129 posts tagged with Pub.
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Halcyon Days
Let's meet at Halcyon Brewing to do trivia. I might be bringing a few other friends, so we may form two teams.
Arrive around 7, trivia starts around 7:30
T to the R to the I to the Vee Eye Ay
As weird as the Thursday game is, it's still a chance to see y'all. So, let's convene at the G&D at the unusual time of 7 PM, shall we?
Thursday Trivia at the G&D
What it says on the tin. We got smoked last week, but that's because we needed more brains at the table. [more inside]
Trivia on Thursday? MADNESS
The George & Dragon has moved Trivia to 7 PM Thursdays, thereby confirming that we are truly in the After Times. Let's anyone who's vaccinated and comfortable with the idea show up and see if our brain muscles still work!
Being Together Seemed So Trivial in 2019
So, so, so, so...
The George & Dragon is open again, and apparently is having trivia on the date of this event.
Folks... There are 6 days 'til Tuesday, they serve a full plate of onion rings, some pretty damn good beer, it's trivia night and we're vaccinated.
So, so, so, so...
The George & Dragon is open again, and apparently is having trivia on the date of this event.
Folks... There are 6 days 'til Tuesday, they serve a full plate of onion rings, some pretty damn good beer, it's trivia night and we're vaccinated.
January PDX pub meetup!
The seasonal dark dreariness has been getting to me this year. We need a beverage, some pub food, and good conversation to cheer us up! [more inside]
Warming up for the Slayer
I'm sure the G&D Trivia night will be less Buffy-centric than the one the next night, but that doesn't mean it's a bad idea. Let's go forth and tilt at the windmill that is our Tuesday tradition.
Twenty Trivial Years
Oi, Seattle Quiz fans; I've got tomorrow night free, and figure losing at Trivia (or winning, even!) might be fun. Who's down?
Montreal Meetup 2!
The goal last time was to have another meeting in less than a year from the previous one, so we have a little over 2 months to get organized ;) I propose Benelux on Wellington, May 24 or 25. [more inside]
Trivially informed
As in, I only barely remembered to post.
George, Dragon, and quizzes. Who's in!?
I ordered a bunch of mefi mugs for various Sydney mefites. And it's the end of the year. So let's all meet up at the Erko and drink beer out of our giant blue mugs.
Also Pogo Fuzzybutt is in town!
Mugless mefites very welcome.
Slaying the Dragon
Now that my Tuesday night course has come to an end, I'm looking forward to exercising my brain again. Trivia at the G&D shall recommence!
The needle moved... trivially
I would like to see y'all this week. Let's win -- or lose hilariously -- at trivia! [more inside]
Bitter and Trivial
In honor of it being a Tuesday, and there being reasons both great and small for the consumption of pints and distraction of the mind... let's TRIVIA!
What I Need Is a Strong Drink and a Peer Group
Is it time for a pre-holiday-season pub meetup? (Hint: It is!) [more inside]
Last minute - Trivia!
Let the Child of Destiny ride again! Or somesuch.
George & Dragon, Fremont, Pub Trivia
Ask us questions, and do we not answer?
The weekly thing -- I think at some point we should probably automate posting these :) -- at the George & Dragon.
Grab a pint with us in Glasgow!
Under_petticoat_rule and I will be in Glasgow briefly. We're Americans but don't hold that against us. Come have a pint with us at a pub that comes highly recommended by many sources including the Good Pub Guide (with special awards for beer selection and budget pricing). Tell us all the things we should be seeing in Glasgow!
York: Let's eat burnt bread with fillings!
ETA: Since the weather is slated to be gorgeous we will try to get a table outdoors. I will likely be easy to spot as I have bright red and yellow hair and a loud American accent. I may try to make a sign.
We will be in York and would love to meet up with other MeFites as we take a break from visiting everything FPP-worthy in town!
We've chosen The Maltings Free House because it's recommended in the Good Pub Guide. If we should view this as the Not So Good Pub Guide please let us know now. It's very close to the train station and offers charming food such as "burnt bread with various fillings" as well as an array of beers, whiskeys and fruit wines (and I'm assuming some non-alcoholic beverages as well).
G & D Trivia Night
Helen and I are, uncharacteristically, in town this week. Who among you hoopy froods would like to come and answer 40 hard questions as best we can?
T to the R to the I to the VIA
I almost misspelled "trivia" in the title, which indicates we need to do this more often.
Answer Questions?
I like trivia, and so do you. Let's make the weekly game at G&D happen again.
George and the Dragon Trivia
Who's up for a trivia run next Tuesday? Lurkers? Anybody? Usual suspects?
We all like onion rings, right?
George met a Dragon. Rather than fight, they opened a pub together and had awesome trivia.
Manifest Crimson Destined Ramblers
Our bizarre hybrid of "knowing things" and "the other thing" seems to be a real winner. Or at least places a solid second on a regular basis. Let's go unseat the champions!
Manifest Trivia
Hey, crew. Happy new year! Wanna get trivial?
In thunder, lightning, or in rain?
Whatever the weather, how about pub quiz *next* week?
Anyone up for the usual trivia at the George and Dragon?
Cyber Tuesday Trivia
Let's all work off our various holiday meals with onion rings and a sense of intellectual achievement.
Trivia and News?
In theory a trivia attendee had news. Plus, there are fun questions. Anyone in?
The pub quiz at the George and Dragon in Fremont. I hear there may be good news from a local. [more inside]
24 Hrs to Trivia
Pub quiz! Tomorrow! We know we can, do we think we should?
Trivia at the G&D
The usual thing at the usual place. [more inside]
At the George and Dragon, this Tuesday. Lurkers, we're -- mm -- not so bad, mostly.
Lowcountry MeFites Unite
There is no Lowcountry Cabal. Maybe we can change that? [more inside]
I've got a group of three or maybe four people who will be carrying on the MDC tradition at the George on Tuesday. JOIN US. [more inside]
T to the R to the I to the VIA!
That time of week draws near again, and I've missed trivial facts. I'm bringing two people with me, so we only need three more to round out the crew. Unless we want to divide and conquer, of course!
(Moved the date to Sept 5, which was my original intent)
Pub quiz night at the George and Dragon, Fremont. [more inside]
Trivia at the George & Dragon
Time again for Tuesday trivia at the George & Dragon. Regular participants and those that haven't done it before all welcome. Onion rings will be shared. Drinks will be drunk. Questions will be answered.
Trivia at the Dragon
Same bat-time, same bat-channel? We tied for third (out of four) last week... let's see if we can't do a bit better this time!
Trivia Part n+1
More of the same after last week's victory
Three (by way of)
Pub quiz at the George and Dragon, low key, reasonably funny, onion rings. Regulars? Lurkers? Comeback tours? All welcome.
Trivia in a Time of Plague
Slightly more lead time this week - ChrisR and I enjoyed last week but it'd be nice to have a more diverse team so we don't lose our street cred. [more inside]
Trivia is a trivial anagram of trivia
June Monthly Drinks
Come to the pub! Have a drink. [more inside]
Anyone else up for trivia quiz night? Returning champions? Anyone? [more inside]
Last minute Trivia
May Monthly Metropolitan Metafilter Meetup
It's meetup number V.
It's May! [more inside]
Yet More Trivia
Well, last week was weird, but it paid off in Lego at least, if not in victory. I'll be there again this week. Who's in?