32 posts tagged with London and meetup.
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Looking to meet locals in London

Good evening Londoners (or those who have moved to London): I've recently moved to London and I'm looking for people to meet in the Islington/Hackney/Dalston area. I don't know a soul! I love socialising/eating out so I'd love to visit a few restaurants in Islington or Hackney with drinks before, and then a meal after. I've been recommended Vins so if anyone fancies it let me know and I'd love to meet. I also love museums and walks too.
posted by holliemichaels87 on Apr 4, 2022 - 7 comments

London midweek January meet-up

[confirmed!] Would people be up for a central London midweek meetup sometime in January? [more inside]
posted by unicorn chaser on Dec 19, 2018 - 32 comments

[An alternative to the] Stand Up To Racism Demo - London

Edited: Given the problematic elements with Stand up to Racism (please see links in this thread), I'd like to find a better way to take a stand against structures of violence — one that is inclusive, looks out for survivors and creates a safe space for everybody. I've edited this post title, new copy is in brackets. I've moved the original post copy below here, kept for posterity. --- Original post: >Would anybody like to meet up for and/or after the March Against Racism National demonstration on March 18, 2017 in London? >This Stand Up to Racism Demo is for UN Anti-Racism Day. Other UK rallies are happening same day in Glasgow and Cardiff. [more inside]
posted by iamkimiam on Feb 11, 2017 - 7 comments

Mini Mefi Meetup in London?

Hi all. I'm visiting my brother in London the weekend of the 25-27 November, and was wondering if anyone would be around for a couple of hours on the Friday night to say hello and perhaps drink some gins with me? [more inside]
posted by billiebee on Nov 14, 2016 - 50 comments

MeFi London

I'm visiting London March 5 - 16. London meetup? To tempt you further, here's a list of things I can rant about if asked: GOATS, how much I love Swedish pizza, the Sonoran Desert, why space opera is the best genre, and What Not to Do During Disaster. [more inside]
posted by WidgetAlley on Mar 1, 2016 - 21 comments

London II: Jessamyn and Her Sister Want to Have Dinner with You

I'm back in town with my sister, staying in an AirBnB place in Surrey Quays/Rotherhithe. Would love to meet up for dinner/drinks on Thursday. Doesn't have to be right near here but would be nice if it was easily public transportationable from here. Who is in and can suggest a place? [more inside]
posted by jessamyn on Feb 23, 2015 - 83 comments

When in London, meetup: II, the wintering

We'll meet at Draughts, at 337 Acton Mews; we might choose another place nearby if it is overcrowded. I will randomly say 4pm (but really we're discussing timing below). [more inside]
posted by nat on Nov 9, 2014 - 19 comments

West End Meetup

I don’t know about the rest of you, but the recent upheavals around these parts have left me in sore need of several stiff drinks and the company of some like-minded friends. Let's meet at the Crown Tavern on Saturday 31 May to doff our caps and wave goodbye to the inimitable jessamyn, goodnewsfortheinsane and LobsterMitten! [more inside]
posted by HandfulOfDust on May 20, 2014 - 39 comments

I would like to meet some London mefites in April.

I moved to London last year but I have not managed to meet up with any London mefites yet, I feel like it would be fun to go to a pub and meet you guys. Perhaps we can bring board games or card games to play? The Penderel's Oak is a pub(wetherspoons) in the centre that I know is nice and big - would anyone like to have a london mefi meetup there next month? Edit: OK, 5th of April Then, I will bring a sign with a mefi logo on it and will be there from 7 till whenever. Please bring games if you have them. :)
posted by Another Fine Product From The Nonsense Factory on Mar 10, 2014 - 32 comments

So, London called...

Hey guys! So I'll be traveling from the U.S. to London in December on a wonderful combination of business and pleasure and would love to meet some Mefites. [more inside]
posted by tooloudinhere on Nov 23, 2013 - 29 comments

California Invades London

Asterix and I will be in London in a couple weeks, and as it happens special-k will also be there. So meetup!! [more inside]
posted by grapesaresour on Oct 6, 2013 - 47 comments

London farewell

After five years, I'm leaving London. It would be good to meet up with MeFites one last time before I go. [more inside]
posted by Infinite Jest on Aug 22, 2013 - 27 comments

Drink with London mefites

Hey London Mefites! I'll be in your hood next month. I'm there for work but have two weekends free. The weekend of 7-8 and 14-15. Anyone want to hang out? [more inside]
posted by special-k on Aug 17, 2013 - 36 comments

Pre- and post- Bowie pub meetup 6.30pm and 10.00pm

For people who want to meet for a drink before and/or after the Bowie exhibition at the V&A. I know not everyone was able to get a ticket for the exhibition, but we'd love to see you at the pub. [more inside]
posted by essexjan on Apr 3, 2013 - 23 comments

In London

Hi, I'll be in London near Lincoln's Inn Fields next week, from Sunday to noon Thursday. Any London mefites want to meet a mefite from the U.S.? I have no car but a sense of adventure. I'll buy you a pint, of whatever.
posted by Toekneesan on Nov 8, 2012 - 39 comments

Superhuman exhibit at the Wellcome Collection

Kattullus and myself both happen to be in London for the weekend. There's already a full-packed Saturday plan, but for those who can't make it or know they won't be able to get enough MeFites IRL, come join us on Friday! We are planning on meeting outside the Wellcome Collection at 1pm, to check out the Superhuman exhibit. Food and drink will likely happen afterwards. [more inside]
posted by iamkimiam on Sep 25, 2012 - 13 comments

In London from 27 Sept - 1 Oct...let's meet!

The London meetups are shapin' up! Plans for Friday are here; this is the Saturday thread. Please feel free to simply show up to any/all of this fun. Let's start with the Science Museum at 1pm. We'll meet right out front, here. Then roughly about 4pm, let's head over to Taqueria for Mexican food, here. Then off to begin the pub crawl, starting at 6pm at The Slaughtered Lamb, here.
This is a google map of the day.

Original post: I'll be in London from 27 Sept (Thursday) - 1 Oct (Monday), mostly at the London International Tattoo Convention. I'm open to doing and seeing other things as well...schedule is fairly open. At the very least, let's do a meetup. And if anybody would like to join me at the convention, that'd be great too. Or something else fun. (Updated meetup details within) [more inside]
posted by iamkimiam on Sep 2, 2012 - 115 comments

Fun in London

Hi! I've got this train ticket to London burning a hole in my pocket. It's for Saturday, July 7th and I should arrive around 12:30. What say we do a meetup that day/evening? Who's in and what shall we do? Update: meetup back to proposed. I still have a train ticket, but can reschedule it for another weekend (granted I make the change by the 7th). Any Londonders wanna meet up?
posted by iamkimiam on Jun 19, 2012 - 14 comments

The Empress Lands In London

Good Mefites of London: last year when I visited London, and only gave myself three days, I said "I should come back next year and stay a bit longer." This year, I am indeed doing that (from 27 May to 2 June); it has been proposed we start with cocktails here, and then a meal after. [more inside]
posted by EmpressCallipygos on May 7, 2012 - 74 comments

Last chance to see Chihuly

I've left it horrendously late, as usual, to see the Chihuly exhibition at the Halcyon Gallery in New Bond Street, and Saturday is the last day, so I'm definitely going. Would anyone like to join me? [more inside]
posted by essexjan on Apr 17, 2012 - 10 comments

London Pub Quiz! *REDDIT SHOWDOWN*

Hi, guys! Well, I'm coming back. HandfulOfDust suggested we organize a meetup, and because HandfulOfDust is awesome, that's just what I'm going to do. [more inside]
posted by phunniemee on Sep 19, 2011 - 104 comments

Hunterian Museum; Towards a Scientific Model of Disability

Hey, Metafilter! Are you in or around London? Do you like looking at things preserved in jars? Have I got a meetup for you... [more inside]
posted by Gordafarin on Sep 13, 2011 - 25 comments

London pre-Pulp drinks in Brixton?

Pulp is playing Brixton Academy! Holy crap! [more inside]
posted by timshel on Jul 14, 2011 - 2 comments

Science-Fictional British Library (London) Meetup Madness!

Hey, MeFites! Let's go check out the Out Of This World: Science Fiction But Not As We Know It exhibition at the British Library (subject of this excellent FPP by dng). I'm thinking this weekend-- short notice, I know, but what is life without spontaneity? [more inside]
posted by Pallas Athena on Jun 2, 2011 - 36 comments

Oh to be in England

The Whelk is on a rolling business trip of Northern England and environs and would like to grab a beer with some awesome English Mefites. I'll be in Manchester May 29th through 31st, York on June 1st, Leeds on June 3rd, Sheffield June 5th, Notthingham June 7th, Liverpool on June 9th through the 11th and the London June 12th and 13th. What's the best for everyone? I'd imagine something in Manchester or London. [more inside]
posted by The Whelk on May 29, 2011 - 35 comments

London MeFites...HI!

Hey, let's do a meetup! I'll be in London all day (and night) this Saturday the 21st. Would love to get out and see/do something interesting. 11 am, let's meet at the lobby/front-desk of the Natural History Museum, take a free visit through the butterfly exhibit and more, and end up at the Windsor Castle in Notting Hill at 5.30pm for food and drinks?
posted by iamkimiam on May 16, 2011 - 53 comments

Turtle Tour 2010 (London)

The wife and I will be in England, Wales and Ireland over the last 2 weeks of 2010, and would love to catch-up with old friends and make some new ones. However, our schedule is rather tight, so we hope folks will be okay with our selecting the date, while you lot pick a place to make merry. [more inside]
posted by terrapin on Dec 5, 2010 - 45 comments

Drinks and Churchill's War Room in London

Hi Mefites -- Mrs. Dream and I will be in London on vacation later this month. Anyone interested in a Sunday meetup on October 24th? Let's meet at Walkers of Whitehall at 1pm for lunch and drinks, then walk down to Churchill's War Room, which is open until 6pm. Get as drunk as you like in honor of Churchill. I'll set up a MeFi sign on the table at Walkers. I'll update later with a phone number if I'm successful in jailbreaking my iphone and getting a SIM card.
posted by benzenedream on Oct 6, 2010 - 17 comments

London meetup

Metafiltrians of London, I will be in the capital on the evening of the 21st: does anyone fancy a wee meetup? I haven't yet sorted out accommodation and so forth, but I expect I'll be somewhere in the approximate vicinity of Imperial College. If people are up for it and know a good place to go nearby, please suggest it; I barely know London at all, so I'm relying on youse for ideas. I wasn't thinking of anything big, probably just drinks and maybe a meal. Hopefully see you in a week or so's time!
posted by Dim Siawns on Sep 13, 2010 - 15 comments

The Lamb, 6:00pm, Thurs. September 16th, London. YAY.

A long, drawn out nightmare with my visa is finally all sorted out and I'll be in London from the 15th-17th! If you're not too meetup'ed out, please come have a celebratory drink with me. Looking forward to it (you have no idea how much)! [more inside]
posted by iamkimiam on Sep 12, 2010 - 15 comments

Londoners, come join us for a drink in Camden

I just moved to London for grad school. Anyone up for a pint? [more inside]
posted by Put the kettle on on Aug 29, 2010 - 32 comments


Sgt.Serenity visiting the wonderful people in london before his group show at trumans brewery at 6pm on july 1st- 5th, which he's not allowed to advertise- but the 30th is free for beer garden mefi goodness !!!!
posted by sgt.serenity on Jun 26, 2010 - 0 comments

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