9 posts tagged with Peninsula.
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Peninsula pastrami in January?

Last week's Reuben thread gave me some ideas. [more inside]
posted by tangerine on Dec 1, 2016 - 12 comments

son of brainfreeze

peninsula mefites: moar ice cream, moar fun! [more inside]
posted by koroshiya on Jul 7, 2016 - 11 comments

--- POSTPONED -- Cat on Caltrain visits People and Pups on Peninsula


Coconuts has (limited) vegetarian options, is supposed to be confirmed dog-friendly, and is within walking distance of Caltrain's Palo Alto station.
posted by captivepredator on Mar 27, 2016 - 5 comments

Board game (Cosmic Encounter) meetup

In the Cosmic Encounter thread more than a few people in the Bay Area expressed interest in a mefi meetup to play. Here's our peninsula chance to play [more inside]
posted by Carillon on Mar 11, 2016 - 21 comments

Palo Alto meetup!

Hello Bay Area Mefites! I have just moved to the area and Internet Fraud Detective Squad, Station Number 9 will be visiting for a few days. We would like to meet some of you! UPDATED DETAILS: Saturday, 9/12, 3pm-a while later, Antonio's Nut House in Palo Alto. [more inside]
posted by grobstein on Sep 8, 2015 - 31 comments

SF Peninsula/South Bay 15th Anniversary Meetup

I can't make any of the events in the city, so let's celebrate a Month of Meetups in the Peninsula/South Bay! I'm thinking Friday evening July 25th or afternoon/evening Saturday July 26th, or July 27th in the afternoon. [more inside]
posted by sarahnade on Jul 15, 2014 - 12 comments

No damn good reason but let's do this anyway

Peninsula people! We seem to have this really bad habit of only meeting up when someone is coming in from out of town. Whaddya say we break that pattern and meet up just for the heck of it? May is good for me. I'll go anywhere on the Peninsula but bonus points for Caltrain-friendly. Y'all feel free to propose specifics. Dive bar? Food trucks? Other? Let's do this.
posted by ambrosia on Apr 28, 2014 - 33 comments

Stewriffic makes it a trifecta!

Sunday, September 29, Stewriffic will be back on the Peninsula for another visit. Let's all get together and say hi! [more inside]
posted by ambrosia on Aug 31, 2013 - 23 comments

Peninsula Meetup!

One year later and she is back for more! Stewriffic will be back in town so let's meetup. Sunday, September 30, let's say 7pm onwards? She'll be staying in a hotel in Palo Alto (Barron Park area) but I am uncertain about her transportation situation so let's pick a place in PA. California Avenue area might be most convenient. Open to suggestions! [Edit: location will be Antonio's Nut House]
posted by ambrosia on Aug 16, 2012 - 39 comments

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