4 posts tagged with of.
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Picnic- District of Columbia

I'd love to meet up w/ the MeFi community members in DC before summer ends. Thinking that a picnic with Caribbean food would be a great way to end summer and kick-off the school year. This would have to be a collaborative effort. Plans are tentative and based on the number of responses. /Food: Avenues of the Caribbean Catering: www.avenuesofthecaribbean.com /Location: National Mall /Date & Time: Tentative
posted by packers02 on Aug 25, 2022 - 5 comments

dejah420 is coming to DC!

We'll be going to Medaterra on Connecticut at 6:45 on Saturday for dinner. Join us and celebrate an out-of-town MeFite! [more inside]
posted by Mrs. Pterodactyl on Jul 8, 2015 - 18 comments

SF Meetup: After Dark @ The Exploratorium 1st August

Meetup at After Dark at the Exploratorium. You need to buy tickets. Meet outside the exploratorium at 6:15pm by the vertically orientated sign with the big hole. I'll also try and be near the entrance inside at 8pm if you're running late and want to find the group. There will likely be post-exploratorium drinking (venue TBD).
posted by Erberus on Jul 25, 2013 - 32 comments

Mefi post-transitpocalypse SF Meetup @ Zeitgeist

c'mon sea legs (who started the previous thread ) encouraged me to start this thread based on the last one since they've been slacking. :) This isn't the first SF Mefi Meetup, and it won't be the last, but given that I'm a recent transplant, I'd love to try and meet some of you people (waddaya mean "you people"?) and Zeit seems like just the place to start with that! This Friday, Zeitgeist, starting 6:30pm. [more inside]
posted by fragmede on Jul 9, 2013 - 20 comments

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