22 posts tagged with halloween.
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Would anyone be interested in a live watch-party for the Rocky Horror Picture Show review this Halloween at 9 pm central? I suggest we gather in chat, but would also be happy to use an audio or video option if others prefer that. [more inside]
posted by eotvos on Oct 29, 2020 - 0 comments


This Halloween, join the revolution! The Hotel Chantelle hosts the Lower Manhattan Chapter of the DSA for a night of red blooded fun! Open Vodka Bar 8-9! Raffles of rare objects! Five thousand silk rose petals! Hosted by me! We have a poster! [more inside]
posted by The Whelk on Oct 9, 2017 - 7 comments

"Rock n Roll Bike Skool" Fundraiser Party

Costume party at the Bicycle Kitchen! I thought some people might be interested in this. Plus, I'm helping them spread the word. It's a costume fundraiser party with some bands and DJs. The theme is werewolf high school(?). Tickets are $13 suggested donation. Please check out more info of the party. The fundraising is for this project.
posted by dogstoevski on Oct 29, 2015 - 1 comment

Halloween at the New Place

Hey all, Green Eyed Monster and I are having Halloween at our place. Mefites are welcome! [more inside]
posted by notsnot on Oct 23, 2015 - 1 comment

PDX Chocoluck Dinner Party

The ketchup meetup reminded me that I wanted to throw a chocolate party! How about Halloween? OK! A Chocolate Potluck it is! [more inside]
posted by aniola on Aug 23, 2015 - 23 comments

Halloween in South St. Louis

They're closing off the street again, and there promises to be a metric ton of kids coming round in costumes. For our part, there's beer and a couple big stewpots of food. [more inside]
posted by notsnot on Oct 28, 2014 - 1 comment

The lost ghouls meetup. Movie + Drinks + Candy in Fort Greene

I've come to realize I'm not the only aimless Brooklyn mefite when it comes to Halloween this year. Perhaps there are more! This is a hybrid meetup, but that's not an option in the drop-down. Movie + drinks! And candy! [more inside]
posted by wintrymix on Oct 28, 2013 - 12 comments

Halloween at our house.

We're having Halloween at our house. They block off the street and people seem to come from all over. Everyone's welcome to come over, hand out candy to the throngs of children, drink beer in the front yard, etc. [more inside]
posted by notsnot on Oct 26, 2013 - 2 comments

The Chez Apoaclypse Comic-Con Party

Anyone else going to the Chez Apocalypse Comic-Con/Halloween Party at Times Scare on the 12th? Meet your favorite internet video people! Costume contests! Dorks! More info here [more inside]
posted by The Whelk on Sep 26, 2012 - 2 comments

Halloween in the East Bay!

Halloween party in Oakland! [more inside]
posted by Nimmie Amee on Sep 7, 2012 - 21 comments

Cross Dressing Misfits Cover Band!

Cross Dressing Misfits Cover Band! Seattle Darlings Glenn Or Glennda are playing their tenth anniversary show tonight at the Crocodile. [more inside]
posted by lumpenprole on Oct 28, 2011 - 1 comment

Pre-Halloween Austin Meetup

Anybody interested in a get together at some point before the end of October? Scheduling wise, who would be up for this? I'm open to any ideas anyone wants to throw out for venue, dates, and activities. I was thinking maybe something after 7:00 the week of the 23rd, just as a jumping off point.
posted by Krazor on Oct 12, 2011 - 48 comments


I have no idea what I'm doing for Halloween, which falls on a Monday this year. Anyone in a similar predicament for that day, or the previous Friday/Saturday (28th/29th)?
posted by Evilspork on Oct 11, 2011 - 18 comments

Halloween festivities!

Halloween Party with the mefites. There may or may not still be some lingering scotch from our last shebang. [more inside]
posted by chatongriffes on Oct 5, 2011 - 55 comments

Halloween at Jupiter

Hey Mefites, I'm sure most of you already have your Halloween plans in place, but if there are any other last minute stragglers (like, ahem, me) I'm meeting some friends at Jupiter's in Berkeley for some good beer, some live music, and some delightful times. If you are going to be in the area, come join us! I'll be the valkyrie.
posted by chatongriffes on Oct 31, 2010 - 0 comments

Rock and Roll Halloween House Party

I'm throwing a halloween house party in NorthEast dc. Bands, costumes, kegs, DJ's, moon-madness, and best of all, a chance to see awesome (and sadly retired) Mefite ludwig_van 's band Steve Goldberg and the Arch Enemies. [more inside]
posted by Potomac Avenue on Oct 27, 2010 - 6 comments

And the priest took us into the sacristy and the job, of all things, was to dig a grave in the yard..."

It's almost Halloween! If you're in the NYC area, I'd like to invite you to "The Weir," a play of spooky tales from Ireland. Just $15 fro MeFite's (see "more inside" for details). "Conor McPherson's The Weir is easily one of the most celebrated new plays of the past 20 years ... Folding Chair Classical Theatre's remounting of this lovely and elegiac play is an excellent opportunity to catch a faithful rendition of this sometimes chilling, sometimes sentimental piece that appears to be entrenching itself into the modern Western Canon ... I was glad to see the script as well served as it was." -- nytheatre.com [more inside]
posted by grumblebee on Oct 25, 2010 - 2 comments

Beasties at Barrington

North Fulton Drama Club & Barrington Hall are pleased to present our third annual spooky storytelling tour! [more inside]
posted by Medieval Maven on Oct 22, 2010 - 0 comments

Spooky, ghost-story play, "The Weir," runs for just three more weeks!

"a wonderful night of theater....find your way there. A solid cast, and excellent chemistry ..." -- audience-member comment on TheatreMania.com. "The Weir" is directed by grumblebee and features Evangeline in its cast. Tickets are normally $18, but we're making them available to MeFites for $15. When you order, just use the code MEFI to get the discount. Order $15 tickets for THE WEIR by using discount code "MEFI" for all performances at http://www.smarttix.com/show.aspx?showcode=WEI0 or call SmartTix at 212-868-4444. "You shed all sense of time at this beautiful and devious new play" - New York Times [more inside]
posted by grumblebee on Oct 17, 2010 - 10 comments

The Million Dollar Ghost Hunt

Calling all ghost hunters, paranormal investigators, psychics, sensitives, and those interested in getting a glimpse of the "other side." Whether you are acting alone, or in a team, GHOULA wants you! Whether you are a seasoned pro or this is your first ghost hunt, GHOULA wants you! [more inside]
posted by Scram on Oct 12, 2010 - 0 comments

LAVA's Sunday Salon

On the last Sunday of each month, LAVA welcomes interested individuals to gather on the third floor of the historic Clifton's Cafeteria in Downtown Los Angeles (noon-2pm), for a loosely structured conversational Salon featuring short presentations and opportunities to meet and connect with one another. If you're interested in joining LAVA as a creative contributor or an attendee, we recommend Salon attendance as an introduction to this growing community. We also recommend the shortbread. [more inside]
posted by Scram on Oct 12, 2010 - 0 comments

"The Weir" by Conor McPherson

Hi. I'd like to invite all New-york-based Mefites to see my play, "The Weir," by Conor McPherson. Oct 14th through Nov 6th. I directed it and Mefite Evangeline is acting in it. It's a great Halloween play, full of spooky stories. And it won the Olivier Award in 1999. Tickets are usually $18, but a lot of you helped me on AskMetafilter, so I'm making tickets available to Metafilter members for $15. [more inside]
posted by grumblebee on Oct 7, 2010 - 0 comments

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