6 posts tagged with party by Eideteker.
Displaying 1 through 6 of 6.
The Eternal Recurrence of Birthdayoke
The Hip Hop Debate at Q.E.D. Astoria
Fresh off our 3rd anniversary show, Hip Hop Debate is putting on its first show in Astoria, at the brand-new Q.E.D. space! [more inside]
Happy Karaokeday to me!
Karaoke Birthday!
Karaoke+Birthday Meetup
I'm turning 100000! It's a base-2 milestone! [more inside]
Karaoke Meetup/Birthday Bash (The Return!)
Given the success/awesome time we all had at my 30th birthday party last year, I've decided to book the same room at the same place for this year. [more inside]