Black Rock City, NV
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August 13, 2018
2 attending
2 maybe
Proposed: Burning Man / BRC / Black Rock City / Playa
OK you dusty hippies, freaks, artists, techies, sparkle ponies and shirtcockers ... Are we doing this thing or what? [more inside]
August 14, 2017
6 attending
1 maybe
Meetup: Burning Man / BRC / Black Rock City / Playa
Squeee! It's that time of year again.
Anyone wanna propose a when and where? [more inside]
August 1, 2016
12 attending
1 maybe
Meetup: Playa Meetup 2016
Let's keep alive the grand tradition of the least reliable metafilter meetup! Reconnect with your internet family in your desert home. If you'll be in Black Rock City this year -- at least let your subconscious know that somewhere within a bike ride, other mefites are drinking and making merry. [more inside]
July 11, 2015
8 attending
2 maybe
Meetup: Burning Man MeFi Meetup!
CONFIRMED! Art Model Camp Located on the corner of 3:30 and G(eek), in Alternative Energy Zone village.
August 17, 2014
1 attending
0 maybe
Proposed: Playa meet-up
Hey, dinoworx and I are heading to Black Rock City and would love to catch up with any Mefites around. [more inside]
July 16, 2014
8 attending
2 maybe
Proposed: MetaFIRE
Black Rock City! Burning Man! What better time to socialize than when you're dirty, exhausted, and borderline dehydrated? [more inside]
August 8, 2013
14 attending
1 maybe
Meetup: Burning Man: Black Rock City Meetup Edition
MeFi meetup in BRC! Get down with a bunch of other dusty MeFites in the Cuddledome!
Location: Cuddledome, 9:15 and F (thanks, Cabingirl!)
Date: Tuesday
Time: 2pm (note: this may adjust somewhat based on discussion below and also general Playa-time syndrome)
Anyone have a MeFi cargo cult idea? Shall you know us by the blue that we wear?
July 30, 2013
5 attending
2 maybe
Proposed: Burning Man
Burning Man Metafilter meetup! Is someone affiliated with a big camp that has a good space for this? Proposals for date and time? [more inside]
August 16, 2012
0 attending
0 maybe
Proposed: Burning Man meetup?
Anyone interested in attempting a Burning Man meetup? [more inside]
July 22, 2012
6 attending
1 maybe
Meetup: Burning Man Meetup 2012
Let's have another midweek Metafilter meetup on the playa this year! [more inside]
July 15, 2011
10 attending
1 maybe
Meetup: Burning Man Meetup
Set your watches for Playa time and join all your Burner buddies for a midday MeFi meetup! [more inside]