Montreal, QC  IRL events around Montreal, QC RSS | iCal | showing:

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Montréal CrossingsCon adjacent meetup?

I'm visiting Montréal next week for CrossingsCon, a little con by/for the fandom of Diane Duane's 'Young Wizards' book series. The con starts Friday 6/21, but I'm flying in Thursday 6/20 in the afternoon. Are there any other mefites attending the con? Or, would any Montréal Mefites be interested in meeting up somewhere on 6/20 for dinner? [more inside]
Montreal, QC by oh yeah! on Jun 11, 2019 - 6 comments

2 attending
1 maybe

Montreal Meetup 2!

The goal last time was to have another meeting in less than a year from the previous one, so we have a little over 2 months to get organized ;) I propose Benelux on Wellington, May 24 or 25. [more inside]

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Big Damn Heros!

I've been obsessed with RPGs since high school but only fairly recently started actually playing them. Now I find I'd like to run a game from time to time and I thought mefites would make a good group of people to play with! [more inside]

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Last minute Longueuil Firework viewing?

I'm new to the city and have a fantastic view of the La Ronde from the Longueuil side (near the metro station). Anyone interested in getting together to watch the fireworks tonight?

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Visiting Montreal in Early April

I'll be in Montreal for a few days as a part of a larger trip across Canada, and I was wondering if any Montreal Mefites want to meet up for dinner and/or drinks on April 4th? [more inside]
Montreal, QC at Dieu du Ciel, 8PM by grandsham - 5 comments

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Brad Sucks @ Il Motore

Come enjoy a rock and roll show with Brad Sucks, Graven and Happenstance at Il Motore. $10, 8pm, 18+. Facebook event. [more inside]
Montreal, QC at Il Motore, 8PM by frenetic - 0 comments

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Game on

After the rousing and (for some) humiliating success of last month's gaming meet-up, we're doing games at Jeather's place on Sunday, October 20 at 3pm. Memail jeather for details on how to get there. All are welcome!
Montreal, QC at Jeather's place -- memail her for directions, 3PM by vecchio - 18 comments

6 attending
5 maybe

Montreal Boardgame Meetup

Let's get together to play boardgames at Randolph! [more inside]
Montreal, QC at Randolph Pub, 6:30PM by snorkmaiden - 13 comments

Past Events

4 attending
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Know It All Trivia at Le Cagibi

Part II in the "let's find a really good Montreal trivia night" series: Know It All Trivia at Le Cagibi happens biweekly on Wednesdays. [more inside]
Montreal, QC at Le Cagibi, 7:30PM by snorkmaiden - 7 comments

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Board Game Night

Hey all: We talked about this at the last meet-up, and it's a low key fun evening, they even have beer. Also, ticket to ride.
Montreal, QC at Randolph, 7PM by PinkMoose - 11 comments

5 attending
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Trivia, the buried in snow edition

Montreal Mefites, how about a nice, friendly pub quiz? [more inside]
Montreal, QC at Sparrow, 7:30PM by vasi - 11 comments

3 attending
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Board games in Montreal

I'm having people over for board games during the holidays, and I'd love to have even more people. We have heavy games, light games, cooperative games. Gaming will take place in franglais, depending on who shows up. The start time is probably 2, but may be a bit earlier or later. [more inside]
Montreal, QC at My home, 2PM by jeather - 15 comments

3 attending
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Drinks in Montreal

Let's meet up and have a beer! [more inside]
Montreal, QC at Bar St. Sulpice, 7PM by snorkmaiden - 24 comments

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Moving to Montreal

I am moving to Montreal to go to Concordia at the beginning of Sept. Mid Sept does anyone want to have an Introduce the Moose to the wilds of quebec style meet up?
Montreal, QC by PinkMoose on Aug 26, 2012 - 19 comments

3 attending
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Montreal. March. Me. Meetup?

I am on the road again and will see some of you in Montreal this Saturday. [more inside]
Montreal, QC at Juliette et Chocolat, 8PM by ricochet biscuit - 10 comments

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I'm in Montreal on my honeymoon, drinks?

Me and my soon to be wife will be in Montreal in the middle of our honeymoon, and it'd be great to meetup with a few people on Sunday 9th October. [more inside]
Montreal, QC by chrispy108 on Sep 27, 2011 - 1 comment

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The meet a real live New Zealander tour - Montreal

I've come halfway around the world to see what this Canada thing is all about, and I think meeting some Canadians would be a good start. Let's see if we can get some to Cafe Shaika. [more inside]
Montreal, QC at Cafe Shaika, 7PM by roobot - 7 comments

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Getting to know you, getting to know all about you...but not in a creepy way.

I am keen on meeting Montreal MeFites. And considering warm weather is in scarce supply for the majority of the year, this means pints on a patio! [more inside]
Montreal, QC at Dieu du Ciel, 7PM by Kitteh - 23 comments

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Vegan Taste-a-Thon

I am having a vegan taste-a-thon at this weekend's Montreal Geek Out! around 3 pm. It would be nice if you came by, said hi to me or Shepherd (he's way more prolific on the board than I am) and had yourself a tasty treat. If you like what you see at the Geek Out!, stick around for a board game or two!
Montreal, QC at Burritoville, 3PM by Kitteh - 0 comments

2 attending
1 maybe

J'y suis, mais je n'y reste pas

Salut, Montreal! Wendy BD and I will be in Montreal for a few days at the end of February and would be pleased to see Montrealer mefites while there. [more inside]