5 posts tagged with chicago and RiseUp.
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SSSCSSCC - The 2018 Primary Edition
As everybody who wrote postcards to voters until their hands cramped last month, the Illinois Primary is March 20th. Let's get together and discuss any questions we might have about the candidates and where our loyalties lie. Also BRUNCH! [more inside]
The Return of SSSC: Second Saturday Second City Stand-Up Sanity Check Committee Part 6
So last month, the calendar and my dark mood got the best of me and we didn't get together for activism talk and grousing and camaraderie -- with food and drink!) Let's fix that this month at the Long Room. [more inside]
5th Second Saturday Second City Stand-Up Sanity Check Committee Or 5thSSSCSSCC
We meet, we talk about and organize the resistance, we share some foods. [more inside]
4th Second Saturday Second City Stand-Up Sanity Check Committee Or 4thSSSCSSCC
(except that it's gonna be on the 3rd Saturday again maybe)
Because of the holiday weekend and conflicting events, I'm suggesting we move this month's event to the Third Saturday. However, I'm open to other routes.
NOTE: Please see the changed location and the fixed time; garlic has generously volunteered to host this month and I'm generously taking him up on that offer.
Third Second Saturday Second City Stand-Up Sanity Check Committee Or 3rdSSSCSSCC*
House MCNamara is still out of commission--we'll be meeting at the crush family compound. Contact me (email in profile or via MeMail) or MCMikeNamara for actual address. [more inside]