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Escape from LAX; 15 MAR 9AM - 4PM

Hi! I'll be trapped at LAX on Friday, much of the day. Love to get out and see some of the city and its people. [more inside]

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8 maybe

Dungeons & Dragons

Want to get together and play some Dungeons & Dragons? [more inside]

3 attending
4 maybe

Hammer Museum (West L.A.)

Let's look at some modern art at the Hammer Museum, followed by snacks at the cafe! [more inside]
Los Angeles, CA at Hammer Museum, 2:30PM by Atrahasis - 14 comments

4 attending
11 maybe

Westwood lunch meet-up

MeFis, soup dumplings, scallion pancakes, stir-fried green beans, who could ask for anything more? Meet for a late lunch of authentic Northern Chinese food at Northern Cafe at 1064 Gayley Ave. in Westwood. Sunday, March 26 at 2 p.m. [more inside]

Past Events

5 attending
9 maybe

West LA Lunch Meetup

Lunch (maybe dinner) with mefites in/around West LA -- Chinese, maybe? [Update: On account of poster's crazy weeks at work, actual, firmly scheduled version is here!] [more inside]

2 attending
6 maybe

Cancelled - United Magyar House Dinner and Movie Night!

I just found out that the United Magyar House, a cultural center for Hungarians, does an open house dinner and movie night around 7 PM on fridays. I don't think we should miss it! [more inside]
Los Angeles, CA at United Magyar House, 7PM by bswinburn - 13 comments

1 attending
1 maybe

Meetup on an LA Weeknight Aug. 24-26 (Weds. through Fri.)?

I'm taking a trip up the West Coast and was wondering if any Mefites want to meet up! I've only been to LA once before and saw all the touristy Hollywood stuff (and had In-N-Out :D), so I think someone else will probably have to propose the place/activity . . . [more inside]

5 attending
11 maybe

Hello LA! And hello North African tacos!

Hello everyone! I'm going to be in LA for the first time in August, and I'm going to be there for 2 years pursuing a masters degree. My first priority, of course, is to meet Angeleno Mefites! I was thinking of going to Revolutionario: North African Tacos, because it looks yum! + cheap + good for groups. Also vegan/vegetarian friendly.
Los Angeles, CA at Revolutionario: North African Tacos, 7PM by facehugger - 28 comments

2 attending
5 maybe

LA: Monthly Games Meetup Proposal

Let's make this a regular thing! [more inside]
Los Angeles, CA by ApathyGirl on Apr 25, 2016 - 1 comment

6 attending
6 maybe

Lamb skewers and dim sum?

Feng Mao Lamb Kebab looks like the type of place that would really be best experienced in a large group. Never been there, but best as I can tell it's a place where you order dim sum to be delivered to the table to eat, while you roast lamb (and other) kebabs over little charcoal troughs. Anyone interested or am I going to have to do this alone? [more inside]
Los Angeles, CA at Feng Mao Lamb Kebab, 7PM by bswinburn - 23 comments

1 attending
1 maybe

"Rock n Roll Bike Skool" Fundraiser Party

Costume party at the Bicycle Kitchen! I thought some people might be interested in this. Plus, I'm helping them spread the word. It's a costume fundraiser party with some bands and DJs. The theme is werewolf high school(?). Tickets are $13 suggested donation. Please check out more info of the party. The fundraising is for this project.
Los Angeles, CA at Bicycle Kitchen, 8PM by dogstoevski - 1 comment

5 attending
15 maybe

Beer and sausage

I want to drink beer/cider/other stuff and eat sausage with you folks at the Red Lion Tavern sometime soon. [more inside]
Los Angeles, CA at Red Lion Tavern, 4PM by bswinburn - 25 comments

3 attending
3 maybe

Dead Authors Podcast Taping -- LAST SHOW!

I know there are a lot of fans of the Dead Authors podcast but making the 6:30 show time is hard for most people. Since this is the last taping of the series I thought people might want to plan ahead for a chance to go. [more inside]
Los Angeles, CA at Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre, 6:30PM by Room 641-A - 2 comments

5 attending
4 maybe

Garth Marenghi's Darkplace / Look Around You

WARNING: USE METRO - CLIPPERS ARE PLAYING AT STAPLES CENTER. You ask and we deliver! It's an evening of Garth Marenghi's Darkplace and Look Around You, projected on a bigger screen than either show's resolution probably warrants. Details inside. [more inside]
Los Angeles, CA at Grande Once, 7PM by rednikki - 17 comments

4 attending
3 maybe

zippy comes to venice beach and eats donuts

I'm visiting. Come have donuts with me at Primo's Saturday Apr 18 @ 11am!
Los Angeles, CA at Primo's Donuts, 11AM by zippy - 14 comments

10 attending
6 maybe

Badmaash II: The Maashination

It is long past time for another MeFi visit to everyone's favorite DTLA Indian Fusion Gastropub: Badmaash! [more inside]

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LA/Orange County meetup?

Assuming the weather holds tomorrow, I'll be in Orange County! Let's get together. [more inside]

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Lost in Los Angeles

I'm coming to Los Angeles for the first time ever January 11-16! I don't know what to see or where to eat, but I can't wait to be there and maybe meet some of you! [more inside]
Los Angeles, CA by Kimothy on Jan 5, 2015 - 9 comments

4 attending
6 maybe

Grand Central Market Game Nights -- Take two!

After checking in with Celsius1414 I'm re-posting this since it didn't get off the ground last time.

Food! Drink! Games! Friends! Food and drink and games and friends at the same time!


I stumbled across a mention of gaming nights at Grand Central Market in DTLA and tracked down this press release and then this page.

Game Night at Grand Central Market

Looking to unwind after a tough day at work? Searching for fast, amazing fare to satisfy your foodie cravings? Planning a non-cliche date night? Whatever your Downtown LA dilemma, the city's oldest food hub has your back.

Enter Game Night -- eat, drink and play every Thursday until 9 pm. Grab dinner and drinks from our late hours vendors over an assortment of classic and new games: ping-pong, cornhole toss, Jenga, Uno, Cards Against Humanity, Scrabble, and many more. Just head over to the Hill St. Platform to get started.

We broached the subject of a gaming night at our last meetup (mmmm ramen), so this "proposed" post is more of a means to continue that conversation than saying it should be here at GCM necessarily.

Update 9/5: The consensus during our Ethiopian food meetup conversation seemed to be that with everybody being spread out, it's difficult to make a game night plan on work nights. If someone else wants to propose game/trivia/movie meetups for their individual environs, that might be the better way to go. [more inside]
Los Angeles, CA at Grand Central Market, 6PM by Room 641-A - 40 comments

2 attending
2 maybe

Craft Night at CAFAM: Papermaking Workshop with Mark Montano

Last month jetlagaddict had the great idea to post an IRL for the block printing class at the Craft and Folk Art Museum. I had so much fun I've signed up for the Papermaking Workshop with Mark Montano and meant to post it here earlier. [more inside]
Los Angeles, CA at Craft and Folk Art Museum, 7PM by Room 641-A - 6 comments

5 attending
2 maybe

መልካም ምግብ (Ethiopian food!) - Meals by Genet

Scheduling for August 31st at 6:00 PM. Let me know if this works for folks. I'll look into reservations when we get closer to the time and have a better sense of who's able to come. Yay! [more inside]
Los Angeles, CA at Meals by Genet, 6PM by Celsius1414 - 39 comments

4 attending
4 maybe

(Grand Central Market) Game Nights

Food! Drink! Games! Friends! Food and drink and games and friends at the same time! [more inside]

6 attending
7 maybe

Los Angeles Museum + Art Crawl #4: Getty Villa

We had so much fun at Watts Towers (and the La Brea Tar Pits, as it turned out) today that we're hoping to organize another Museum and Art Crawl meetup at the Getty Villa sometime in August. Join us for the beach, art, and good company! [more inside]
Los Angeles, CA at Getty Villa, 12PM by Alterscape - 37 comments

6 attending
7 maybe

West Los Angeles: August 3rd @ Sawtelle and Olympic for delicious food.

So, over in the August August meetup thread, we've reached a consensus about meeting up at Sawtelle and Olympic in West LA for delicious Japanese cuisine on August 3rd. Let's plan it.

Update! Let's meet outside Tsujita Annex at 5pm on Sunday! If we have too many for Tsujita/Tsujita Annex, we can evolve from there.
Update #2! I mistyped '5' instead of '3.' Meetup is intended to be on Sunday, August 3rd. Updating now!
Update #3! It's been one of those weeks. 5pm, not 8pm. Apparently that's where the 5 in the date came from, heh. Cue nervous chuckle. [more inside]
Los Angeles, CA at Tsujita Annex Ramen, 5PM by Alterscape - 32 comments

1 attending
2 maybe

ASSSSCAT: Upright Citizen's Brigade improv show at the UCB Theatre

There are lots of great shows every week at UCB, but the logistics of a UCB meet-up are complicated: post-work traffic is a problem, especially for earlier shows; there are no physical tickets; people may be reluctant to buy tickets a few weeks out; and many of the most popular shows sell out almost immediately so proposing a meet-up once the monthly schedule is announced may well be too late. ASSSSCAT is perfect because we can choose a date at our convenience, the show is free, it's on a Sunday, which has been a good day for meet-ups, and it's not too late for a school night.
  • WHAT: ASSSSCAT, one of the best-known improv groups.
  • WHERE: UCB Theatre, Hollywood
  • WHEN: Sundays, 7:30*
  • COST: Free!
*Show starts at 7:30, and I think people start lining up around 6:30. [more inside]

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Meetup ideas for an august August?

Since the Getty Center IRL has yet to lock in a date for August; I'm going to un-RSVP to make the 10th more available so I thought we could try brainstorming some other ideas for the other upcoming weekends here. A few people are interested in catching a Dodgers game, and I've brought up going to catch the free UCB improv ASSSSCAT, which is free on Sundays. There's also rescheduling Ethiopian Food, and lots of other Art/Food crawl options. Any other ideas?

0 attending
9 maybe

Ethiopian Food at Meals by Genet, recheduled!

Due to a bunch of last-minute schedule conflicts, the Meals by Genet meet-up from last week has been rescheduled as a post-Watts Towers IRL dinner. [more inside]
Los Angeles, CA at Meals by Genet, 6PM by Room 641-A - 7 comments

10 attending
10 maybe

MeFi L.A. Museum & Art Crawl Part 3: Watts Towers

Let's go to Watts Towers! The Watts Towers structure consists of seventeen major sculptures of steel, covered with mortar and embellished by decorative finishings of mosaic tiles, glass, clay, shells, and rock. This folk art employs assemblage construction. There are three tall spires, several small towers, two walls, gazebo, patio, ship, and other structures. In addition to the towers, the The Watts Towers Arts Center is the home of International Ethnic Instrument Collection consisting of 144 primarily non-western instruments collected from around the world. Watts Towers on Wikipedia [more inside]
Los Angeles, CA at Watts Towers, 12PM by Room 641-A - 47 comments

1 attending
6 maybe

How about some Ethiopian food?

At last Sunday's dinner there was some interest in going for Ethiopian food and Sunday, July 6th seems to be a good date. I can't make this official without a venue, so here are links to the restaurants that have been mentioned: Nyala (open until 9:30) Messob (open until 11:00) Meals by Genet (open until 9:00) If you have a preference leave a comment. I'll wait until Sunday evening to post the official IRL, so at least that will give everyone a week's notice. [more inside]
Los Angeles, CA at Meals by Genet, 6PM by Room 641-A - 26 comments

11 attending
7 maybe

DTLA Indian Fusion Gastropub: I like all of those things!

Something to hold us over until the Watts Tower meetup in July, how about a trip to Badmaash, the awesome Indian gastropub in Downtown? Looks as if June 22nd works for more people. I'm also guessing earlier will make it easier for us to all get in, so I'm thinking 6 PM. Let me know if that doesn't work well for y'all. [more inside]

8 attending
18 maybe

Ars gratia artis!

After having so much fun at the recent Spaceship Endeavour! meetup, I thought I'd propose a similar venture to one of our grand LA art museums, choice and date TBD. UPDATE 5/4: It looks as if LACMA on June 1st will work out well for most. [more inside]

8 attending
11 maybe

Spaceship Endeavour!

Let's go see a spaceship at the California Science Center! [more inside]
Los Angeles, CA at California Science Center/Expo Park, 2PM by mandymanwasregistered - 51 comments

6 attending
3 maybe

DaShiv and Scody Birthday SPECTACULAR

Happy birthday to DaShiv and Scody at the beautiful and refreshing Sunset Beer Co. That's right, we're going back. And this time it's personal. [more inside]
Los Angeles, CA at Sunset Beer Company, 7PM by klangklangston - 22 comments

1 attending
2 maybe

Create A Diversion In Griffith Park

I need some folks to come out and run/walk/trudge/cartwheel through one shot of an episode of my web series. We are shooting in Griffith Park, on an easily accessed trail near a parking lot just up from the Trails Cafe, this Saturday, February 15, in the morning. [more inside]
Los Angeles, CA at Griffith Park/Trails Cafe, 11AM by Sara C. - 4 comments

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Gallifrey One

Are any other MeFites among the few thousand with tickets to Gallifrey One? If so, would you like to meet up? [more inside]

28 attending
21 maybe

Meetup at Sunset Beer in Echo Park

Prompted by a recent askme about meeting people in Los Angeles, let's meet up! [more inside]
Los Angeles, CA at Sunset Beer Company, 6PM by mandymanwasregistered - 125 comments

5 attending
0 maybe

cicLAvia! let's go ride a bike with 200,000 other Angelenos

It's time once again to congest a few streets with bikes instead of cars.

Meet near eastern side of Echo Park Lake
Time: 10am
Maybe we ride and get lunch along the way or something. Also possibly hang out on my patio in Echo Park afterwards.
Los Angeles, CA at Near Echo Park Lake, 10AM by mandymanwasregistered - 8 comments

2 attending
4 maybe

Welcome To Nightvale, live in LA

So, metafilter favorite "Welcome to Nightvale" is doing a live performance at Largo on October 4th with musical guest Sara Watkins. Guest stars TBA. Tickets on sale this Wed. The exact showtime hasn't be released yet Who wants to go? Maybe get some dinner and drinks first? Ticket details here Ticket Price: $25.00
Seats will be assigned beginning at 6:00pm, Doors open for drinks at 7:00pm, Showtime at 8:00pm.

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get (sweets/coffee/records/hype!) at Leisure Market!

Hey all-- looks like local record label Innovative Leisure is putting together a very musically-oriented vendor fair, with some great DJs from funk/rare-things maestro Egon to the dubstep dons of Smog (and a rare appearance by the legendary create digger and beat-maker, Madlib). It's happening tomorrow in Downtown. Since I work in the area, I'll probably walk to this thing, so would anyone like to meet up at Semi Sweet Bakery, get their (delicious) version of a cronut and head on over? Schedule of performers follows :) [more inside]
Los Angeles, CA at Culture Labs, 11AM by raihan_ - 1 comment

1 attending
0 maybe

Paul F. Tomkins' Dead Author podcast at UCB! Live taping! $5!

Dead Authors podcast Thanks to the miracle of science, very famous, extremely dead authors time travel to the present and are brought together to discuss their lives and works! But mostly, these dead authors fight like dead cats and dead dogs! And the audience gets to ask questions! That's you! YOU are the audience! I am saying you get to ask questions! INTERACTIVE!!! Moderated monthly by H.G. Wells (Paul F. Tompkins) This month's guest is William S. Burroughs (Kurt Braunohler) Buy tickets [more inside]
Los Angeles, CA at Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre, 6:30PM by Room 641-A - 1 comment

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Stand With Texas Women Solidarity Rally

WORD — Women Organized to Resist and Defend — is calling on all those who can to join the protest in Austin on July 1, and for those who can’t to organize and join solidarity actions across the country. [more inside]
Los Angeles, CA at LA City Hall - West Steps, 5PM by ApathyGirl - 3 comments

7 attending
2 maybe

Sunday June 23r: cicLAvia + kbbq festival

The mid-Wilshire convergence of a crapload of bikes, Korean BBQ and Pacific Standard Time: Modern Architectural Boogaloo. I propose we meet in the beer and wine (and makgeolli) garden. Or near it. At some point. [more inside]
Los Angeles, CA at Korean BBQ Festival Beer Garden (near Oxford Ave), 8PM by mandymanwasregistered - 17 comments

0 attending
3 maybe

Los Angeles! Eurovision viewing party (and optional cheese contest)

Eurovision Finals Screening and Cheese Contest
Saturday, May 18th
Doors at 11:30am; contest begins at 12 noon
Betalevel (if you haven't been, read the directions)
[more inside]

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Adobe Max... and you! And me.

Adobe Max is coming, in LA this year. Are you going? If so, do you want to have a brief meetup or just general hang-out at the Max Bash? I'm not a big Black Keys fan, but meeting with people of similar bent would be good.
Los Angeles, CA at Max Bash at LA Live, 7PM by mephron - 0 comments

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Gallifrey One Attendees

Going to Gallifrey One? Me too! Let's meet up. [more inside]

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Grammys Viewing?

Hi all! I don't get CBS at my place (weird, right?). Anyone wanna hang out somewhere in LA and watch the Grammys together? [more inside]
Los Angeles, CA by raihan_ on Feb 9, 2013 - 2 comments

1 attending
1 maybe

Everything is terrible! (@ the Cinefamily)

EVERYTHING IS TERRIBLE descends on the Cinefamily for an evening of the best, weirdest shit you've ever seen. More about Everything is Terrible can be found here. I will not do it justice. There is a 9:30 and a midnight showing, but midnight seems slightly ambitious, maybe? Tickets are $12, free for members. Buy your ticket in advance! (Don't be like me with the endeavor space shuttle visit, m'kay?)
Los Angeles, CA at Cinefamily, 9:30PM by ablazingsaddle - 3 comments

9 attending
6 maybe

Beer Belly Brunch

I just moved to Koreatown and mandymanwasregistered was all Oh you -have- to go to Beer Belly and I was all no way we have to go to Beer Belly and she was all Yeah for brunch! [more inside]
Los Angeles, CA at Beer Belly, 12PM by carsonb - 11 comments

6 attending
9 maybe

The One Where MeFi LA Visits the Shuttle

*EDIT* I changed the meetup time to 2:30 since that's when we'll be meeting, but you should still buy tickets for 3:00! The Space Shuttle Endeavor has just come to LA, and I'd love to get acquainted with it along with some fellow MeFites. There's a $2 ticket fee, you should buy your tickets for the 3:00 show here http://www.californiasciencecenter.org/ (we're meeting at 2:30 to organize ourselves before going in)
Los Angeles, CA at California Science Center, 2:30PM by sp160n - 24 comments

3 attending
1 maybe

Los Angeles Percussion Quartet at Atwater Crossing

So the LA Percussion Quartet, who were just nominated for a couple Grammys (!), is playing some new music for percussion and electronics, including pieces by James Tenney, John Cage, Ben Hackbarth, Shaun Naidoo, Daniel Lentz, and me! [more inside]
Los Angeles, CA at Atwater Crossing, 8PM by speicus - 6 comments