101 posts tagged with CHICAGO and TINCC.
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I’m in Chicago again! (also: help!)
I will be in Chicago for a week starting tomorrow 8/1, because I have to retake the stupid blasted exam that kept me from graduating med school because it was misadministered. First Wednesday meetup on 8/7! [more inside]
It's raining goats
First Wednesday is upon us, which means it's time for the monthly Chicago meetup at the Billy Goat Tavern! [more inside]
First Wednesday, a Filmways presentation, darling*
It's the 102nd anniversary of Zsa Zsa Gabor's birth. Celebrate by slapping a cop joining us at the Billy Goat for our monthly revelry. [more inside]
In Like a Lion, Out Like a Goat
First Wednesday is almost upon us, which means it's time for the monthly Chicago meetup! [more inside]
SSSCSSCC - So It's Been A Year
And we've made it through all 17 of the years that have passed since last November somehow. In the oldest tradition of Second Saturdays, let's get together on the Third Saturday to commiserate and even celebrate what we can. [more inside]
Second Something Um What Are We Calling This Now?
Looks like today is the current second Saturday. Maybe third? What's up?
Let's get together and help out the BarberQue folks throw a great event feeding, clothing, and giving haircuts to people who need them. [more inside]
Food Depository repack -- June
5th Second Saturday Second City Stand-Up Sanity Check Committee Or 5thSSSCSSCC
We meet, we talk about and organize the resistance, we share some foods. [more inside]
Springtime drinks in Chicago
Hi y'all, I'm going to be in Lakeview/Boystown in the afternoon. I'm totally flexible on time and place as long it's 4 pm or later. I just picked the Long Room because we've been there before and they have food. Can't wait to see the Chicago Cabal again!
4th Second Saturday Second City Stand-Up Sanity Check Committee Or 4thSSSCSSCC
(except that it's gonna be on the 3rd Saturday again maybe)
Because of the holiday weekend and conflicting events, I'm suggesting we move this month's event to the Third Saturday. However, I'm open to other routes.
NOTE: Please see the changed location and the fixed time; garlic has generously volunteered to host this month and I'm generously taking him up on that offer.
Come watch me wince in pain!
I snagged one of the tattoo slots at the Field Museum Tattoo exhibit. Come keep baniak company! [more inside]
Food Depository Repack -- March
let's help the Greater Chicago Food Depository get food repacked so it's easier for them to distribute to hungry people. [more inside]
Third Second Saturday Second City Stand-Up Sanity Check Committee Or 3rdSSSCSSCC*
House MCNamara is still out of commission--we'll be meeting at the crush family compound. Contact me (email in profile or via MeMail) or MCMikeNamara for actual address. [more inside]
First Wednesday is Upon Us
First, we meet at the Original Billy Goat Tavern. Then we decamp for shenanigans. You should join us because the world is a terrible place, but the Goat is familiar and the Chicago Metahounds are the best folks around. [more inside]
DIY Messiah!
Who wants to come sing some beautiful music! Come to the DIY Messiah at the Harris theater in Chicago. [more inside]
Food Depository repack
let's help the Greater Chicago Food Depository get food repacked so it's easier for them to distribute to hungry people. [more inside]
August: Goat County
This Wednesday is First Wednesday, which means Chicago will be gathering for another meetup at the Billy Goat. [more inside]
Jessamyn is coming! Let's drink!
It's drinking season! Maybe we'll drink... yes, we'll drink. Join us for a chilly glass of rose at the City Winery on the Riverwalk. It'll be a delight!
Jessamyn is coming! Let's dance!
It's SummerDance season! Maybe we'll dance, maybe we'll just sit and watch. Maybe we'll dance, then sit, then watch, then dance again! Who's to say? But join us Sunday for a twirl about the park for Chicago's SummerDance... and don't forget your comfy shoes!
Independence Goat: Resurgence
This Wednesday is First Wednesday, which means Chicago will be gathering for another meetup at the Billy Goat. [more inside]
G . O . A . T .
Let's get our act together and go, at the usual time, to the greatest of all taverns! (The Billy Goat.)
RMH brunch: May
Let's go to the Ronald McDonald house in Hyde Park and make brunch for the families of sick kids in May. [more inside]
RMH brunch: March
Let's go to the Ronald McDonald house in Hyde Park and make brunch for the families of sick kids in March. [more inside]
Chicago Mefi Spring formal
it's time for fancy duds again. Or not fancy your call. Either way, let's hangout at Adler After Dark. [more inside]
This Hurts to Say: Last Goat-Frog is Upon Us
In the spirit of today's seriously crappy weather, I thought I'd take this moment to invite you to the very last possible Goat-Frog First Wednesday ever. The Goat endures, but the Frog closes mid-January. [more inside]
Fake First Wednesday on a Fourth Wednesday GoatFrog
So I'm not working Christmas Eve Day and we're not going anywhere for the holiday and we didn't get an official trip to the Blue Frog earlier this month, so now this is happening. [more inside]
Quite possibly the end of an era
The Blue Frog is shutting down in January and there's a pretty good chance the owners will have alienated the staff so much that everyone will throw in the towel before then, so this might be the last First Wednesday. If you've ever been, you'll want to join us this time. If you've never been, you must join us this time. [more inside]
Rag-Tag Mefite Thanksgiving?
Did You Get the Sizzle 2: The Return of the Curse of the Billy Goat
ba dee yaa goating in September
Do you remember the second night in September? Only Blue Frog and Goat, remember the meetup we share today. ba dee yaaa goating in September ba dee yaa say that you remember... [more inside]
August: Goat County
First Wednesday of August is coming up quickly (though not as quickly as it might feel it should because there are 5 Wednesdays in July)
Once the wait is over, let's go to the Billy Goat (430 North Michigan Avenue) and then maybe the Blue Frog . (676 N LaSalle) [more inside]
Once again, we will hang out in a park and watch things explode. There will likely also be grilling and kubb. [more inside]
30th Annual Hunger Walk (5k)
I'm walking in the 30th Annual Hunger Walk to benefit the Greater Chicago Food Depository and Deborah's Place. Join me (or donate)! [more inside]
May Goatup!
Time for our regularly scheduled monthly meetup at the Billy Goat, plus a very important PSA: Mother's Day is the Sunday after this meetup! If you're at this meetup and haven't figured something out yet, you're setting yourself up for failure. Don't let it happen to you. [more inside]
Chicago Pedway Pub Crawl
So around five years ago, we had a seekrit outing in Chicago's wonderful but underloved pedway.
I'm now organizing a slightly less secret Pedway Pub Crawl with complete with good-deed-doing and stickers. [more inside]
The Riddle of Bacon
Okay: that bacon bomb was pretty good. Let's do it again next year. Act now - seats are going fast!
FULL CONTACT KARAOKE - Season One Chicago!
Come and support your fellow MeFites as they sing, dance, duck, and weave while competing for the FCK Belt! Plus, you'll get a warm, fuzzy glow by helping to raise money for Chicago's own Windy City Rollers! [more inside]
November Brunch at RMH
Let's go to the Ronald McDonald house in Hyde Park and make brunch for the families of sick kids.
Now with different and accepted by RMDH date! [more inside]
Last Minute meet up is Last Minute because scody.
MeFiChi! I light the Migs Sig for an emergency meet up! [more inside]
Post Labor Day Goatup
Inaugural Lunch Up
Second Tuesdays squeaked out ahead in the poll, so we'll have our first official lunch up Tuesday the 12th at 1:00pm. We're going to stick with Pierogi Heaven, on Wells between Lake and Randolph, for the first one. Hope to see you there! [more inside]
MoMu15: Last Minute Completist Karaoke
Merriam-Webster defines "completist" as "one who wants to make something (as a collection) complete" [more inside]
You again!?!?
You know the drill. [more inside]
poetry (with cash prizes!)
Come listen to poetry at the Chopin Theatre and vote on a cash prize winner! [more inside]
Made in Chicago: World Class Jazz (MoMu15)
Come listen to Milton Suggs and his Big Band at Millenium Park with us! [more inside]
Music in the Park
It's Chicago summer, which mean time to be outside as much as you can. Let's picnic in the park (booze allowed) while some music is getting played in the background. [more inside]
Comedy Expo 2014
There's no Just for Laughs this year in Chicago, so some local comics took it upon themselves to roll their own festival. Let's hangout at the Hideout and see some great comics! [more inside]
Kayak the Chicago River skyscraper alley (a MoMu15 event)
Let's go kayaking down to see the downtown skyscrapers and construction from the river. [more inside]
Pancakes and Booze Art show. (MoMu15)
Do you like booze? Do you like pancakes? How about art? I HAVE THE EVENT FOR YOU! [more inside]