17 posts tagged with chicago by eamondaly.
Displaying 1 through 17 of 17.
Save the 11 Bus! Destroy your liver!
Remember the 11 bus? Were you mad they discontinued it? Well, it's back! Temporarily, anyway, and a number of bars along the route have teamed up for 11 on 11: a beer explorer trek to bump up ridership. Join us for a full day of stupidity as we try to hit all 11 in one day because we are idiots. [more inside]
Jessamyn is coming! Let's drink!
It's drinking season! Maybe we'll drink... yes, we'll drink. Join us for a chilly glass of rose at the City Winery on the Riverwalk. It'll be a delight!
Jessamyn is coming! Let's dance!
It's SummerDance season! Maybe we'll dance, maybe we'll just sit and watch. Maybe we'll dance, then sit, then watch, then dance again! Who's to say? But join us Sunday for a twirl about the park for Chicago's SummerDance... and don't forget your comfy shoes!
Quite possibly the end of an era
The Blue Frog is shutting down in January and there's a pretty good chance the owners will have alienated the staff so much that everyone will throw in the towel before then, so this might be the last First Wednesday. If you've ever been, you'll want to join us this time. If you've never been, you must join us this time. [more inside]
FULL CONTACT KARAOKE - Season One Chicago!
Come and support your fellow MeFites as they sing, dance, duck, and weave while competing for the FCK Belt! Plus, you'll get a warm, fuzzy glow by helping to raise money for Chicago's own Windy City Rollers! [more inside]
Sensationnel, la quinze ans de MetaFilter! Rejoignez-nous pour La Course de Garcons & Filles de Cafe!
"On July 14th 2014 the French will take over Daley Plaza, in a celebration organized by volunteers belonging to many organizations under the umbrella of the French Consulate. Le clou du spectacle, the show stopper? It will be la Course de Garçons &; Filles de Café, bien sûr! This is when waiters or wannabe waiters compete in a 200 meters sprint that involves running as fast as you can while balancing a tray full of (plastic) glasses — without spilling a drop of grand cru." [more inside]
Riddle Me That! Redux Redux Redux Redux Redux Redux - CHANGE OF LOCATION!
CHANGE OF LOCATION! Riddle Me That! is leaving Town Hall Pub for greener pastures, so as a fill-in event, let's challenge Reddit for trivia supremacy. [more inside]
Like a (Chicago) bridge over (fairly un)troubled waters... it's another MoM15 event!
Join us for a tour of Chicago's moving bridges! Jim Phillips, retired civil engineer and author of the e-book "Two Miles – Eighteen Bridges", will take us on a walking tour of six of the Chicago River bridges before boarding a water taxi and gliding under 12 bridges on the way to Michigan Avenue. [more inside]
MetaFilter's 15th Anniversary Month of Meetups Kicks Off... IN THE DANGER ZONE
Did you know it's been FIVE YEARS since the MeFiChi block party? So how can we top that for MeFi's fifteenth anniversary? A WHOLE MONTH OF MEETUPS!
We'll kick things off July 1st in Millennium Park to watch the beloved bro classic: Top Gun. [more inside]
It's Mary Mac's Birthday!
Wish Mary Mac a happy birthday and sing your face off next week at the Blue Frog. [more inside]
Gapers Block Annual Karaoke Get-Together
Meet MeFi's own me3dia at Brando's Speakeasy for his annual karaoke get-together! Join Gapers Block staff and readers for drinks and singing after work. [more inside]
Remember that time we went out for karaoke? Man, it feels like it was yesterday. [more inside]
Chicago Mid-month Pizza Party!
Turns out my Friday (this Friday, April 15th) is open, and though I'd like to check out jtron's show at Late Bar, there's zero chance of me doing that if I have the chance to go home and sit on my couch first.
So: pizza party beforehand! There's a Giordano's half a mile south on Milwaukee though I'm open to other suggestions. Anyone interested?
Chicago Monthly Crying and Weeping Session
6pm. Bring Kleenex or comparably soft facial tissue.
I missed you guys and I want pizza, beer, and karaoke. [more inside]
Chicago Hangover Meetup at Cafe Bong
Still hungover from Wednesday? Come on out for MORE KARAOKE! MORE BEER! MORE YELLING! [more inside]
Chicago PAYNE
Stewriffic will be in town, as will phredgreen (I think?). Join us upstairs for pizza and hijinx. [more inside]