120 posts tagged with GeeksWhoDrink and taters.
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Tater Trivia Takedown?
Tuesday's on it's way, so it's time again for the mighty Taters to (hopefully) triumph at Geeks Who Drink trivia, at the bar formerly known as McCabe's on Mass. [more inside]
Turn, Turn, Turn
To everything there is a season, and McCabe's on Mass has decided it was time to become McCabe's Bar & Grille. They no longer take reservations, but they promised me on the phone that there would be trivia on Tuesday night, so let's go check out the changes.
Tater National Convention
Sure, they've picked the Republican and Democratic presidential nominees, but who is running for the Tater Party? To find out, send your delegates to McCabe's on Mass this Tuesday at 7:30pm for Geeks Who Drink Trivia.
Fairly explicit potato sex
After watching a bunch of pseudo-trailers for a movie named Pomme de Terre at the Brattle this week, we're looking forward to seeing all our tater pals for Geeks Who Drink trivia at McCabe's on Mass.
Want to be in the room where it happens? Then join us for Geeks Who Drink trivia on July 5th at McCabe's on Mass. We'll quiz, we'll win, they'll tell our story.
Trivia: Not in Florida edition
Horace Rumpole will be in Miami this week talking about books, but we will soldier on at Geeks Who Drink trivia at McCabe's on Mass, Tuesday at 7:30. Possibly including weird Japanese KitKats!
Taters Tune in Tokyo
DiscourseMarker is out of town, but she'll be with us in spirit as we return to Geeks Who Drink trivia at McCabe's on Mass, Tuesday night at 7:30.
Taters on Mass
It's Geeks Who Drink Trivia time again. With graduation season fully underway, who knows what challenges the Taters will face at McCabe's on Mass, Tuesday night at 7:30.
Taters Trivia Tuesday
Does what it says on the tin. Tuesday, 7:30pm, McCabe's on Mass, Geeks Who Drink trivia. Maybe we'll even get another free dessert?
Taters Trivia on Tour
In our apparently never ending quest to find the perfect trivia venue, let's try out McCabe's on Mass this week for Geeks Who Drink trivia. NOTE NEW DAY: Tuesday, 7:30pm, trivia starts at 8. Also - McCabe's takes reservations! [more inside]
Trivia is Coming...Back
Much like winter, this week Geeks Who Drink trivia is back at The Pub. Get out your coats and meet us at 8pm on Wednesday.
Unexpected Snow Taters
The spring snows are coming!? If you thaw out by Wednesday at 8pm, join us for Geeks Who Drink trivia at The Pub in Ball Square.
Marching in like a Tater
It's time for another fun-filled, action-packed, death-defying, thrill-seeking, adrenaline-fueled, rollercoaster trivia event. Wednesday at 8pm at The Pub, join the Tater adventure at Geeks Who Drink trivia.
Coldest Trivia Ever?
Actually, if we survive this weekend, Wednesday at 8pm the weather should be downright tropical! Let's hope there are no frostbitten Taters at The Pub this week for Geeks Who Drink trivia!
Trivia Winds are a-blowin'
Do Tufts students come out in the cold? We'll find out Wednesday at 8pm at The Pub, when we attempt another round of Geeks Who Drink trivia domination.
Starchy New Year!
It's time for the first Tater trivia event of 2016! Join us at The Pub at 8pm on Wednesday for Geeks Who Drink trivia. Trivia starts at 8:30.
Year End Trivia Blowout!
It's the last trivia savings event of the year! Will the Taters bring home the prize? Find out this Wednesday at Geeks Who Drink trivia. Meet at 8, trivia starts 8:30pm. [more inside]
Taters Take Somerville
Joe's crappy broken speaker has sent us in search of a possible new Geeks Who Drink trivia venue. This week we're giving The Pub in Ball Square a shot. NOTE: trivia starts at 8:30pm!
Trivia Veterans Unite!
The trivia wars were long and hard-fought, so there's no better way to relive the glory than by attending Geeks Who Drink trivia, Wednesday at 7:30pm, at Joe Sent Me. [more inside]
2015 Trivia Schedule
Attention Taters: The holidays are almost upon us. Let's figure out what our schedule for trivia is going to be! Update: Wed. Oct 28 is a go! [more inside]
Insert October Trivia Pun Title Here
So, a whole bunch of Taters walk into Joe Sent Me on Wednesday at 7:30pm and answer questions at Geeks Who Drink trivia and then....
You know the drill.
Just Because It's Trivia Doesn't Mean It's Not Important
Fried, smashed, cubed, or hashed -- all Taters are welcome at Geeks Who Drink trivia, Wednesday at 7:30pm, at Joe Sent Me.
Talk Like a Tater Day
How do Taters talk? Beats me, they don't have mouths, just eyes. Geeks Who Drink trivia at Joe Sent Me.
100% Totally Serious Trivia Thing
No jokes people, just facts (cat facts, chicken facts, tater facts). Serve up the straight dope Wednesday night at 7:30pm at Geeks Who Drink trivia at Joe Sent Me.
Summer Trivia Meltdown
It is a known cat fact that cats and chickens are sworn mortal enemies. It is also a fact that Wednesday at 7:30 Taters gather from across the shining city on a hill (or thereabouts) to meet at Joe Sent Me for Geeks Who Drink trivia. [more inside]
Rowdy Roddy Tater
The Taters are coming to kick ass at trivia and chew bubblegum, and we still have plenty of bubblegum, but that's OK because we're perfectly capable of doing two things at once. Geeks Who Drink trivia, Wednesday at Joe Sent Me.
Trivia so hot it'll melt your brain!
Join us on Wednesday at 7:30 for the air-conditioned questioning of Geeks Who Drink trivia at Joe Sent Me.
Back to the trivia mines
So our experimental return to Harvard Square didn't work out so well (I mean, yeah, we won, but man did that guy stink). So it's back to bad beer but better Geeks Who Drink trivia-jockeying at Joe Sent Me, Wednesday at 7:30pm. [more inside]
Trivia-Harvard Square Redux
As discussed last time, the Taters are returning to our Harvard Square roots. Please note, the new day is MONDAY. Trivia starts at 8 as usual, so we will gather at our standard 7:30pm at John Harvard's for Geeks Who Drink trivia. [more inside]
This is a clever joke about Trivia
You know the drill, my tater friends. Wednesday. 7:30pm. Joe Sent Me, Cambridge. Geeks Who Drink. Questions. Prizes. Fun. [more inside]
Hot Town, Trivia in the City
Good thing Joe Sent Me is air conditioned. Join us Wednesday night at 7:30 for a cool refreshing glass of Geeks Who Drink trivia.
You've got another Thing coming!
When Taters last in the dooryard bloomed
True to their tuber roots (see what I did there?) spring is the time when all true Taters head inside to a dark room to answer trivia questions.
That last part may not be true of potatoes.
That last part may not be true of potatoes.
Trivia Thing: No Imi-Taters Allowed
All bonafide taters are invited to Joe Sent Me, Wednesday at 7:30pm to stomp out the potato poseurs at Geeks Who Drink trivia.
Smarch Trivia
Well, we broke the total snowfall record. Thanks, Smarch weather! So to celebrate (?), let's answer Geeks Who Drink trivia questions at Joe Sent Me, Wednesday at 7:30.
So You Think You Can Trivia?
Neither weather nor other trivia teams shall defeat us, for we are the Taters. Come one, come all to Joe Sent Me, Wednesday at 7:30pm for Geeks Who Drink trivia. Let's show this snow who's boss.
Taters Strike Back: Trivia on Hoth
Tomorrow at 7:30pm is a dark time for the Taters. [more inside]
A Møøse once bit my sister at Triviå. No realli!
We apologize for the fault in this week's trivia meetup post title. Those responsible have been sacked. Please meet at Joe Sent Me at 7:30 PM for Geeks Who Drink. [more inside]
New Year Trivia Thing
It's the first Geeks Who Drink trivia event of the new year. Wednesday, 7:30pm, Joe Sent Me. You know the rest! [more inside]
Year-End Trivia Blowout!
Empty the contents of your head, because all questions must go! 0% savings on all luxury Geeks Who Drink trivia items. All this, and more, at Joe Sent Me, Wednesday at 7:30pm. This is your last chance in 2014 to spend those Tater bucks!
Post-Turkey Trivia Workout
Eat too much on Thanksgiving? Well Joe Sent Me has the cure with the Geeks Who Drink trivia workout. Join us Wednesday at 7:30 and exercise your mind. The body will surely follow!
It's the Antepenultimate 2014 Trivia Throwdown!
That's right ladies & gentlemen, there are only THREE more trivia days 'til Christmas. Act now and receive this special set of Ginsu knives*, plus a life-sized replica of Ron Popeil!** [more inside]
Trivia Thing: Trick-or-Treat Edition
Even though Halloween is not until Friday, I imagine plenty of holiday themed questions at Geeks Who Drink trivia this Wednesday at 7:30pm at Joe Sent Me.
Got Trivia?
Well you will if you show up at Joe Sent Me, Wednesday at 7:30pm for Geeks Who Drink. Can we make it another Tater sweep?
For Your Consideration: Trivia Thing
Can't think of anything clever to post this week, so I'll just get to the point: Geeks Who Drink trivia. Wednesday. 7:30pm. Joe Sent Me, Cambridge. Questions. Answers. Food. Beverages. Taters. Fun.
Pumpkin Spice Trivia
The candy corn is in the supermarket, the pumpkin spice is back in the coffee shops, and the buses are clogged with students, so that must mean it's fall. Enjoy a pumpkin beer (or not) while you plumb the depths of your knowledge on DQ shake flavors, pop music, and occasionally sports this Wednesday at 7:30 at Geeks Who Drink trivia at Joe Sent Me, Cambridge.
Last-minute Taters
We just unpacked our calendar and it turns out tomorrow is Trivia Day! Care to join us at Joe Sent Me?
Hey, you got your Trivia Thing in my chocolate! Tastes great!
It's supposed to rain all week, so of course that means it's time for another round of Geeks Who Drink trivia. As always, we'll see you at 7:30ish on Wednesday at Joe Sent Me.
MeFi turned 15 & all I got was this Triva Thing
It's Geeks Who Drink trivia time once again, back at Joe Sent Me, Cambridge, Wednesday at 7:30. Minus Horace Rumpole, who will be flying back from Philly that evening. Let's hope there are no questions about Samuel Johnson in this week's quiz.
Trivia--It's What's For Dinner!
Don't touch that dial, because Wednesday is Geeks Who Drink trivia at Joe Sent Me. It's full of delicious herbs & spices! It slices, it dices, it juliennes! But wait, there's more! Join us at 7:30 for details...