Events in the Proposed category.
Displaying 1 through 20 of 603.

March 2

Hi, I'll be in Las Vegas for a conference at the Venetian from May 6th to the 8th. It's been a long time since I've been to a meetup, so if any Mefi's are around and are up for an actual face to face dinner/meetup outside of the Venetian, I'd love meet y'all.
posted by cowlick at 7:24 PM - 0 comments

December 9

Any interest in a meetup on 12/25? Chime in with your suggestions, upvote one of my ideas, or express your regrets + interest in a future event. [more inside]
posted by concinnity at 7:14 PM - 6 comments

December 1

I went to one meetup in Chapel Hill like 10 years ago and it was great. I'm an introvert but would love to get together with other folks in my area. I'm in Cary. So far people have suggested Sarah's Empanadas or a member's house. If you are better at organizing than me, I'm happy to have help!
posted by caviar2d2 at 12:37 PM - 15 comments

July 9

I'll be at Burning Man for the first time in a long time and thought I'd post a placeholder for a meetup. We could meet at the Man base or Center Camp, maybe go on an art walk.
posted by adamrice at 9:48 AM - 0 comments

July 2

so the semi-random tour of europe that i've been doing has gotten me to paris through the 5th and i'd love to hang out with metafilter people here, should there be metafilter people here who'd love to hang out [more inside]
posted by bombastic lowercase pronouncements at 9:46 AM - 1 comments

June 20

here through the 24th while moving randomly across the surface of europe. the last roll of the dice got me to sweden during midsommar, so that’s pretty cool
posted by bombastic lowercase pronouncements at 9:16 AM - 3 comments

April 20

Hey! Not sure how to search for members who might want to meet up IRL some time the week of May 5th, so I thought I'd make one of these for the first time. I will potentially be in town to see some friends and do some business networking, might be fun to organize a MeFi get together too!
posted by jpziller at 2:45 PM - 1 comments

March 20

Hi folks! The Southeast Asian Market is opening for the season on Saturday, March 30th. Would anyone be interested in a picnic in FDR park by the SEA market? [more inside]
posted by catcafe at 11:24 AM - 11 comments

March 14

I don't know if there's a way to tell if we have members in a given location, but there must be some in Japan, aren't there? It would be fun to meet! I'll be visiting in April. Some time spent in Tokyo, some in a couple other cities.
posted by interbeing at 4:54 PM - 9 comments

February 26

Come grab a late lunch and a drink or two and meet your fellow Eugene/Springfield MeFites at PublicHouse in downtown Springfield at 2 pm on Sunday, March 24! (The meetup is definitely happening, but I currently encounter technical errors whenever I try to switch the event category from Proposed to Confirmed.) [more inside]
posted by bassooner at 4:31 PM - 16 comments

February 2

Union Station, anyone? It's been far too long since I encountered MeFites in the wild, and I'd love to arrange something in the next month or so.
posted by cyndigo at 5:49 PM - 10 comments

November 26

Wondering if folks would like to do an in-person meetup in San Francisco, some folks from the near future lab are already interested? I'd propose Destapas in the Mission as the local and sometime in early December as a potential Data [more inside]
posted by specialk420 at 1:11 PM - 24 comments

November 8

I’ll be in Reykjavík 13-18 Nov (volcanic activity willing) for the Iceland Noir fest and would love to meet up with local or other visiting mefites over meals or coffee. It’ll be my 6th visit, so I’m reasonably familiar with the city center, where I’m staying. [more inside]
posted by mollymillions at 9:49 PM - 0 comments

November 1

Just thinking it might be nice to have an NYC Meetup, sometime after the busy holiday party season... Perhaps Thursday, January 11? Sunday January 14? [more inside]
posted by wowenthusiast at 3:58 PM - 2 comments

October 16

What it says in the title. How are we feeling about seeing fellow mefites in real life, Ottawa?
posted by jacquilynne at 7:26 PM - 4 comments

September 2

Not the religious kind, but the “this meetup contingent appears to be sleeping, shall we awaken it?” kind. While the weather is (more or less) on our side, what do folks think about some type of low-key meetup in September or October? [more inside]
posted by D.Billy at 1:23 PM - 9 comments

April 12

I'll be in Salt Lake City, Utah for PyCon US this month. I'll be available parts of Wednesday, April 19th-Monday, April 24th, and would enjoy meeting other MeFites who live in SLC or who are visiting for the convention! An outdoor beverage near the Salt Palace would be ideal. Tentative suggestion: 5pm Saturday, April 22nd. [more inside]
posted by brainwane at 8:34 AM - 0 comments

January 8

Are people interested in a Nashville meetup? [more inside]
posted by joannemerriam at 9:58 AM - 9 comments

September 21

I will be in Prague next week. Are there any MeFites in or near Prague who want to get together for a wholesome walk, say? [more inside]
posted by Bella Donna at 7:51 AM - 4 comments

August 25

I'd love to meet up w/ the MeFi community members in DC before summer ends. Thinking that a picnic with Caribbean food would be a great way to end summer and kick-off the school year. This would have to be a collaborative effort. Plans are tentative and based on the number of responses. /Food: Avenues of the Caribbean Catering: /Location: National Mall /Date & Time: Tentative
posted by packers02 at 10:17 AM - 5 comments