12 posts tagged with social.
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Lesbian potluck!
Looking for new lesbian friends in SF! I’d like to set up a recurring small group to have meals together and hopefully form a friend group. Not looking for dates or romance.
First iteration June 8 at Dolores Park (perhaps near the playground) at 2pm. Bring a picnic blanket or towel in case we can’t find a table, and bring something that you want to eat, with a little extra to share if you are able. [more inside]
Broadway Waltz
A very low-key social partner dance: easy to try for newbies; traditional energetic as well as modern gentle music for the partner dances; an open-role dance for those who like it. From 7:20-8pm we teach a free lesson for *total beginners* that will get you through Walking That Counts as Dancing, and give you a try at either rotary waltz or polka, which are gloriously whirly. You don't need to dress up or come with a partner. [more inside]
Portland Ice Cream Social - 50 Licks Burnside
If everybody else jumped off a waffle cone bridge into a milkshake river with ice cream glaciers, would you too? Ice Cream Social at 50 Licks, Burnside location!!! [more inside]
Broadway Waltz
A very low-key social partner dance: easy to try for newbies; traditional energetic as well as modern gentle music for the partner dances; an open-role dance for those who like it. From 7:20-8pm we teach a lesson for *total beginners* that will get you through Walking That Counts as Dancing, and give you a try at either rotary waltz or polka, which are gloriously whirly. You don't need to dress up or come with a partner. [more inside]
Ice cream social in July, is there interest in ice cream? No interest in ice cream, but hey, I'll be at the River Fest some time on Sunday if y'all want to hang out and enjoy the river. [more inside]
Edinburgh Pubby McPubface
I has been in the Edinburgh for nearly a year, and I would much like to meet muh fellow Mefites. There is much to discuss about the joys and travails of life in North Britain, yet nothing that wouldn't be improved by beer and bonhomie. Here's the plan. [more inside]
son of brainfreeze
peninsula mefites: moar ice cream, moar fun! [more inside]
Colorado Springs ice cream social
Everybody's doing it, why not us? Let's beat the heat with a frozen treat. [more inside]
London Ice Cream Social
ice cream social
Ice cream social in July, is there interest in ice cream?
Quansar season is flexible in Houston, isn't it?
During last night's quiz meetup it was noted that it's been a while since we've had a non-quiz-based meetup to simply socialize and catch up. We're willing to host again at our place, but recognize that holding it in Missouri City does place a bit of a travel imposition on some. So, lets start a discussion: when shall we meet, and if not in MoCity, where?
Inaugurating Big Ideas Social Club
Thanks to this AskMe, I've been given the confidence to start Big Ideas Social Club, a cross between happy hour, a 17th century salon, and the coffee shops in Steven Johnson's Where Good Ideas Come From. As the brain trust of the city, I want DC MeFites in on the ground floor but hope to draw in some other fun people as well. Help me figure out the details? [more inside]