday and I know some intrepid Second Saturday-ers were interested. Shall we go together? Meet afterwards for drinks and debrief? I suggest we meet at 11:30 near the Dunkin' Donuts, SE of Federal Plaza. The march details are the event details. The rest is in the comments. [more inside]
Second Something Um What Are We Calling This Now?
Looks like today is the current second Saturday. Maybe third? What's up?
Let Us Goat Then, You and I
Did you know this Wednesday is First Wednesday again already? Where did July go? Join us at the Original Billy Goat Pub for drinks and friendship! [more inside]
Let's get together and help out the BarberQue folks throw a great event feeding, clothing, and giving haircuts to people who need them. [more inside]
The Ocassional Third Saturday Return of SSSCSSCC: Second Saturday Second City Stand-Up Sanity Check Committee
Calendars are hard. Depression and holidays combining make them harder. But we're getting together this Saturday at the Long Room to decompress, cheer, drink, eat, be merry and/or pissed off. Come with ideas for a SUMMER PROJECT for us to tackle together! (Or share them here if you can't here.)
Oh hey, Wednesday is first Wednesday. So join us at the Original Billy Goat Tavern where we eat sandwiches, drink tiny beers, and talk about stuff and junk. Then possibly on an adventure to other places (I'm assuming, but have not confirmed, LiveWire Lounge for rockstar karaoke). We're friendly; you'd like us.
The Continuing Return of SSSCSSCC: Second Saturday Second City Stand-Up Sanity Check Committee
We're re-establishing the habit of meeting on the second Saturday to check-in. Cheer each other for fighting the good fight. Share what we've done since the last time and what's on the calendars for June. Offer tools and tips for resisting effectively. Provide emotional support when the persistence is flagging. And drink booze. And eat biscuits. [more inside]
Food Depository repack -- June
make bagged lunches for Inspiration Cafe
Live Goats!
Join us after work for tiny beers and cheeseburgers and delightful company at the Original Billy Goat Tavern under Michigan Avenue. You won't be sorry. Special half-tine stop at Cheesie's Pub for hard root beer floats! You *really* won't be sorry. [more inside]
Bacon Bomb VI: The Undiscovered Country Ham
Apparently some people didn't get enough advance notice for Bacon Bomb V, so for the next outing we're tying it directly to Daylight Saving Time so no one will forget:
Daylight Saving Time -> Sun -> Hot -> Bacon -> Bacon Bomb VI [more inside]
5th Second Saturday Second City Stand-Up Sanity Check Committee Or 5thSSSCSSCC
We meet, we talk about and organize the resistance, we share some foods. [more inside]
A-Goating We Shall Go
As is the other custom of our people, we gather at the Original Billy Goat Tavern, sip the tiny beers, quaff the tiny whiskeys, eat the beast (no fries). Then make the long journey to Live Wire, tip our bartenders generously and show each other the love. You know you want to.
Springtime drinks in Chicago
Hi y'all, I'm going to be in Lakeview/Boystown in the afternoon. I'm totally flexible on time and place as long it's 4 pm or later. I just picked the Long Room because we've been there before and they have food. Can't wait to see the Chicago Cabal again!
4th Second Saturday Second City Stand-Up Sanity Check Committee Or 4thSSSCSSCC
(except that it's gonna be on the 3rd Saturday again maybe)
Because of the holiday weekend and conflicting events, I'm suggesting we move this month's event to the Third Saturday. However, I'm open to other routes.
NOTE: Please see the changed location and the fixed time; garlic has generously volunteered to host this month and I'm generously taking him up on that offer.
Another First Wednesday at the Goat
First Wednesday is on that trickiest of calendar days this February - the first day of the month! Please join us at the Original Billy Goat Tavern, followed by karaoke later in the evening. Newcomers are always very welcome. [more inside]
Come watch me wince in pain!
I snagged one of the tattoo slots at the Field Museum Tattoo exhibit. Come keep baniak company! [more inside]
Food Depository Repack -- March
let's help the Greater Chicago Food Depository get food repacked so it's easier for them to distribute to hungry people. [more inside]
Third Second Saturday Second City Stand-Up Sanity Check Committee Or 3rdSSSCSSCC*
House MCNamara is still out of commission--we'll be meeting at the crush family compound. Contact me (email in profile or via MeMail) or MCMikeNamara for actual address. [more inside]
Live Goat on a Wire
First Wednesday of the month, first Wednesday of the new year! Bring your resolutions and drown them in a tiny beer (in a weird new glass) at the Original Billy Goat Tavern. Then adjourn to the Livewire Lounge (3394 N Milwaukee Ave) for karaoke of the finest sort. [more inside]
First Wednesday is Upon Us
First, we meet at the Original Billy Goat Tavern. Then we decamp for shenanigans. You should join us because the world is a terrible place, but the Goat is familiar and the Chicago Metahounds are the best folks around. [more inside]
DIY Messiah!
Who wants to come sing some beautiful music! Come to the DIY Messiah at the Harris theater in Chicago. [more inside]
Food Depository repack
let's help the Greater Chicago Food Depository get food repacked so it's easier for them to distribute to hungry people. [more inside]
November RMH Brunch
let's cook brunch for the families of sick kids. [more inside]
August: Goat County
This Wednesday is First Wednesday, which means Chicago will be gathering for another meetup at the Billy Goat. [more inside]
Ice Cream Social for Chicago!
So, there's not a Chicago Ice Cream Social. I proposed one. The votes are in! [more inside]
Jessamyn is coming! Let's drink!
It's drinking season! Maybe we'll drink... yes, we'll drink. Join us for a chilly glass of rose at the City Winery on the Riverwalk. It'll be a delight!
Jessamyn is coming! Let's dance!
It's SummerDance season! Maybe we'll dance, maybe we'll just sit and watch. Maybe we'll dance, then sit, then watch, then dance again! Who's to say? But join us Sunday for a twirl about the park for Chicago's SummerDance... and don't forget your comfy shoes!
RMH Brunch -- September
let's cook brunch for the families of sick kids. [more inside]
Independence Goat: Resurgence
This Wednesday is First Wednesday, which means Chicago will be gathering for another meetup at the Billy Goat. [more inside]
Ronald McDonald House, July edition
Let's make brunch for families of sick kids at Ronald McDonald House in July. [more inside]