24 posts tagged with Food and dc.
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Picnic- District of Columbia
I'd love to meet up w/ the MeFi community members in DC before summer ends. Thinking that a picnic with Caribbean food would be a great way to end summer and kick-off the school year. This would have to be a collaborative effort. Plans are tentative and based on the number of responses.
Avenues of the Caribbean Catering: www.avenuesofthecaribbean.com
National Mall
/Date & Time:
*pounds on table* Raclette! Raclette! Hey DC MeFi, we're one month into 2020! Let's toast the new year over some hot melted cheese. That's right, we're hiking our way out to the Swiss Alps --that is, to Stable in DC's H St corridor for Raclette Thursday. [more inside]
DC FOODIES are not Agora-phobic
...sue me, it's Friday. It's been a while since we ventured into the cuisines of the Mediterranean, so let's stave off the chilly November weather with a comforting meal of Turkish meze at Agora. To avoid any clashes with turkey-day travel, we're doing a weeknight this month. Join us! [more inside]
DC FOODIES @ Bombay Street Food
Hello FOODIES, we didn't nail down a date and location at the end of our delicious Peruvian dinner at Pisco y Nazca, but my October weekends are quickly filling up so I thought I'd throw something on the calendar. Let's head to Bombay Street Food in Columbia Heights. Unlike many of our locations, I've been here before several times and highly recommend it for street food dishes rarely seen in our corner of the US like kati rolls and pav bhaji, plus items from Indo-Chinese cuisine and the most delicious "cutting chai". This location does not take reservations, but I've found it's pretty quiet toward the beginning of the weekend lunch hour. Show up early, help us corner some tables, and we should be good to go! [more inside]
DC FOODIES Ghanaian Gathering
Thanks to all who came out for a wonderfully fun and action-packed meetup at Eden Center last weekend! Let's keep the fun rolling into June with a half-dinner, half-(optional) dance party* meetup at Adams Morgan's Bukom Cafe, where West African cuisine is the name of the game. Come early, stay late for music and dancing! [more inside]
DC FOODIES at Baan Thai
Friends, let's do lunch. Let's do lunch at the Thai place that proudly posts its one-star Yelp review from "Alexa" (not me!) because it was "too spicy" and "doesn't even have pad thai". Yes, we're going to Baan Thai (WaPo review) in two weeks--come join us! As always, newcomers and visitors to DC are welcome. [more inside]
DC FOODIES Afghan Adventure
Happy new year, foodies! Where we last left off, we were sitting at Pitango with our hot chocolate affogatos (world's greatest invention y/n) talking about getting Afghan food in January. I am thrilled to share the excellent news that lauded suburban spot Afghan Bistro has opened a DC location, Bistro Aracosia. Let's go! [more inside]
DC FOODIES Brazilian Bonanza
For our final FOODIE adventure of 2018, we're heading to Brazil c/o Adams Morgan. After you've practiced feasting over Thanksgiving weekend, feast again with us at The Grill from Ipanema! [more inside]
DC FOODIES Go to Fava Pot, For Real This Time
For our DC FOODIES July August September October meetup...okay, so it's been a while. We're going to try take 2 on Fava Pot, an exciting new-ish Egyptian place in Arlington, VA. Hope to see you all there! [more inside]
Um, did someone say "all you can eat and drink"? Inspired by Washington City Paper's celebration of DC's rich Trinidadian heritage, we're headed to Crown Bakery in Brightwood Park, DC, for Sunday brunch on the 22nd. (I was going to say we're heading to Trinidad, but that's an actual place in DC and I endeavor to eliminate confusion!) Is Kennedy St. really the new Upshur St.? Join us and find out! [more inside]
DC FOODIES take to the Silk Road
For our next foodie adventure, we're heading to the Xinjiang region of northwest China to try some Uyghur food. Actually wait, no, we're heading to Dolan Uyghur Restaurant just outside the Cleveland Park metro, which hopefully should be a shorter trip for most of us... [more inside]
DC FOODIES is back with a um, vengeance? Yeah, vengeance, let's go with that. We're going to Yechon in Annandale's Koreatown at 8PM on Saturday the 13th. Join us for Korean BBQ and bites! [more inside]
Let's meet up near DC!
In DC for a bit - who wants to get Ethiopian food?
I have never had Ethiopian food and I want to try some good stuff! What if this exciting initial experience was a Metafilter meetup too?
DC FOODIES February brunchytimes
As much as I'd like to make another "LET'S JUST GO TO COMET" shitpost now that James bloody O'Keefe of all people is going after them (it's a long story, google it) I think...I think we should do brunch in February! the thought-fox's suggestion of Yayla (Turkish, near East Falls Church metro) sounded really tasty, and we haven't done Middle Eastern yet. Let's go on the 25th at noon! [more inside]
DC FOODIES Ride Again!
Hello good people of MetaFilter! In between traveling, inclement weather, work, and other social engagements, I have somehow sadly allowed months to pass without a single food-related journey. But never fear. We ride again! And this time, we ride to Uzbekistan. Thanks to drlith's excellent suggestion, I propose that we meet on May 28th for a delicious Uzbek luncheon at Silk Road Choyhona in Gaithersburg, MD. Who's in? [more inside]
DC FOODIES Go Into the Woods
As promised: our rare foods tour has taken us to many meaty delights, so now it's time to visit some vegetables! Let's go to the Woodlands Vegetarian Restaurant weekend buffet in Langley Park, MD later this month. [more inside]
DC FOODIES Eat a Big Bag of Crabs
After a mouth-numbingly delicious feast at Panda Gourmet, what could be better than a large plastic bag of spicy Cajun-style crawfish at Hot N Juicy Crawfish in Woodley Park? I hope to see you all there! [more inside]
Szechuan in September
DC MeFi goes to "the best Chinese restaurant Washington, DC has had, ever". Going with September 19th since it looked like weekends were a good bet and some folks wanted something later in the month. If enough people are interested and the weather is nice, let's meet at the Arboretum a little earlier and walk up to the restaurant. [more inside]
Ferret Branca is coming to DC!
I know it's short notice but Ferret Branca will be in DC this weekend so we're having another meetup! If you missed last weekend's meetup OR if you came last weekend and want more time with DC MeFites, we'll be in Shaw on Saturday afternoon. [more inside]
dejah420 is coming to DC!
We'll be going to Medaterra on Connecticut at 6:45 on Saturday for dinner. Join us and celebrate an out-of-town MeFite! [more inside]
Delicious Foodstuffs Tour of DC Begins with Fish in the Hood
The winner of our food poll is Fish in the Hood, located in Park View, DC. (Easy walk from Georgia Ave-Petworth Metro.) (Also, potentially, in the 'hood?) I'm going to go ahead and simplify this process and pick out a date myself: Saturday, March 14, 2015 at 7:00 PM. It's near some great bars so a Saturday night should be pretty ideal for anyone who wants a night out on the town. Hope to see you all there! [more inside]
ChuraChura Visits Washington, DC
February 7: Dinner at Etete Restaurant at 7 PM with museuming and wandering during the day!
Hi DC-area mefites! I'm flying into Washington, DC on February 6 and leaving on February 8 - want to get together for food/museums/drinks/other DC area things sometime that weekend? [more inside]
Sichuan Hot Pot