100 posts tagged with Toronto.
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Learn to Curl at High Park Curling Club!
With the Olympics comes people saying "hey, Curling looks strange / fun / silly, how do I try it?"
Well, there's only a few months left before the clubs close for the summer, so the time to learn is now. I've rented ice at High Park Curling Club, which gives us two hours of late night practice & play time. Interested? [more inside]
Dim Sum next Sunday!
As discussed last night, we are going to show joan cusack the second what proper Dim Sum is like before she leaves for Arkansas. Rol San on Spadina at noon on Sunday, Feb 23rd. Join us! [more inside]
Book launch/reading: Blocked on Weibo
I'll be doing a presentation about Chinese social media censorship for my book launch at the University of Toronto. Come out and buy a copy of the book if you feel inclined. Event is free and there should be drinks/snax if that's your jam. [more inside]
grouse in Toronto
I am visiting Toronto this weekend and would love to meet the Toronto MeFites! Anyone interested in a meetup around 8 or so Saturday, 20 July? Let's meet at the Two Bite Saloon!
1st Time in Toronto! (But w/bonus former Torontonian!)
Hello Toronto Mefites!
Shepherd and I will be in your fair metropolis as a last-minute-holy-cow-Via-Rail-fares-never-get-that-cheap visit from August 25-28th. [more inside]
WRITE CLUB Toronto -
WRITE CLUB has MetaFilter all over it. MEFITES RUN IT! MEFITES HOST IT! MEFITES HAVE BEEN ON THE DANGED SHOW. Just come, the money goes to charity and it's a great time. [more inside]
Shall we play again?
So... the last Toronto meetup at Snakes and Lattes went over well enough with calls to repeat that I thought we might celebrate S&L's considerable expansion/renovation by returning for round II. Does Friday April 26th suit people? [more inside]
Shorts That Are Not Pants April 2013
Quarterly screening of the best short films from around the world. Programme is available at our website: http://shortsnotpants.wordpress.com/. There will be popcorn! Tickets are $10 at the door or $8 in advance here: http://guestli.st/150600
IMPORTANT: Admittance is restricted to those 18 and over only. Sorry kids!
The Protomen!
Right after Easter, The Protomen (previously on MeFi) are playing Toronto! Is anyone else interested in going? [more inside]
Anyone up for a karaoke-theme Toronto meetup?
Hi all. My tenant is hosting the karaoke at the Jekyl and Hyde pub at 2340 Dundas Street West (Dundas West station) this coming Thursday night, starting at 10 p.m. I've promised him I'll show my support by showing up in my best landlady garb (complete with a worn, faded, half-buttonless housedress, scuzzy slippers, curlers, and one of my eighteen mangy cats in tow), and do my best rendition of "Live to Tell". And I'd like to have some fun people to hang out with between numbers. Does anyone want to come out for karaoke? The Jekyl and Hyde is a Firkin-like pub, the DJ's karaoke playbook is reportedly huge, and I'm told there aren't a lot of people who come to Thursday night karaoke, so you'll get the chance to sing several songs if you like. Or you can just point and laugh at those of us who do. We could also meet earlier than 10 p.m.
"A pinata full of scorpions."
The recent Cards Against Humanity post on the blue got me thinking: anyone in Toronto and nearby up for a Snakes and Lattes meetup for some games (of CaH and/or others diversions)? I am going to pitch next Friday the 28th, but I am open to other suggestions for date. Who's in?
Art y Tacos
My friends' Mexican/Portuguese pop-up, Oxala, is turning 1 year old! Help us celebrate at La Revolución in the Junction (fb event). [more inside]
You've been waiting for it, the very first WRITE CLUB Toronto. Live lit as blood sport, we pit writers against one another in the name of CHARITY.
Two writers write, but there can only be ONE WINNER [more inside]
Toronto meetup!
Hi all. Brujita is visiting our Rob Ford-plagued fair city October 22 to November 11. Would anyone like to get together to say hello to her, imbibe assorted beverages, and generally hang out? Her visit gives us a generous window of time, and as to the venue I will only say we should pick something central — I'll ask brujita where she's staying so we can narrow it down to a place convenient to her.
Shorts That Are Not Pants
Quarterly screening of the best short films from around the world. [more inside]
Deep Fried Mars Bars à gogo
Since many people have never experienced a proper deep fried mars bar, I'm proposing a meetup at St. Andrews Fish and Chips (1589 Ellesmere Road, Toronto ON M1P 2Y3) at 6:30pm on Saturday 22nd September. [more inside]
Mini Toronto tvparty meetup?
Come watch Winnebago Man and Resurrect Dead and help me deface a ridiculously large Morrissey poster. Bring your own chairs, because I don't have many :)
What We Talk About: Doubles
WWTA is a monthly lecture and discussion series. Each month people from different disciplines deliver casual lectures on a given topic and then participate in a round-table discussion.
This month, the topic is DOUBLES. Featuring talks on:
Dead Ringers,
Hannah Montana & Miley Stewart, and Tom McCarthy's
Remainder. Tickets are $5 at the door.
Laughs at Slack's - Free Comedy in Toronto's Gay Village
Toronto doesn't have another show like Laughs at Slack's - a weekly comedy & music open mic featuring the hottest up-and-coming LGBT & female performers. [more inside]
Shorts That Are Not Pants
I've been running this quarterly screening series of short films since 2009, but only took it public this January. We screen the Future Shorts (UK) "pop-up" festival program plus I add a few more. More info at http://shortsnotpants.wordpress.com and tickets at http://guestli.st/107067. Advance tickets are $8 or you can pay $10 at the door.
Wine, Whisk(e)y and Board Games in Toronto
Toronto Mefites! Lets have a mid-summer bacchanalia involving wine, Whisky and board games!! Edit: On July 14th [more inside]
Raconteurs Storytelling: The Music Edition
Raconteurs Storytelling (formerly MothUP Toronto) is back on July 11th with true short stories told without props or notes. [more inside]
Toronto: Long weekend + board games?
Deck building on a deck.* Saturday June 30th. postponed!
Regular, irregular sided dice, and no dice. Come all and defend your territories, railroads, or vocabularies.
[more inside]
Regular, irregular sided dice, and no dice. Come all and defend your territories, railroads, or vocabularies.
[more inside]
Summer, Toronto, MetaFilter -- let's put something together
MeFi Toronto, I'm relatively new to your city, and I was thinking it would be cool to meet up with you this summer. What do you think?
Say goodbye to the tiny annoying one!
A whopping eight months after setting foot in Toronto to examine people's financial statements and tell them how they're doin' it wrong, I went and landed myself a job in the US doing stuff that's much more up my alley. Pending approval by our friendly neighbourhood border service agents, I will be leaving Toronto for the brighter pastures of North Carolina in about eight weeks. I'd like to see my favourite Toronto-KWC-Buffalo-ans sometime before I leave. March 31st, 8 PM, Local 4. Be there. [more inside]
The Real Secrets Show
The Real Secrets Show presents engaging comedic storytelling from some of Toronto's finest performers, offering up stories of secrets they've kept and the impact they've had on their lives. Audience members and performers alike mask their identity and sign binding non-disclosure agreements at the door to create a safe circle of sharing. The Real Secrets Show presents the cathartic power of unburdening combined with hilarity to create a truly one-of-a-kind event. [more inside]
Toronto's Indie Comedy Hour
Toronto's Indie Comedy Hour is a show that you have to see at least one time. It's fun, it's low-key and it's held in a really nice venue, No One Writes To The Colonel (they have some bitchin' mojitos).
The show has featured performances from Hannibal Buress (Saturday Night Live, 30 Rock), Bob Kerr (This Hour Has 22 Minutes, Hotbox), Marco Bernardi (Cream of Comedy 2010), to name but a few. Each show closes out with an open mic showcasing up-and-comers who may be featured acts in upcoming editions of the Indie Comedy Hour.
- Avery Edison
- Jon Kane
- Blair Streeter
- Diana Love [more inside]
sampling Scotch in Toronto
PLEASE NOTE: If you're not interested in Scotch, really just consider this a regular MeFi pub meetup... because it pretty much is! No obligation to drink any Scotch at all. More like... bonus whisky for those into that sort of thing. [more inside]
AE Birthday Party
The magazine I edit is throwing itself a one-year birthday party in downtown Toronto. There will be cake and music and drinks. A selection of the Canadian SF who's who will be in attendance. Admission is free, though donations are always welcome. Stop on by. More details.
Occupy Toronto march
Occupy Toronto is marching from St. James Park next Saturday (Nov. 12th) at 2 PM. I am thinking of going, and bringing the family with me. Would any local-ish MeFites want to meet up and march, and grab something to eat afterwards?
Toronto Meet-up
We haven't had a meet-up in a while. I like meet-ups. We're meeting at 8 PM on Saturday, October 15th at Ciros. Ask for Jenny if you can't find us.
Friday night, last-minute visiting MeFite meetup?
mandymanwasregistered is visiting from the other coast, and I'm meeting her in Toronto for dinner this Friday night. Would any of you all like to join us? [more inside]
The meet a real live New Zealander tour - Toronto
I'm in Canada, and that means I need some Canadians. Following on from my (presumably) exciting time in Montreal, I'm going to be in Toronto, meeting and greeting at Nirvana (corner College and Bathurst street) at 7pm, after a couple of us have chomped some food at Gandhi's (554 Queen West) at 6.30pm on Thursday September 1. Come say hi! [more inside]
Lazy Sunday at Snakes and Lattes
Normal For Once at Mitzi's Sister
Normal For Once will be celebrating the release of our new 3-song EP, along with special guest T.C. Folkpunk. [more inside]
Toronto Meetup, July 5 at 7 pm, Blake House
So I'm in Toronto (from Ottawa) on the 4th and 5th of July; How about a meetup Tuesday, the 5th of July, starting at 7 pm, at the Blake House, 449 Jarvis, near the corner of Wellesley? [more inside]
Strictly Canadian
Strictly Canadian - vintage Canadian music of all genres and $4 shots! [more inside]
Chiaroscuro Reading Series: Spring Fling
The Chiaroscuro Reading Series Spring Fling is tonight at The Augusta House. There are going to be readings from local genre magazines as well as other performances. I will be there reading a piece from an upcoming issue of AE and handing out print editions of AE Micro 2011 (which includes a piece by MeFi's own The Whelk). [more inside]
Toronto Patio Meetup
Sooooo... apparently this shit weather is supposed to be leaving us, making way for what is going to be a very dry and hot summer. I was thinking a patio evening might be in order on Saturday June 11th. [more inside]
Celebrate Democracy Even As We Lament the Results
I'm having people over to watch the election results come in, listen to the speeches etc. etc. Feel free to join us! [more inside]
Toronto meetup at Ceili Cottage at Queen and Leslie
We are overdue for a meetup. The last one, at the Ben Wicks on Parliament, was fittingly genteel. Shall we try for the Leslieville pub with a warm interior and full menu? The Roy, 842 Queen East west of Logan (72 bus by TTC), Thursday, May 5, 2011, at say 19:30 hours?
No, we’re doing it at the Ceili Cottage, 1301 Queen East just east of Leslie, Thursday, May 12, 7:30 onward. (Queen streetcar. Jones 83 or Greenwood 31 buses; if you’re coming down after about 9:30, the 31B stops directly across the street at Alton and Queen.)
Strictly Canadian
Strictly Canadian - vintage Canadian music of all genres and $4 shots! [more inside]
The meek get the earth, the rich get trust funds. Family legacies, bad genes, ancestors, and heirs are the stuff of which INHERITANCE is made. Bring us your stories of what's passed along and what's left behind. [more inside]
MothUP Toronto #9 - Love & Sex
Lusting loins, secret sex tapes, confessions of amour, breakups and makeups are the stuff of our special Valentine's Day edition of the MothUP. This month, it's all about LOVE & SEX. No story is too racy or romantic. [more inside]
MothUP Toronto #8 - The Internet
Pull a chair up for story time. The first MothUP of 2011 is quickly approaching and the theme this month is "The Internet". Come tell your own internet-related story or come just to listen. But make sure you get there early because the room fills up fast. [more inside]
MothUP Toronto #7 - Close Encounters
C'mon down to The Ossington and join me and custard heart for our 7th MothUP Toronto Storytelling night! This month's theme is "CLOSE ENCOUNTERS". Listen to (or tell) stories of chance meetings, surprising sightings, narrow misses, and things getting a little too close for comfort. (Note: This is the last MothUP of 2010, we're takin' December off.) [more inside]
Canzine 2010
I'm going to be signing copies of my book "Why Not A Spider Monkey Jesus?" at Canzine 2010, Canada's Largest Zine Fair and Festival of Alternative Culture! Stop by, say hi and pick up a free minicomic!
MeFi Toronto: The Ben Wicks on Parliament, Thursday, October 7
Put Up or Shut Up Dept.: After complaining for months that the Ben Wicks at 424 Parliament south of Carlton would be a perfect venue for a meetup, particularly if we could reserve the snug (“Lounge”) at the front of the place, I hereby propose such a meetup. Thursday night, October 7, at, say, 20:00 hours plus.
Movie Night at the Taters Estate
Come over for Turkish Star Trek Wars and the DO NOT WANT version of The Phantom Menace Revenge of the Sith!
(I blame the rye for my complete wrongness) [more inside]
Toronto Meetup!
Come hang out with Torontonians! Board games may happen, drinks and food are a given. [more inside]
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