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December 8, 2017
4 attending
14 maybe
Meetup: Regional meet for Detroit, Ann Arbor, Ypsi and nearby!
Hey Michiganders! By now I hope you're recovered from holiday madness and ready to kick back with your fellow mitten-wearing MeFites. We're meeting at Cultivate Coffee in Ypsilanti on Sun Jan. 21 from 4-8PM. Hopefully that will accommodate both early and latecomers. It's a nice bright shop with coffee, tea, beer and snacks. So stoked! Bring your pals! [more inside]
April 20, 2017
1 attending
2 maybe
Etc: Penguicon, April 28-30, Southfield, Michigan
Penguicon is a combination scifi convention and open source conference that's been running annually for 15 years. I'm a guest of honor at Penguicon 2017 (my schedule), as is MeFi's own Cory Doctorow (schedule) and Ada Palmer (schedule) whose work's been discussed on MetaFilter several times. Other speakers include MeFi's own John Scalzi. [more inside]
July 17, 2016
14 attending
4 maybe
Meetup: Ann Arbor meet-up in August
OK - Confirmed - Wed Aug 3. Arbor Brewing on Washington. Weather permitting I'll grab an outside table. If wet or too stinking hot will be in the side room. Will have a sign. Come have a drink and say hi! [more inside]
November 27, 2015
3 attending
1 maybe
Exhibition: Art opening at MIX Ypsilanti
As part of December's First Friday festivities I'm the featured artist at MIX in Ypsilanti. Come see my work, shop their awesome women's new and used clothing and accessories, have a drink and hang with me. [more inside]
September 30, 2015
3 attending
2 maybe
Exhibition: Exhibition opening for mefite leslies' solo show Sky/Ground
I'm having a solo exhibition of paintings - landscapes from both aerial and ground based perspectives. Details:
Sky/Ground at Canton Village Theater Wednesday November 4 from 7pm to 9pm 50400 Cherry Hill Rd, Canton MI [more inside]
July 16, 2015
1 attending
1 maybe
Proposed: Portage/Kalamazoo (Michigan) Meetup?
Hi all! I was active years back in the Philadelphia meetups and made some irl friends there. I just recently moved to Portage and am hoping to do the same here! Dates, times, locations are all up in the air since I only know how to get to work and home!
February 21, 2015
1 attending
0 maybe
Performance: Movement Festival Detroit
I'm going to this year's Movement, May 23 - 25, in Detroit, MI. If any other MeFites are planning to attend for all or part of the festival, perhaps we could have a meetup to discuss our love of, e.g., techno? I'm open to suggestions, but I think a recuperative brunch of some sort might be nice. People do allegedly have to eat and drink at some point, right?
August 8, 2014
6 attending
1 maybe
Meetup: August meetup before I leave!
So, last meetup we talked about doing another one this summer, before I leave town. So, Friday Aug 15 at 5 pm in the Ann Arbor Beer Garden. There's food right next door at Mark's Carts so we might be over there, and if it rains, check this space for alternate plans. [more inside]
June 4, 2014
8 attending
3 maybe
Meetup: Top of the Park
Update: we will meet at Top of the Park, unless it's rained out, in which case we'll meet at Silvios on North U. [more inside]
March 21, 2014
0 attending
0 maybe
Performance: Suite Pairings - dance/music/art performance
People Dancing, Ann Arbor area dance troupe are performing at the Stone Chalet with live music, visual art, spoken word, live interactive electronic music Friday and Saturday in an intimate concert venue. [more inside]
January 11, 2014
6 attending
0 maybe
Meetup: Detroit Area meetup The Freezening again
Currently rescheduled again for March 1. Details have changed: Now we are going to Pizza Bigalora. Hope to see some of you there at 5pm March 1. [more inside]
November 24, 2013
0 attending
0 maybe
Proposed: Detroit-Area Meetup II: The Freezening
Eight plus one at the last one -- let's keep it going! [more inside]
November 14, 2013
8 attending
5 maybe
Meetup: Detroit Metro Meetup
Check out their website.
November 7, 2013
2 attending
3 maybe
Presentation: Ignite Ann Arbor
Ignite Ann Arbor 5 Minutes, 20 Slides - 16 speakers giving brief presentations - think mini-TED talks. I'm on of the 16. Ignite Ann Arbor 8 will be Sunday Nov 17th at 7pm at the Ross School of Business. It's free.
Register here. [more inside]
November 5, 2013
5 attending
8 maybe
Proposed: Detroit Metro Meetup, anyone?
I'm a Michigan native, and recently moved back from Austin, TX. I'd like to set up a Meetup in the Detroit/Ann Arbor area. [more inside]
May 21, 2012
4 attending
1 maybe
Meetup: Ann Arbor Memorial Day Meetup?
Didn't feel like getting out of town? Looking for an excuse to skip out on a picnic/barbeque/party? Want to meet up on Memorial Day? [more inside]
May 17, 2012
3 attending
0 maybe
Exhibition: Reception for Water Ways - exhibition at Kerrytown Concert House
Mefite Leslie Sobel (that's me) is having a show of new encaustic monotypes at Kerrytown Concert House The show will be up June-July and the opening reception is Thursday June 7 from 5-7pm. Hope you can join me! [more inside]
February 21, 2012
3 attending
4 maybe
Meetup: Ann Arbor meet-up? It's been too long!
Updated - 4pm, ABC, Sunday March 18
A few people have chimed in with what works for them and this was best.
September 9, 2011
5 attending
6 maybe
Meetup: Michigan Metafilter Meetup! Arbor Brewing Company! Not to Miss!
It's been too long, Michigan! How about an early October Meetup in the Ann Arbor / Ypsi area on Sunday, 10/9? It just so happens that a certain Genuine Metafilter Moderator, who is known to appear at libraries, will be appearing at the Ann Arbor Library Sunday afternoon, and a Meetup afterwards would be a good time for all involved. [more inside]
June 24, 2011
1 attending
0 maybe
Exhibition: Communitree - community based public art
I’ve been commissioned by the Street Art Fair and AnnArbor.com to do a community based public art project. We’re growing a tree out of recycled cables. How will this work and how can you be involved? The tree will be a sculpture using recycled and repurposed materials with community help in making it grow. I’m building an armature out of a repurposed lab stool and metal posts, old window sash weights and other found objects. The tree will be fleshed out using old computer, phone and electrical cables and that’s where you come in. I need your old phone cords (coiled ones are great!), computer cables and the like. If you’re like me you probably have a box of them somewhere. You can drop them off at the Art Fair Office at 721 E. Huron St., Suite 200, Ann Arbor, MI 48104 734-994-5260 (PH) or at AnnArbor.com at 301 E. Liberty St., First Floor. If you know me you can get in touch with me. [more inside]
September 27, 2010
0 attending
0 maybe
Presentation: TedX Detroit is soon
The next TEDx - regional TED event is in Detroit on Wed Sept 29. Any mefites going besides me? [more inside]