197 posts tagged with GeeksWhoDrink and trivia.
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Geek Thing, you've been gone too long
Does trivia drive you crazy? Then bring your suspicious minds to Geeks Who Drink, Monday night at Tommy Doyle's.
Trivia: I'm Just A Mime Who Cain't Say No
Previously in trivia: It was close all the way to the end, but "Dubstep is Robot Farts" wound up in 6th place. Come to the Maple Leaf and help us get back into medal territory! Come early to grab a good table (steak's served at 7), trivia starts at 8.
Nothing but a Geek Thing
Trivia: Hurricane Isaac Hayes
Previously in trivia: "Curiosity Killed the Martian. Thanks, NASA" put in a solid bronze medal performance. Come join us at the Maple Leaf Pub to stake out a good table for steak at 7 and yummy yummy trivia at 8. Wait, strike that, reverse it...
Trivia: Curiosity Killed the Martian
Previously in trivia: "Google Fiber - Now With 100% More Cookies" took home the silver medal in a heroic effort. Can we keep the momentum going? We're building up our prize winnings for a great Quonsar party. Come join us at the Maple Leaf Pub at 7 for a good table and a yummy steak. Trivia's at 8.
(Edit: Moved to Aug. 16 due to Real Life.)
I don't want to miss a Thing
And neither should you. Wish DiscourseMarker bon voyage as she heads back to Memphis for the fall. Geeks Who Drink trivia, Monday night at Tommy Doyle's.
Trivia: Three in a row?
Previously in trivia: We won another one! "Paddle Faster, I Hear Banjos" took the top prize again! We're racking up gift cards to use at an eventual MeFite Quonsar party! Let's add to the kitty! Trivia starts at 8 at the Maple Leaf Pub, but come at 7 to claim a good table and enjoy tasty steak.
Get up offa that Thing!
I Feel Good whenever I'm at Geeks Who Drink trivia. Please Please Please join us Monday night at Tommy Doyle's.
Trivia: Revenge of the Photobombers!
Previously on Geeks Who Drink trivia: We came in a close fourth place in a Maple Leaf Pub made more raucous by a birthday party (the genesis of our team name, We Photobombed Your Birthday).
Why not join us this week? We have some spoils of previous victories to share. Trivia is at 8, yummy yummy steaks are served at 7.
It's your Thing, do what you wannna do
I can't tell you who to sock it to, but I can encourage you to come to Geeks Who Drink trivia, Monday night at Tommy Doyle's.
What's that on your head? A Thing!
Why did the MeFite go to Geeks Who Drink trivia, Monday night at Tommy Doyle's? Because he didn't want toupee!
Trivia: Who Popped Queen Elizabeth's Cherries Jubilee?
(EDIT 6/7: Postponed to the 14th due to Real Life.)
Now that hockey season is almost over (and no more games are scheduled on Thursday nights), we're going to head back to the Maple Leaf Pub for Geeks Who Drink trivia night. Steaks are served starting at 7, trivia begins at 8. Come one, come all!
Put that Thing back where it came from or so help me!
The prodigal taters return to Tommy Doyle's for Geeks Who Drink trivia, this Monday night.
The Spanish Inquisition Must Be Stopped!
Is anyone up for trivia this week? [more inside]
DiscourseMarker has a fever, and the only prescription is more trivia!
Taters World Tour 2012 continues with a stop in Hong Kong (the restaurant, not the city). Join us for Geeks Who Tiki Drink Tuesday night.
Trivia: Return of the Fluffers
This Wednesday it's Geeks Who Drink /
At the Kelvin Arms, whaddaya think? /
Last time out, we came second /
(That's better than we reckoned) /
And this week's performance won't stink!
Translation: Trivia night at the Kelvin Arms. Be there or be a regular quadrilateral. Our last outing, we ("Backstage Fluffers for Triumph of the Will") Meet at 7:30, trivia at 8.
Night is fallin' and the trivia's callin' and we've got to get down to Thingtown
Geeks Who Drink, it's driving me mad, it's making me crazy. Monday night at Tommy Doyles.
Trivia: Bronze is a good color for us, but...
Time for us to once again attempt to ascend the podium at Geeks Who Drink trivia at the Kelvin Arms. "World Domination and a Lamborghini" took bronze last time. We can do better!
Theme for next week: Friday the 13th. Describe the unluckiest/worst/comedically tragic job in the world. Make it funny. ... Quizmaster will not be accepted as a team name.
Spring fling Thing!
Celebrate the sun and fun of Boston in springtime by spending the night in a dark bar answering trivia questions with your internet friends. Geeks Who Drink trivia, Monday night at Tommy Doyle's.
Trivia: Your witty slogan here
If it's Wednesday it must be Geeks Who Drink at the Kelvin Arms. Come on down and join us in the comfy vault! Meet at 7:30, game at 8.
From Scott: "The best team theme name for next week will be "its the thought that counts." April 3 is my 30th Birthday. Tell me in your team name next week what you want to give me, or what you think I deserve."
Is this some Thing I'd need a TV to understand?
No! There are movie and music questions too, and a round that's all funny pictures. Geeks Who Drink trivia, Monday night at Tommy Doyle's
Trivia: Three in a row?
Last time we (Davy Jones' Locker) wound up in solo possession of second place, netting us a $15 bar tab for this week. The previous excursion we (In the Vault, Bob) wound up winning second in a tiebreak. Can we make it a third straight trip to medal territory? Join us at the Kelvin Arms and see! (MexicanYenta's suggested team name: Grand Forks Olive Garden.) Meet at 7:30, trivia at 8. Edit: Postponed for a week due to Real Life.
Geeks, you know you better watch out, cause MeFites are only about that Thing
Don't be a hard rock when you really are a gem. Join us for Geeks Who Drink, Monday night at Tommy Doyle's.
Trivia: Quantum Leap Day
Previously: Last time, we won the second-place tiebreaker in sudden death. And quizmaster Scott is buying us a round this time for the win for best team name.
And so Dr. Metafilter finds himself leaping from trivia night to trivia night, striving to put right what once went wrong and hoping each time that his next leap will be the leap home.
..Oh, wait, what? It's just Leap Day, not Quantum Leap Day? Guess we'll have to put the DVDs down and go out for trivia at the Kelvin Arms.
Trivia: In The Vault, Bob
We were thisclose to a second-place finish last time we met for Geeks who Drink trivia at the Kelvin Arms. The Best Team Name theme will be that old Dating Game staple: Where is the strangest/best/worst place to “make whoopee?” We'll be in the vault at 7:30 for trivia at 8.
People all over the world, join hands, start a love Thing
What better way to celebrate the day before Valentine's Day than by taking that special someone to Geeks Who Drink trivia, Monday night at Tommy Doyle's. Alternatively, drown your sorrows with the $80 in gift certificates we have amassed.
Thing Went the Strings of My Heart
After a bit of a [NONDENOMINATIONAL WINTER HOLIDAY] break, it's time once again for Geeks Who Drink trivia, Monday night at Tommy Doyle's.
Pub Trivia - Insert Clever Title Here
"The time has come," the Walrus said,
"To talk of many things:
Of shoes--and ships--and Polish Oompa cover bands--
Of cabbages--and kings--
And Gordon Ramsay's Sex Dwarves--
And whether pigs have wings." [more inside]
John Carpenter's The Thing
DiscourseMarker is here to kick ass at Geeks Who Drink trivia and chew gum. And she's all out of gum.* [more inside]
It's a birthday Thing, you wouldn't understand
Let's celebrate the impending birthdays of a couple of our Geeks Who Drink regulars, Monday night at Tommy Doyle's.
Trivia: Wednesday makes it a trifecta for us
After brief discussion, we're going to send Metafilter's best and brightest up for Geeks Who Drink trivia Wednesday night. Little Woodrow's Midtown. 7:00 for steaks and socializing, 8:30 for trivia.
The Thing from another world!
You cannot stop Taters. You can only hope to hope to contain them. Monday night at Tommy Doyle's.
A New Hope, er, Bar (Re-Rescheduled!)
Our variably-named pub trivia team has been invited to a different venue in Houston for our next get together, and we're re-rescheduling it! [more inside]
We like to do the wild Thing
Come help spend our old gift certificates and win new ones at Geeks Who Drink trivia, Monday night at Tommy Doyle's.
Trivia: Occupy the Maple Leaf Pub
It's trivia night at the Maple Leaf; it's also a heavy hockey night with 10 games scheduled. Our schedules dictate that Thursday is going to be our night for trivia (at least this week; we can discuss other options). Come join us and help us outnumber the hockey heads!
It ain't got that swing if it ain't The Thing
Geeks Who Drink trivia at Tommy Doyle's. Cameo appearance by DiscourseMarker as the Wacky Neighbor Who is Good at Trivia. No opponents from Reddit so far as I know.
Trivia: Revenge of the Jalapeño Poppers
It's amazing what a little Press will do to your favorite trivia night. (The alt-weekly named the Maple Leaf the best place to spend a Thursday night.) Last time was very crowded and very noisy, to the point of spending the audio round outside on the patio so that the questions could be heard. Despite that, "Gordon Ramsay Sex Dwarf" tied for 4th. So, we're on for Thursday, eh? Meet at 7 for yummy, yummy steak; trivia's at 8.
A New Hope, er, Bar (RESCHEDULED!)
Our variably-named pub trivia team has been invited to a different venue in Houston for our next get together, and we're rescheduling it! [more inside]
The Thing That Couldn't Die!
It's Geeks Who Drink Trivia time once again--join us, won't you? I am posting as your designated alternate maryr.
Geeks Who Drink (and also trivia)
This Monday is an every-other-Monday, so we'll be gathering at Tommy Doyle's in Harvard Square at 7:30-8 PM for Geeks Who Drink Pub Trivia! I am posting as your designated alternate Horace Rumpole. [more inside]
The Thing Says "It's Clobberin' Time!"
We are geeks. Geeks who drink. And answer trivia questions. Preferably correctly.
Meetup Cambridge: Quiz Comma Beer
It's the "on" week of our every other week get together at Tommy Doyle's for the Geeks Who Drink pub quiz. [more inside]
The Safeword is "Bananas."
Last time, we came away with first and second place, which means that we have a $50 bar tab this time. That's a lot of cheese-stuffed jalapeños, y'all. The more the merrier! If we field three teams, do we think we can land ALL the top honors? [more inside]
That Thing You Do!
Time for one more Geeks Who Drink pub trivia meetup before DiscourseMarker departs Cambridge for the fall. Monday night, 7:30, Tommy Doyle's in Harvard Square.
The Thing 3: Trivia with a Vengeance
Hey guys! It's time again for Boston/Cambridge area Geeks Who Drink pub trivia. We must continue our trivia dominance over the rest of New England nerdery.
We will of course be at Tommy Doyle's in Harvard Square again, but your guess is as good as mine as to which floor. Maybe we'll be on the roof. Who knows--it's all part of the adventure. At least one of us will be wearing a MeFi t-shirt.
Return of The Thing
Boston/Cambridge MeFites: Let's continue our dominance of the Geeks Who Drink pub quiz, Monday night at Tommy Doyle's. [more inside]
Pub Trivia
We've tested out Geeks Who Drink and found their trivia entertaining and enjoyable. We've tested a couple locations, and we think that the following is ideal: centrally located, with some food options, late enough that we're not going to have to skeedaddle from work to get there, etc.
And so, on May 19 at 8:00pm (get there a touch early!) we're going to the Maple Leaf Pub to kick some nerdy ass.