Friday Night Fuzzbox presents TAX DAY SHAKEDOWN
posted April 3, 2011 12:54 PM   RSS | iCal | +googleCal

Fri April 15 at 10:00 PM, Late Bar
3534 W Belmont Ave, Chicago, IL, USA (Map & Directions)
Our first Friday night was a success, so we are doing it again! Some people say that taxes are the price we pay for civilization. Now that they're paid for the year, join us* in throwing off civilization's shackles.
Last time introduced Late Bar to hip hop, pinky violence, and hours of video inspired by Burroughs and Gysin's dream machines. We've got some stuff up our sleeve for this time, too.

Flyer here

* my cohost is the lovely and talented Emily of, aka mefi's tugena13
posted by jtron to Performance (6 comments total)

We've been posting videos over at the Facebook event page. Make ready every "zig!"
posted by jtron at 7:52 AM on April 13, 2011

I have no idea why I said that.
Make your time
posted by jtron at 7:57 AM on April 13, 2011

We will be twootering the playlist right out our tweethole at @fuzzboxchicago
posted by jtron at 3:39 PM on April 15, 2011

Ah, crap. I totally pooped out. Sorry, folks.
posted by eamondaly at 10:26 PM on April 15, 2011

We will be back in June; our slot next month is unfortunately double booked with our wedding (to each other)
posted by jtron at 5:59 PM on April 17, 2011

If anyone is reading this: not to give away the game as this hasn't been announced yet but if you like cremasters and cycles and weird music and booze it would be to your advantage to be at late bar on 5/23
posted by jtron at 2:39 PM on April 30, 2011

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