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1 attending
9 maybe

Dalston/Hackney meetup! Why the f not.

**UPDATE: Meetup time/date/venue has been set!*** Ayyyy my nerrrrrds. I'm going to be visiting London—specifically Hackney/Dalston—at the end of October. Never been to England—but I'm from New England! ha ha ha ahem I'm probably gonna get hit by a car. Who's with me! Okay, that's not your thing, how about a pint or two at a local pub? I've been told by my one Brit friend to look for places that have names like "The Pig & Whistle" or "The Blue Rooster"... someplace that serves warm beer from a single tap, and has ugly food. He said it, not me. OKAY! deets inside. [more inside]
London, England at The Cock Tavern, 12PM by not_on_display - 19 comments

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My Neighbour Totoro at the Barbican

Hi everyone! I'd planned to see this very exciting stage rendition of Studio Ghibli's My Neighbour Totoro this Saturday evening (22 October) with a friend, but for last minute *reasons* they are no longer able to make it. So I have one ticket going (a great seat, at £47.50). I was going to sell it back to the Box Office, but thought perhaps I'd hawk it here to see if anyone wants to do an IRL meet-up and see this show with me. [more inside]
London, England at London Barbican, 7PM by idlethink - 0 comments

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Aug 7 is STILL the last day for self-nominations to the Mefi Steering Committee!

📬 Oh hey, fancy meeting you here! 📩 Just a reminder that the self-nominations for the inaugural Metafilter Steering Committee (SC) close on August 7th! The purpose of said committee will be to develop and implement site policy, code updates, and ensure the financial health of the site, i.e. help guide the direction of the overall site and act as the voice of the community. Interested? Come over to Metatalk to view details and learn how to apply by August 7th!
England at Metatalk and email!, 8PM by Brandon Blatcher - 0 comments

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Brazilian Food & Music

Hey, I'm half Brazilian but living in London. I've found this amazing Brazilian bar and restaurant in London called Tia Maria. If anyone fancies it I'd love to show you my culture and be great to meet new people in the city! I propose Friday the 20th of May at 8pm. Music starts at 10pm :) Hope to see some of you there!

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Looking to meet locals in London

Good evening Londoners (or those who have moved to London): I've recently moved to London and I'm looking for people to meet in the Islington/Hackney/Dalston area. I don't know a soul! I love socialising/eating out so I'd love to visit a few restaurants in Islington or Hackney with drinks before, and then a meal after. I've been recommended Vins so if anyone fancies it let me know and I'd love to meet. I also love museums and walks too.

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All Welcome to Manchester Dems Abroad Meet 'n Greet at Port Street Beer House

Hi all, my friend and I are organising a Democrats Abroad Meet and Greet event at Port Street Beer House on Wednesday 17 July, 6-9pm. All are welcome, hope to see you there!
Manchester, England at Port Street Beer House, Manchester, 6PM by iamkimiam - 6 comments

Past Events

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3 maybe

Edinburgh Meetup at The Guildford Arms

Let's meet up for chat and drinks at The Guildford Arms! [more inside]
Scotland at The Guildford Arms, 6PM by adrianhon - 32 comments

6 attending
14 maybe

London midweek January meet-up

[confirmed!] Would people be up for a central London midweek meetup sometime in January? [more inside]

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When Will You Learn That There Isn’t A Word For Everything

"When Will You Learn That There Isn’t A Word For Everything" is an art exhibition being held in the Nunn's Yard Gallery in Norwich, exploring the theme of how language fails us, curated by the artist Kristy Campbell. It is open from the 7th of December to the 9th of December. [more inside]
Manchester, England at Nunn’s Yard Gallery, 6PM by dng - 0 comments

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An Outbreak Of Peace (book launch, with live readings)

I have a story in An Outbreak Of Peace, a new anthology of stories about peace, released to coincide with the centenary of the end of the first World War, and the launch event takes place at Housmans Bookshop, King's Cross, on November 14th, at 7pm. [more inside]
London, England at Housmans Bookshop, 7PM by dng - 0 comments

2 attending
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Cambridge, England meet-up

I'm going to be in Cambridge, England for a little while later this month and one evening my wife is going to be otherwise occupied. Meetup? [more inside]
Manchester, England at Salisbury Arms, 7PM by The Card Cheat - 11 comments

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Greater Manchester Blue Wave

I'm hosting my first event for Democrats Abroad and could use any help and company. I'll be at Chapter One books from 6-8pm, helping people request ballots, register to vote and more. Let's turn the tide this November! [more inside]
Manchester, England at Chapter One, 6PM by iamkimiam - 2 comments

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Fast Forward Festival 2018

I'm going to be co-facilitating a couple of sessions at this year's Fast Forward, a three day festival for the anti-authoritarian left that runs from 17th-19th of August. Tickets are between 35-80 depending on ability to pay. It's going to be pretty cool. Food is included, as is childcare (kids go free!). If you're feeling a bit down about the state of politics at the moment, this is a great place to feel hopeful. [more inside]
Ashford in the Water, England at Thornebridge Estate, 4PM by Acheman - 1 comment

4 attending
2 maybe

Bee in the bonny city of Manchester!

Let's go on a stroll, discover all the bees and find a pub to get stuck into.
Wild in Art and Manchester City Council are bringing all of Manchester’s communities together for Bee in the City – a stunning public art trail of over 100 individually designed giant Bee sculptures. Crafted by regional professional and emerging artists, it will weave its way across the city during the summer of 2018. There are also 131 Little Bees on display, designed by local schools, nurseries and youth groups. It’s free, it’s fun, it’s fascinating – and it will be in Manchester from 23 July – 23 September 2018.
[more inside]
Manchester, England at Gold bee in front of Piccadilly Station, 2:30PM by iamkimiam - 14 comments

3 attending
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Grab a pint with us in Glasgow!

Under_petticoat_rule and I will be in Glasgow briefly. We're Americans but don't hold that against us. Come have a pint with us at a pub that comes highly recommended by many sources including the Good Pub Guide (with special awards for beer selection and budget pricing). Tell us all the things we should be seeing in Glasgow!
Scotland at The Bon Accord, 6PM by rednikki - 10 comments

2 attending
15 maybe

London summer drinks - Walthamstow

UPDATE: Let's go for it. Walthamstow summer drinks on Saturday 21st July. (Changed from 14th because I was stupid). [more inside]
London, England at Wildcard Brewery, 12:30PM by knapah - 37 comments

5 attending
2 maybe

York: Let's eat burnt bread with fillings!

ETA: Since the weather is slated to be gorgeous we will try to get a table outdoors. I will likely be easy to spot as I have bright red and yellow hair and a loud American accent. I may try to make a sign. We will be in York and would love to meet up with other MeFites as we take a break from visiting everything FPP-worthy in town! We've chosen The Maltings Free House because it's recommended in the Good Pub Guide. If we should view this as the Not So Good Pub Guide please let us know now. It's very close to the train station and offers charming food such as "burnt bread with various fillings" as well as an array of beers, whiskeys and fruit wines (and I'm assuming some non-alcoholic beverages as well).
Manchester, England at The Maltings Free House, 1PM by rednikki - 19 comments

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Visiting Belfast

I'll be in Belfast from May 10th to May 12th and am curious if any local MeFites would be interested in a meetup in the evening on the 10th or the 11th. Seeing as it was used for the previous meetup, maybe the Crown Bar?

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CANCELED: Anyone for Aberdeen?

Canceling this one due to lack of interest. Next stop Glasgow!

3 attending
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Wescountry Meetup!

Babbers! Luvvers! I have repatriated to my motherland of Devon, and brought chrismear with me. I know we're a bit more far-flung down here, but would anyone be up for a meetup? [more inside]
Exeter, England by greenish on Jan 19, 2018 - 10 comments

5 attending
19 maybe

London meetup in February

It's been awhile since one of our semi-regular meetups, and it would be great to catch up. [more inside]

8 attending
3 maybe


strasvistsye mnye muckers old, I am here to only asking question. Your referendum goes well and now we are to benefit from the sovereignty of national motherisland through the celebration of ancient Celtic festival of orthodox «x mass» and consumption of soft-drink «wine mulled» at Hall Town other side of Leningr… mean St. Peters Square - Albert Square! [more inside]
Manchester, England at Albert Square, Manchester (Market bar by Lloyd St. entrance), 3PM by davemee - 13 comments

6 attending
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Brighton Board Games

An evening of post-work boardgames, chat, and drinks. [more inside]
Manchester, England at Alcampo lounge, 6PM by halcyonday - 18 comments

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Ride from London to Amsterdam

Ride with us from London to Amsterdam from 12-17 September, and support a good cause or two! Two (optional) days in the UK, two in Belgium, and two in the Netherlands (last year's route). Never thought you could do a long-distance ride before? Well here's a gentle one! [more inside]
London, England at Parliament Square, 7AM by rum-soaked space hobo - 1 comment

2 attending
8 maybe

July London Meetup

It continues! A meetup for London every month for 2017 (and hopefully beyond) [more inside]

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June Monthly Drinks

Come to the pub! Have a drink. [more inside]

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Brighton Board Games

An evening of post-work boardgames, chat, and drinks. [more inside]
Manchester, England at Alcampo Lounge, 6PM by halcyonday - 14 comments

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9 attending
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iamkimiam! scattoh!

Beer and curries, followed by beer without curries. Manchester City centre. Mid-15th April 2017. [more inside]
Manchester, England at Bundobust, 1PM by davemee - 25 comments

7 attending
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London Monthly Meetup FOUR!

Last month was a bit tricky, but we did it! Let's do it again! [more inside]

6 attending
7 maybe

Edinburgh Pubby McPubface

I has been in the Edinburgh for nearly a year, and I would much like to meet muh fellow Mefites. There is much to discuss about the joys and travails of life in North Britain, yet nothing that wouldn't be improved by beer and bonhomie. Here's the plan. [more inside]
Scotland at Guildford Arms, 7PM by Devonian - 39 comments

6 attending
18 maybe

London Regular Meetup

In an attempt to make this monthly thing fly, here's the third installment. [more inside]

1 attending
4 maybe

[An alternative to the] Stand Up To Racism Demo - London

Edited: Given the problematic elements with Stand up to Racism (please see links in this thread), I'd like to find a better way to take a stand against structures of violence — one that is inclusive, looks out for survivors and creates a safe space for everybody. I've edited this post title, new copy is in brackets. I've moved the original post copy below here, kept for posterity. --- Original post: >Would anybody like to meet up for and/or after the March Against Racism National demonstration on March 18, 2017 in London? >This Stand Up to Racism Demo is for UN Anti-Racism Day. Other UK rallies are happening same day in Glasgow and Cardiff. [more inside]
London, England by iamkimiam on Feb 11, 2017 - 7 comments

6 attending
17 maybe

The Very Second Regular London Meetup!

Radiocontrolled organised us a really fun meetup for this January, and it seemed like a good idea to make this a slightly more regular thing. So Behold! The very first Second Regular London Meetup (Whooo!, Cheering!, Streamers! Confetti! etc.) [more inside]

4 attending
1 maybe

Brighton Boardgame Evening

An evening of post-work boardgames, chat, and drinks. [more inside]
Manchester, England at Alcampo Lounge, 6PM by EndsOfInvention - 19 comments

6 attending
11 maybe

A very Mefi post-holiday meetup

Would you like to decompress from the holidays? Why not start your year off right with a low-key Metafilter meetup? Join us! Let's meet inside the The George Inn Yard, 77 Borough High St, London SE1 1NH. If there are objections to the venue let me know, I'm happy to meet at a different venue as well (especially if you can suggest a nice quiet place).
London, England at The George Inn Yard, 6PM by radiocontrolled - 21 comments

9 attending
6 maybe

Mini Mefi Meetup in London?

Hi all. I'm visiting my brother in London the weekend of the 25-27 November, and was wondering if anyone would be around for a couple of hours on the Friday night to say hello and perhaps drink some gins with me? [more inside]
London, England at The Eagle, 5PM by billiebee - 50 comments

3 attending
4 maybe

Brighton Boardgame Evening

After our successful first-ever Brighton meetup, it would be great to have another one and hopefully get a few more folk along too. I thought it would be fun to spend an evening at Alcampo's Lounge (or somewhere equally amenable to games) and play a few lightweight boardgames (I have a few easy-to-learn ones and others are welcome to bring more along). [more inside]
Brighton, England at Alcampo Lounge, 6PM by EndsOfInvention - 30 comments

2 attending
7 maybe

Leeds MeFites meet-up

I moved to Leeds a few months ago and now seems like a good a time as any to see if there are any Loiner MeFites kicking about. Doesn't have to be anything too elaborate, and I realise that the hectic holiday season is also looming so I would be happy to organise something for after the start of the new year. Any takers?

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Liberty Tales - Book Launch

2015 marked the 800th anniversary of the first Magna Carta, and Liberty Tales is a collection of stories and poems that take a wide-ranging collection of responses to the issues of liberty, both personal and legal. Some relate to specific clauses of the original document, while others are more concerned with how we experience and search after freedom in the 21st century. This launch event will feature stories from Katy Darby, Alison Lock, Cherry Potts, Anna Fodorova (read by Carrie Cohen) and David Guy (read by Cliff Chapman), along with poems from Bernie Howley and Jeremy Dixon. [more inside]
London, England at West Greenwich Library, 7:30PM by dng - 0 comments

3 attending
1 maybe

An American Abroad

Visiting Belfast until Saturday the 19th, wondering if there are any MeFites in the region and would be up for providing an American with a distraction and company. [more inside]
Belfast, Northern Ireland at The Crown Liquor Saloon, 6:30PM by mrzarquon - 14 comments

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Perth, Scotland, 24th November

I'm in Perth for a couple of days and could meet up on the evening of Thursday 24th November. Are there any local MeFites interested?
Perth, Scotland by paduasoy on Nov 10, 2016 - 2 comments

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Liars' League - Us and Them

Liars' League is a themed monthly fiction night, where professional actors read new short stories by writers from around the world. The stories this month feature baby rats, traumatised soldiers, uppity moths, self-consuming metafiction, 80s action figures, and a very sinister housing committee. No narrator is too unusual, no story too strange for our Us & Them event, as we hand over the mike to collective voices, extraordinary viewpoints and life-or-death clashes and connections. [more inside]
London, England at The Phoenix, 7:30PM by dng - 2 comments

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Southampton minimeetup!

We'll meet at Ebb and Flow at 6pm Friday October 14. Previously: As mentioned in the Brighton meetup thread, I will be in Southampton for work from Oct 13-15. It seemed there were a few other folk who will miss the Brighton but might make a Southampton. [more inside]
Southampton, England at Ebb and Flow, 6PM by nat - 22 comments

4 attending
3 maybe

Brighton UK Meetup

Southern-softie Mefites unite! Train strikes permitting! MEATliquor, Brighton, Friday 7th Oct, 6pm.

7 attending
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Northern Wangland Meetup

Residents of the north of Wangland represent! [more inside]
Leeds, England at Belgrave Music Hall, 6PM by asok - 16 comments

6 attending
17 maybe

London Ice Cream Social

Why? Because we don't want to get left out. [more inside]
London, England at Lincolns Inn Fields, 6:30PM by greenish - 14 comments

5 attending
7 maybe

Wangland Meetup

Full English Brexit Meetup - do you need to rant about 'Kippers, commiserate with likeminded folks and meet MeFites near you? Join us fellow traveller. Come, come inside. [more inside]

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Watch The Skies 4

Watch the Skies is a Megagame in a series of megagames, where players control nation states, aliens, the pope, the media, corporations and dolphins. [more inside]
London, England at The Camden Centre, 10AM by Just this guy, y'know - 0 comments