17 posts tagged with EastBay.
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SF / East Bay Mefi 25 year anniversary BBQ

Oh snack! MetaFilter's 25 year anniversary is this weekend! East Bay (and other Bay Area) mefites, let's meet up! I couldn't think of an easy venue that is outdoors and works with who-knows-how-many-people, except for my back yard! Come hang out and eat some food! Sunday, Jul 14, 2pm until close. I probably won't start the grill until 4 or 5, so have brunch or late brunch (portmanteau: "lunch") beforehand. [more inside]
posted by aubilenon on Jul 10, 2024 - 24 comments


Let's have a drink at Amplifier in Oakland first week of December. Things to celebrate: Larry Bird's birthday and Rhodesian independence. Or, bring your own happy event. [more inside]
posted by BigBrooklyn on Nov 2, 2019 - 22 comments

Board Games, Berkeley

Okay, Victory Point Cafe in Berkeley, August 4th sounds good. [more inside]
posted by gryftir on Jun 29, 2019 - 13 comments

East Bay DSA - Intro to DSA

East Bay DSA has a new member orientation, open to the public ("New members and not-yet-members are welcome"), this Sunday (Jul 8) from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Bushrod Park is on 59th Street between Shattuck and Telegraph, about a mile from Ashby BART station. [more inside]
posted by ErisLordFreedom on Jul 6, 2018 - 5 comments

Food Not Bombs Fundraiser

ATTENTION POOR MEFITES: YOU ARE ALSO WELCOME. DONATIONS ARE OPTIONAL I am leaving the country. Literally. I am having MeFite-Only Moving Sale. In honour of MetaFilter's own jessamyn, all proceeds go to Food Not Bombs. Link to photos; there's more than is pictured. This is a name-your-own-price event. I've got everything from household goods, to books, to ephemera, to wacky curiosities, to baby stuff, etc. [more inside]
posted by Bella Donna on Nov 20, 2017 - 2 comments

East Bay Work Buddies

Anyone who is underemployed, self-employed, playing hooky, or otherwise available is most welcome to meet me at Cafe Dejena for a twice-weekly co-working/socializing experience. See below for specific dates (as requested by cortex so as not to clutter up IRL). [more inside]
posted by Bella Donna on Jul 6, 2017 - 17 comments

East Bay Work Buddies

Join me at Cafe Dejena from 10 am to 1 pm for the 2nd MeFi co-working meetup. Anyone who is underemployed, self-employed, playing hooky, or otherwise available is most welcome to come. There is free wifi; beverages and food are available for purchase. This place is close to the MacArthur Bart station. [more inside]
posted by Bella Donna on Jun 25, 2017 - 4 comments

East Bay Work Buddies

Join me at Cafe Dejena from 11 am to 2 pm for a MeFi co-working extravaganza. Welcome anyone who is underemployed, self-employed, playing hooky, or otherwise available. There is free wifi; beverages and food are available for purchase. [more inside]
posted by Bella Donna on Jun 23, 2017 - 5 comments

East Bay Work Buddies

I am an underemployed person looking to get more structure in my life. Wondering if there are fellow underemployed or self-employed MeFites who might want to meet in a common space periodically and go about their business (or pleasure) in the excellent company of one another in the East Bay area (Oakland, Berkeley, Albany, El Cerrito). [more inside]
posted by Bella Donna on Jun 15, 2017 - 12 comments

Soup, Sewing & Subversion

Meetup is BACK ON. (My trip has been postponed.) Hope some of you can still make it! [more inside]
posted by Bella Donna on Jan 26, 2017 - 10 comments

Board game (Cosmic Encounter) meetup

In the Cosmic Encounter thread more than a few people in the Bay Area expressed interest in a mefi meetup to play. Here's our peninsula chance to play [more inside]
posted by Carillon on Mar 11, 2016 - 21 comments

Kanishka's Neo-Indian Gastropub - Walnut Creek

I must be crazy but I'd like to have another IRL event on the horizon, gives me something to look forward to. My husband and I have been here twice - lunch and dinner service - and it's been incredibly good. If you like beer and Indian food, this is the meetup for you! (They also have wine.) [more inside]
posted by joseph conrad is fully awesome on Mar 10, 2015 - 59 comments

Walnut Creek Corners Tavern Big Swanky Restaurant/Bar Meetup

I'd like to hold a meetup at Corners Tavern in Walnut Creek. This is an upscale, "swanky" venue, but also whimsical with a sense of humor, and only semi-formal, as I see it. It's situated in Broadway Plaza near Macy's and is easy to find. About 20-30 minute walk from BART, depending on what lights you get. What say you? [more inside]
posted by joseph conrad is fully awesome on Feb 6, 2015 - 70 comments

Pyramid Alehouse - Walnut Creek!

OK so you're not into amaro, is there another option for Bay Area Mefites? THERE IS NOW. This venue is a cheap-and-cheerful alehouse with a variety of beers on tap. This is strictly a casual event -- swing by to say 'hi', leave when you want. No biggie. [more inside]
posted by joseph conrad is fully awesome on Jan 19, 2015 - 37 comments

East Bay Beer Tasting.

So, I made some beer, it turned out good, and I like to share. I'm calling it TCP-IPA, and the recipe is here. Thing is, I don't get out that much, at least close to home, so I don't know a good venue for this kind of thing. I was thinking of asking Øl in Walnut Creek if I could bring some of my own - but I'd be open to other suggestions of a good place and time (in January) UPDATE: Got a place. Details inside
posted by bashos_frog on Dec 31, 2014 - 47 comments

Walnut Creek, CA meetup: Pinky's Pizza

A meetup in the leafy suburbs of the East Bay: Walnut Creek. Venue: Pinky's Pizza. Good beer in bottles and on tap, and decent pizza. Also: Addams Family pinball machine. [more inside]
posted by joseph conrad is fully awesome on Nov 19, 2014 - 38 comments

East Bay Funtime!

Hello, East Bay. Come meetup in Oakland on Sunday, January 16. I might be moving to your fair town and I will be there to check it out. Give me your Oakland sales pitch! Have discussions of real estate minutiae! Tell me about the unmentioned seekrits! [more inside]
posted by dame on Jan 2, 2011 - 38 comments

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