66 posts tagged with London.
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Science-Fictional British Library (London) Meetup Madness!
Hey, MeFites! Let's go check out the Out Of This World: Science Fiction But Not As We Know It exhibition at the British Library (subject of this excellent FPP by dng). I'm thinking this weekend-- short notice, I know, but what is life without spontaneity? [more inside]
London Meetup
12th June, to welcome overseas visitors. [more inside]
Oh to be in England
The Whelk is on a rolling business trip of Northern England and environs and would like to grab a beer with some awesome English Mefites. I'll be in Manchester May 29th through 31st, York on June 1st, Leeds on June 3rd, Sheffield June 5th, Notthingham June 7th, Liverpool on June 9th through the 11th and the London June 12th and 13th. What's the best for everyone? I'd imagine something in Manchester or London. [more inside]
Sweet Sister Starlight Album Launch
I am having a launch gig / party for my new album next Monday night. You are all totally invited. [more inside]
London MeFites...HI!
Hey, let's do a meetup! I'll be in London all day (and night) this Saturday the 21st. Would love to get out and see/do something interesting.
11 am, let's meet at the lobby/front-desk of the Natural History Museum, take a free visit through the butterfly exhibit and more, and end up at the Windsor Castle in Notting Hill at 5.30pm for food and drinks?
The Emperor Of Atlantis
is the first production by the new opera company I've founded, Dioneo. We'll be staging it at the Cello Factory near Waterloo, London, on the evenings of April 5, 6, 8 and 9 (but not 7.) It's a one-act opera, about an hour long. We at Dioneo believe that opera should be available to everyone, so we've priced tickets at only £12. The venue is intimate and only seats 60, so advance booking is recommended. You can book online here. [more inside]
Solo motty set Islington
I'll be playing some of my songs from albums new, old and as yet unrecorded at the lovely Phibbers bar on the Holloway Road, and it would be lovely to combine that with a drink with some fellow Mefites. The music is sort of bluesy folk-rock - you can have a listen here or here to see if it's your kind of thing. Other acts on the bill TBC - it's 3 on the door and I'll be playing a half hour set from 8.30pm.
Turtle Tour 2010 (London)
The wife and I will be in England, Wales and Ireland over the last 2 weeks of 2010, and would love to catch-up with old friends and make some new ones. However, our schedule is rather tight, so we hope folks will be okay with our selecting the date, while you lot pick a place to make merry. [more inside]
Thanksgiving in London
Thanksgiving dinner and bowling in London! All Star Lanes Bowl, Brick Lane branch, 8:30 pm for dinner and bowling to follow. [more inside]
Einstürzende Neubauten on a Saturday evening
Einstürzende Neubauten I've got a date do you? [more inside]
Drinks and Churchill's War Room in London
Hi Mefites -- Mrs. Dream and I will be in London on vacation later this month. Anyone interested in a Sunday meetup on October 24th?
Let's meet at Walkers of Whitehall at 1pm for lunch and drinks, then walk down to Churchill's War Room, which is open until 6pm. Get as drunk as you like in honor of Churchill.
I'll set up a MeFi sign on the table at Walkers. I'll update later with a phone number if I'm successful in jailbreaking my iphone and getting a SIM card.
London meetup
Metafiltrians of London, I will be in the capital on the evening of the 21st: does anyone fancy a wee meetup? I haven't yet sorted out accommodation and so forth, but I expect I'll be somewhere in the approximate vicinity of Imperial College. If people are up for it and know a good place to go nearby, please suggest it; I barely know London at all, so I'm relying on youse for ideas. I wasn't thinking of anything big, probably just drinks and maybe a meal. Hopefully see you in a week or so's time!
The Lamb, 6:00pm, Thurs. September 16th, London. YAY.
A long, drawn out nightmare with my visa is finally all sorted out and I'll be in London from the 15th-17th! If you're not too meetup'ed out, please come have a celebratory drink with me. Looking forward to it (you have no idea how much)! [more inside]
Londoners, come join us for a drink in Camden
I just moved to London for grad school. Anyone up for a pint? [more inside]
John Peacock at Virtually Acoustic Club
I'm playing a gig at the VAC in Marylebone this Friday - rather to my surprise, actually, I only found out a couple of days ago, still, it will be FUN. Doors open 20:00, I'll be on at 20:30, which means that I'll be able to sit back and enjoy the rest of the show. [more inside]
Sgt.Serenity visiting the wonderful people in london before his group show at trumans brewery at 6pm on july 1st- 5th, which he's not allowed to advertise- but the 30th is free for beer garden mefi goodness !!!!
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