45 posts tagged with newyork and meetup.
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Mefites of Southern New England, We Need To Talk

Over beers, perhaps, or board games? [more inside]
posted by gauche on Feb 24, 2024 - 16 comments

Last minute trip to NYC. last minute meet-up!

I am celebrating my new job by escaping the smoke and jetting across the world to NYC on NYE. Any NY mefites want to hang with me and my friend Taff on 1/2 or 1/3? (Check out my American style dates!) [more inside]
posted by misfish on Dec 29, 2019 - 21 comments

October 6 in Manhattan at Pongal

Let's get dinner Sunday at 6:30 at Pongal!
posted by ChuraChura on Sep 27, 2019 - 26 comments

Subway art meetup?

Update: Would October 19th (Saturday) work for people? Can propose other dates if not. I would want to do either a Bronx line (2, 4, or 5) or the J train from Kosciuszko on out. [As I mentioned in Metatalk I have been taking pictures of all NYC's subway art. Another Mefite expressed interest in joining me one day. Maybe you'd like to join me too?]
posted by ferret branca on Jul 18, 2019 - 1 comment

Brooklyn Dim Sum 2 Electric Boogaloo

January isn't over yet, and you can never have too much dim sum, so, how's about an encore? Same bat time, same bat channel -- Bamboo Garden [more inside]
posted by oh yeah! on Jan 19, 2019 - 15 comments

2019 January dim sum NYC

The time for happy birthday dim sum is here - this year at Bamboo Garden, in Sunset Park, Brooklyn.
posted by oh yeah! on Jan 1, 2019 - 22 comments

2018 January Birthday Dim Sum NYC

Dim sum time is here again - this year, ferret branca and I want to meet up at Buddha Bodai on Mulberry Street (yelp page), how about you? [more inside]
posted by oh yeah! on Jan 2, 2018 - 18 comments

Jaws Screening at the UPCA

Anybody interested in seeing Jaws on the big screen at the UPCA? They will begin with a 'beach party', then a Q&A with 2 shark experts. Tickets are $10 online, $15 at the door. If you've never been to the UPCA, it is a beautifully restored movie palace (previously on IRL). [more inside]
posted by oh yeah! on Aug 3, 2017 - 3 comments

Let's chit chat!

I'm interested in planning a meet up where people can chit chat and get to know each other. I've never been to a meet up so I don't really know how these things go. I would say we could go to a chill bar as long as they have non alcoholic drinks. If anyone has other ideas, those would be great too. Proposed time: early evening, in a week or so. Does anyone have preferences for time and day?
posted by starlybri on Jun 20, 2017 - 29 comments

I'm in the city—let's meet up on May 6!

I'm in the city and have a four-day weekend open May 5 through 8. yeahlikethat and netaustin are my hosts for various parts of this trip, and I'd love to meet anyone who's game! Work is near the Flatiron, but I'll be staying in Astoria most of the time I'm here. Proposal: Meeting at Haymaker in Chelsea on Saturday, May 6, in the afternoon or evening for drinks and/or a meal. [more inside]
posted by limeonaire on Apr 30, 2017 - 20 comments

Giving Best Bar In The World a Boost

In past threads on the blue I've nicknamed my local, Putnam's Pub and Cooker, "Best Bar In The World". Wanna come have brunch and see what I'm talking about? It's reopening after a fire and needs a little extra love right now. [more inside]
posted by EmpressCallipygos on Mar 4, 2017 - 32 comments

Birthday-ish Brooklyn Dim Sum 2017

January is here, so, ferret branca and I want to have dim sum with mefites again, at delicious Pacificana in Brooklyn. The more the merrier (and the smaller the final tab, usually), who's in? (previously) (moved to February so as not to coincide with Chinese New Year's Day) [more inside]
posted by oh yeah! on Jan 10, 2017 - 34 comments

Mefites Eat Barbeque and Watch Bernie Williams' Band!

Barbeque, Bernie Williams, and metafilter: let's meet at the pedestrian plaza next to the Flatiron Building opposite Madison Square Park at 2PM, and then head to the Big Apple Barbecue Festival. I'm not able to make it to this anymore, but if anyone ends up going, have fun! [more inside]
posted by ChuraChura on Apr 22, 2016 - 19 comments

New Salon NYC - Meeting #5

Interested in good conversation? Exploring ideas? Reading the odd article to jumpstart a thoughtful exchange? Then join us for the next Salon—now in Brooklyn—on Wednesday, March 16, 2016. [more inside]
posted by Violet Blue on Mar 4, 2016 - 2 comments

Dim Sum - January Birthday feast

It's the time of year again for some happy birthday dim sum for me and ferret branca at Pacificana in Brooklyn, who's in? (previously) - UPDATE, rescheduled to Sunday the 31st due to possible snowstorm.
posted by oh yeah! on Jan 6, 2016 - 15 comments

An Irish wake for Terry Pratchett

A meetup in the memory of Terry Pratchett. It was great going through his obit thread the other day. Terry's books influenced me a lot and helped me think about so many things in so many new ways. And I think, it would be a good idea to get together to give Terry a hearty, joyous send off. We could all come together, assume names from list of characters from his writings, may be even dress like some of them and discuss, drink and celebrate life, his and our own. [more inside]
posted by TheLittlePrince on Mar 14, 2015 - 25 comments

grouse & co. in NYC, 2014 edition

It's been a while. My fiancee and I will be in New York City the evenings of Wednesday, 29 October through Saturday, 1 November. We would love to see the awesome New York MeFites! I'm thinking Revival would be a good place to meet on 8 p.m. on Saturday, 1 November.
posted by grouse on Oct 18, 2014 - 20 comments

Dim Sum in NYC.

Let's get dim sum at Pacificana on Sunday, October 12th. [more inside]
posted by alynnk on Aug 28, 2014 - 32 comments

Visiting New York

Hi Mefi! I will be in New York at the beginning of June, staying in Chelsea, anyone fancy a meetup after work/early evening Monday 9th June? I have literally no idea for venues so suggestions are very welcome!
posted by ellieBOA on May 19, 2014 - 31 comments

yeah, New York is nice that time of year

Hey, MeFiNYC! Come to 2A at 6PM on Thursday 4/24 for beverages and camaraderie. [more inside]
posted by divined by radio on Mar 6, 2014 - 20 comments

Wings, Beer, and Shuffleboard

Mefites of New York's Capital District, Adirondacks, Hudson Valley, as well as Vermont, Western Mass, Western Connecticut, &c., let's meet up! [more inside]
posted by gauche on Jan 23, 2014 - 21 comments

Manhattan meetup, lesser pickles

Sorry about that. Bar is still good.
posted by Hactar on Dec 12, 2013 - 14 comments

Manhattan, 11/01. Wanna hang out?

Jenesta and I will be in Manhattan on Friday, November 1, and we'll have a few free hours in the evening. Want to get together for a few drinks?

EDIT: The location has been selected, and it's Perdition in Hell's Kitchen. [more inside]
posted by Faint of Butt on Oct 24, 2013 - 12 comments

Dim Sum - Manhattan redux edition

Have we not had an NYC dim sum meetup since February 2012?! This shall not stand. Chinatown's The Golden Unicorn has been conducive to good meetups before, but, would people like to try Pacificana in Brooklyn's Chinatown for a change? I went there once with family and thought the dim sum was more varied than Golden Unicorn's, but the wait time for a table can be long. -- EDIT - Manhattan wins this round, for Saturday 11/9 at 11am.
posted by oh yeah! on Oct 20, 2013 - 35 comments

Back in the Big Apple

My husband is going to be doing on-site maintenance for his former employer and is bringing me along! [more inside]
posted by TrishaLynn on Aug 23, 2013 - 18 comments

Bohemian Beer Garden

with extra special Canadian visitor, former mefite flex! We're going to be drinking some Czech beer on Sunday afternoon at the Bohemian Beer Garden in Astoria. [more inside]
posted by gaspode on Jul 27, 2013 - 32 comments

Fancy a drink, New York?

I'll be in Brooklyn on the week beginning 22 July and I wonder if any of you fine folks would care for a meet-up over a drink or two? ... Now confirmed for Friday 26 July at Keg & Lantern, 97 Nassau Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11222 at 7pm but you can come at 8 or whatever. Also confirmed!: this meetup is officially named Colin. [more inside]
posted by the quidnunc kid on Jul 8, 2013 - 85 comments

...join us next time for Goodbye to All That, or, So Long, and Thanks for all the Knish.

We're sorry, New York. We love you but we just can't live with you. [more inside]
posted by vrakatar on May 17, 2013 - 14 comments

Let's Walk Broadway again

Last year we walked the length of Broadway in Manhattan. Let's do it again, this time slightly more slowly and possibly with a picnic in Central Park. We will meet on the northeast side of the Broadway Bridge at 225th St at 9am on stop for a picnic lunch in Central Park (location to be determined), and finish at The Battery. [more inside]
posted by sciencegeek on Apr 13, 2013 - 26 comments

Upper Manhattan meetup

Inaugural upper Manhattan meetup. At a beer garden (Bier International)...how bad could it be? We don't even have to talk. We can just drink. [more inside]
posted by skbw on Jul 28, 2012 - 52 comments

NYC dim sum meetup

Anybody else having a dim sum craving? [more inside]
posted by oh yeah! on Dec 28, 2011 - 41 comments

Labyrinth Sing-Along & Costume Party

The Sing-Along series at the 92nd Street Y Tribeca continues, with a showing of Jim Henson's Labyrinth on 10/28, hosted by MeFi's own Help, I can't stop talking!. Tickets are $13 and include one beer, who's up for it?
posted by oh yeah! on Oct 19, 2011 - 9 comments

Drinks in New York

I'll be leaving dear old Blighty and heading over the pond to New York from the 10th - 16th November, in advance of going to a friend's wedding the weekend after. I decided to head out a week early in order to catch up with some old friends and spend some time wandering around the city again (I lived there for a while a few years back). It occurs though, that this presents an opportunity to maybe make some new friends as well. So what about it New York MeFites - fancy meeting up for a few drinks one night?
posted by garius on Oct 11, 2011 - 5 comments

Let's go walk Broadway

The plan: walk the length of Broadway from 225th St to the Battery on Saturday, October 8th. This is a 13.7 mile walk along one of the oldest streets in the US. [more inside]
posted by sciencegeek on Sep 12, 2011 - 96 comments

Post-Meetup Potluck in our new home in Kensington, Brooklyn

After you go to the meetup in Crown Heights, head over to our new place in Kensington for a potluck dinner. My boyfriend, (The Rt Hon.) MP will be making some delicious vegan chili, and we welcome other vegan dishes (homemade or storebought), or (of course) beer. [more inside]
posted by ocherdraco on Aug 15, 2011 - 3 comments

Potluck dinner! Tonight!

Feeling down? Your Wednesday plans not shaping up as you'd like? Then come have dinner with me, my boyfriend, (The Rt Hon.) MP and some awesome non-mefites. Bring a (vegan) dish, or a beverage, and yourself. We're taking care of a few dishes ourselves, so if you can't think of a vegan dish to bring, don't sweat it and just bring drinks. [more inside]
posted by ocherdraco on Jul 13, 2011 - 3 comments

Let's go walk Broadway

Do you want to walk the length of Broadway in Manhattan? Let's walk from 225th to the Battery. [more inside]
posted by sciencegeek on Jul 5, 2011 - 39 comments

Will Eisner New York exhibition at MoCCA

Anyone interested in seeing the Will Eisner New York exhibition at MoCCA? After some discussion, I figured Saturday, April 16 might be an auspicious date. I've been to the space before, and though the place isn't huge, this one looks fun. It's $5. Could do lunch before in Chinatown/SoHo also or just meet up at museum at 2:30.
posted by jng on Mar 21, 2011 - 34 comments

My last week in NYC

I'm leaving for Atlanta on the weekend of March 12th. But before I go, I'd like to meet up with some of my favorite people at one of my favorite bars in New York! [more inside]
posted by suburbanbeatnik on Mar 4, 2011 - 10 comments

Yes, another meetup in NYC

Bowling! It will be fun, no need to be any good at bowling (I'm useless, so you will probably be better than me). Let me know if you're in, so I have an idea of numbers. After bowling there will no doubt be food and drink somewhere nearby. (The map is not entirely accurate, but putting in the correct address somehow screws up Google Maps and brings up a location on the East River.)
posted by essexjan on Feb 27, 2011 - 67 comments

Mefites, Beer, Bourbon & Rock – East Village, NY

OK, stupidly late call for this but if anyone can do it, the NY Mefi people can. I'm over from the UK to check out my friend's new bar that looks like it is right up your average (& not so average) NYMeFite's street. A beer & spirits menu to die for and a rock-centric music playlist. This could be jonmc's spiritual home... [more inside]
posted by i_cola on Nov 5, 2010 - 11 comments

Bah, Turkey

Orphan Thanksgiving, and I'm not the one organizing; see near the end of the thread for details. [more inside]
posted by TrishaLynn on Oct 21, 2010 - 35 comments

Because We Clearly Can't Be Bothered to Use IRL

The meetup sidebar has been exploding all over the place, but it's basically dried up here in NYC. We missed the entire month of September. This must be rectified. I propose we meet up at a bar somewhere on the weekend of Oct. 15-17. Update: we will be having said meetup at Revival on Saturday, Oct. 16 at 8pm.
posted by ocherdraco on Oct 1, 2010 - 60 comments

Labor Day Weekend Meetup Friday 3rd September

7pm Friday 3rd September Bushwick Country Club, 618 Grand Street, New York, NY 11211. Nearest subway Metropolitan Avenue-Lorimer St, G. Third continent meetup opportunity! Show me how it's done, New York! I will be alone in New York for Labor Day Weekend. I thought it would be good to have a meetup. It will be my first Metafilter meetup in the USA. I have previously been to meetups in the UK and Australia. Sorry for the short notice. [more inside]
posted by asok on Aug 25, 2010 - 32 comments

Watermelon soju at Pocha 32

Come hang out and enjoy some Korean bar/drinking food and alcoholic beverages.
posted by kkokkodalk on Jul 28, 2010 - 51 comments

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