64 posts tagged with CHICAGO and meetup.
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I’m in Chicago again! (also: help!)
I will be in Chicago for a week starting tomorrow 8/1, because I have to retake the stupid blasted exam that kept me from graduating med school because it was misadministered. First Wednesday meetup on 8/7! [more inside]
Hello Chicago!
I’ll be in Chicago next week and I’d love to meet everyone! Details inside. [more inside]
ocherdraco in Chicago
Hello friends! I’m in town for an interview, and am sticking around through next week. I’d love to meet up with folks (anyone know of a good bar trivia night?) UPDATE: We’re on for Riddle Me That on Tuesday evening!
Chicago Suburbs Ice Cream (& hog dog) Social!
Join us for an ice cream social at the Village Green Park in Northbrook! Bring a picnic, or buy a hotdog, and have some ice cream. Park features shady grassy areas, picnic tables, and a great playground if you bring the kids! (The small McGees will be there.) Hang out and chat with the grownups, or rediscover your inner child on the playground (we won't judge). 1 block from Metra, free parking for drivers. [more inside]
Coco and Picnic at the Park
The Millennium Park Summer Film Series is showing movies (again) at the Pritzker Pavilion - bring a cheese plate or a bottle of something, a blanket to sit on, and be prepared to be EMOTIONALLY DESTROYED, courtesy Pixar. [more inside]
SSSCSSCC - The 2018 Primary Edition
As everybody who wrote postcards to voters until their hands cramped last month, the Illinois Primary is March 20th. Let's get together and discuss any questions we might have about the candidates and where our loyalties lie. Also BRUNCH! [more inside]
The Return of SSSC: Second Saturday Second City Stand-Up Sanity Check Committee Part 6
So last month, the calendar and my dark mood got the best of me and we didn't get together for activism talk and grousing and camaraderie -- with food and drink!) Let's fix that this month at the Long Room. [more inside]
Springtime drinks in Chicago
Hi y'all, I'm going to be in Lakeview/Boystown in the afternoon. I'm totally flexible on time and place as long it's 4 pm or later. I just picked the Long Room because we've been there before and they have food. Can't wait to see the Chicago Cabal again!
4th Second Saturday Second City Stand-Up Sanity Check Committee Or 4thSSSCSSCC
(except that it's gonna be on the 3rd Saturday again maybe)
Because of the holiday weekend and conflicting events, I'm suggesting we move this month's event to the Third Saturday. However, I'm open to other routes.
NOTE: Please see the changed location and the fixed time; garlic has generously volunteered to host this month and I'm generously taking him up on that offer.
Third Second Saturday Second City Stand-Up Sanity Check Committee Or 3rdSSSCSSCC*
House MCNamara is still out of commission--we'll be meeting at the crush family compound. Contact me (email in profile or via MeMail) or MCMikeNamara for actual address. [more inside]
Second Second Saturday Second City Stand-Up Sanity Check Committee Or 2ndSSSCSSCC*
So Second Saturday is upon us sooner than I realized. And we're still getting together and chatting about our activism plans again like we did last month.
However, there's a slight change in plans... [more inside]
Second Saturday Second City Stand-Up Sanity Check Committee Or SSSCSSCC*
So there's no way I would have made it through the last few post-election days without the support of my friends and family, especially seeing so many reactions that amounted to"WHAT CAN I DO?" and last night I was struck by all the youth hitting the streets, but, even as I was there, I wondered "what can I, an older person out of the activist game, do?" Here's what I came up with: [more inside]
Save the 11 Bus! Destroy your liver!
Remember the 11 bus? Were you mad they discontinued it? Well, it's back! Temporarily, anyway, and a number of bars along the route have teamed up for 11 on 11: a beer explorer trek to bump up ridership. Join us for a full day of stupidity as we try to hit all 11 in one day because we are idiots. [more inside]
Pequod's for Pizza
Eyebrows is coming to Chicago (well, Glenview)
Hey Chicago Mefites! I will be on a whirlwind tour of Chicago and environs in late June and I want to meet up! Unfortunately it has to be in the suburbs but I picked a bar with both parking and Metra access. [more inside]
Killer Queen
Killer Queen is a 5 player vs. 5 player arcade game. There is a machine at Logan Hardware at Fullerton/Western in Logan Square. Here is a video to get you acquainted with the game. [more inside]
Quite possibly the end of an era
The Blue Frog is shutting down in January and there's a pretty good chance the owners will have alienated the staff so much that everyone will throw in the towel before then, so this might be the last First Wednesday. If you've ever been, you'll want to join us this time. If you've never been, you must join us this time. [more inside]
Rag-Tag Mefite Thanksgiving?
Did You Get the Sizzle 2: The Return of the Curse of the Billy Goat
We haven't had an auxiliary Pequod's meetup in *ages*
You heard me. Next month marks the 5.5 year anniversary of the epic pizza that ate chicago thread and since pizza is the traditional 5.5 year anniversary gift, it seems like reason enough to celebrate. We'll pour out a slice for adamdschneider and spiffy who I'm sure will be there in spirit. [more inside]
Meet me in Chicago 14/15/16 Oct?
A few evening drinks in the Map Room on Thursday 15th. [more inside]
ba dee yaa goating in September
Do you remember the second night in September? Only Blue Frog and Goat, remember the meetup we share today. ba dee yaaa goating in September ba dee yaa say that you remember... [more inside]
Go to Chicago
Me and internet fraud detective squad, station number 9 will be visiting Chicago soon and would love to meet some Chicago Mefites -- evening August 8 is probably the best for us. Can you suggest a meetup location? [more inside]
May Goatup!
Time for our regularly scheduled monthly meetup at the Billy Goat, plus a very important PSA: Mother's Day is the Sunday after this meetup! If you're at this meetup and haven't figured something out yet, you're setting yourself up for failure. Don't let it happen to you. [more inside]
Going to Chicago (but I'm not blue)
I will be in Chicago for some work-related stuff and would love to meet Chitown MeFites. The evenings I'm free are April 18-21, and I'm staying in the downtown hotels area. I'm open to going anywhere that is accessible via public transportation.
Let's hang out! [more inside]
Post Labor Day Goatup
Hi Chicago! *waves*
Would any of you wonderful Chicago folks like to hang out with a couple of Bay Area mefites visiting your area around August 22nd or 23rd? [more inside]
You again!?!?
You know the drill. [more inside]
Sensationnel, la quinze ans de MetaFilter! Rejoignez-nous pour La Course de Garcons & Filles de Cafe!
"On July 14th 2014 the French will take over Daley Plaza, in a celebration organized by volunteers belonging to many organizations under the umbrella of the French Consulate. Le clou du spectacle, the show stopper? It will be la Course de Garçons &; Filles de Café, bien sûr! This is when waiters or wannabe waiters compete in a 200 meters sprint that involves running as fast as you can while balancing a tray full of (plastic) glasses — without spilling a drop of grand cru." [more inside]
Comedy Expo 2014
There's no Just for Laughs this year in Chicago, so some local comics took it upon themselves to roll their own festival. Let's hangout at the Hideout and see some great comics! [more inside]
Kayak the Chicago River skyscraper alley (a MoMu15 event)
Let's go kayaking down to see the downtown skyscrapers and construction from the river. [more inside]
Like a (Chicago) bridge over (fairly un)troubled waters... it's another MoM15 event!
Join us for a tour of Chicago's moving bridges! Jim Phillips, retired civil engineer and author of the e-book "Two Miles – Eighteen Bridges", will take us on a walking tour of six of the Chicago River bridges before boarding a water taxi and gliding under 12 bridges on the way to Michigan Avenue. [more inside]
MetaFilter's 15th Anniversary Month of Meetups Kicks Off... IN THE DANGER ZONE
Did you know it's been FIVE YEARS since the MeFiChi block party? So how can we top that for MeFi's fifteenth anniversary? A WHOLE MONTH OF MEETUPS!
We'll kick things off July 1st in Millennium Park to watch the beloved bro classic: Top Gun. [more inside]
Chicago meetup evening of June 11th or 12th?
Hi, folks - I'm in Chicago for some business and was wondering if anybody would like to do an evening meetup? I've never been to a meetup before and since I'm coming into a bigger city I thought maybe...? I'll be staying in the Near North Side area, not far from MCA Chicago.
How is there not a February Goat on the books yet?
The first Wednesday of February is fast approaching. LET'S DO THIS.
Oh and hey guys by the way look what I found. [more inside]
Poutine Maintenance*
It's starting to grow a bit chilly. Let's warm ourselves with another poutine meetup!
Post Turkey Glut Goat
December Chicago meetup! [more inside]
MeFi Riot Fest Pre-Game?
Surely there must be other MeFites going to RiotFest in Chicago this year. Anyone want to meet up before the Saturday or Sunday show and get some lunch and/or beers before heading in festival?
Get Drunk Blow Things Up
The first Wednesday of July is the 3rd, which means that we have a pre-holiday goatup! I don't know if this means there will be a small showing or a magnificent karaoke fest, but it's TRADITION, so. July 3. GOAT. [more inside]
MeFi hangout during ALA?
Hi all - the American Library Association conference is happening here in Chicago June 27-July 2. IANYL - hell, IANEven*A*L - but it sounds like the type of thing where significant MeFite repping is possible. Should we try for a meetup during the conference?
This is last minuteish, I know, but would anyone be interested in a meetup on Wednesday evening?
UPDATE: Confirmed. Looking forward to meeting folks!
Remind me to thank John for a lovely weekend.
Come Drink with Me!
I used to live in Chicago. I come back a lot, but I've never been to a Chicago meetup. Would anyone like to go out for drinks on Sunday, March 24, at Half Acre Tap Room? [more inside]
March Goat-Up (crush, you can stop twitching now)
OMG! It's my first goat/frog IRL post! [more inside]
Visiting Chicago, anyone want to meet at Hopleaf?
I got a bunch of great responses to this question about what to do in Chicago, and one of the suggestions for things to do in Chicago is a meetup. So, does anyone want to meet up at Hopleaf on Saturday the 5th at around 7:30pm? [more inside]
Goatober and Presidential Smackdown 2012
October 3rd is both the first Wednesday in October (GOATUP!) and the first presidential debate of the season. [more inside]
Once you go greasy, you'll probably have intestinal troubles
April showers may bring May flowers, but May flowers make my eyes itch. Hopefully, they'll all die in June. [more inside]
Pop! Six! Squish! Uh uh! Cicero! Lipschitz!
I'm coming back to Chicago in June and can get together the 16th.
Have you found a karaoke joint to replace the Bongo Room? I'm ok with going somewhere else for those who don't like singing.
Chicago meetup
One night dark when we were all in bed,
Mrs. O'Lantern left her leary in the shed [more inside]
February Goat Meetup
It's that time again. Be there. [more inside]
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