Ex-Minneapolitan Back, Briefly
posted April 16, 2011 12:35 PM   RSS | iCal | +googleCal

Tue May 31 at 7:00 PM, Town Hall Tap
4810 Chicago Ave S, Minneapolis, MN, USA (Map & Directions)
I left Minneapolis before MetaFilter existed, but I will be back in town for a bit in late May/Early June, and I would love to meet some Minneapolis (and St. Paul, naturally -- no hard feelings) MeFites!
We'll meet at the Town Hall Tap for dinner (if you like) and drinks (if you like), and I will regale you with stories of the Twin Cities in the 90s, and you can regale me with stories of the Twin Cities in the 2000s, and we can all regale each other with... well, whatever we like.

Note: do not mistake the Town Hall Tap for the Town Hall Brewery near the U, despite the fact they share the same horrible, horrible website.
posted by GenjiandProust to Meetup (30 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

I may be around during these times. I like the Happy Gnome, but we have had success at lots of other places around the Cities.
posted by Demogorgon at 12:01 PM on April 17, 2011

I can probably make it. I'll always vote for the Happy Gnome (since I'm in St. Paul) but last time around, someone suggested Psycho Suzi's, so maybe that's an option.
posted by cabingirl at 4:23 PM on April 17, 2011

Sounds good to me. I'd vote for downtown Minneapolis somewhere. I personally lie O'Donovan's
posted by zombieApoc at 7:50 PM on April 17, 2011

Ugh. Typing on a phone. Lie = like
posted by zombieApoc at 7:51 PM on April 17, 2011

Most of those nights are good for me, and I'd also like to plug St. Paul, although I can be flexible on location. Much prefer the 31, 1, 2, or 3. Can't make the 30th or the 4th.

Hope you enjoy your visit back and here's hoping it will finally fucking warm up by then.
posted by supercapitalist at 8:26 PM on April 17, 2011 [2 favorites]

OK, since the "bookend" days aren't so great for me, let's narrow it to the 31st-3rd. Does anyone have especially good/bad days in that range?
posted by GenjiandProust at 6:37 AM on April 18, 2011

I could meet up on the 31st or the 2nd. I would love to.

I'd like to put in a plug for a neighborhood place, Townhall Tap.
posted by kingbenny at 3:13 PM on April 18, 2011

Off the cuff, I prefer the Tuesday (31), Wednesday (1) or Friday (3). But if you guys do it Thursday (2), I'll figure something out.
posted by supercapitalist at 7:48 PM on April 18, 2011

Is there anyone who can't do Tuesday 31 May?
posted by GenjiandProust at 7:00 AM on April 20, 2011

The 31st works for me.
posted by cabingirl at 7:27 AM on April 20, 2011

Town Hall Tap, yay!!! (All dates good for me.)
posted by clavicle at 9:03 AM on April 20, 2011

I am in too, 31st, wheres the town hall?
posted by wheelieman at 8:10 PM on April 21, 2011

Town Hall Tap is in the Nokomis area, wheelieman. I'm still for the Gnome, though, if options are as-yet on the table. I'm also coming from St. Paul. Any date works for me.
posted by Demogorgon at 8:23 AM on April 23, 2011

I trust clavicle so I say Town Hall Tap. (Sorry Demogorgon)
posted by cabingirl at 8:38 AM on April 23, 2011

My traditional gift for not being able to make TC meetups seems to be kicking in, so I guess just imagine me glowering in a corner and it'll be just like I'm there.
posted by COBRA! at 9:26 AM on April 23, 2011

OK, it looks like Tuesday 31 May is the date. I figure 7-sh, although we could also do a bit later, depending on whether people want dinner or mostly just drinks.

For the place, we have suggested

Town Hall Tap (4810 Chicago Ave S, Minneapolis) 2 votes?
The Happy Gnome (498 Selby Avenue, St. Paul) 3 votes?
O'Donovan's (700 1st Ave. N., Minneapolis) 1 vote?

Any other suggestions/votes?
posted by GenjiandProust at 11:19 AM on April 23, 2011

I think with cabingirl switching to Town Hall that makes it 3 for Town Hall and 2 for Happy Gnome. Let it be Town Hall, I say! I'd probably show up a little early for some food. It'll be good to see you all again, it's been a while for me.
posted by Demogorgon at 8:24 PM on April 23, 2011

OK, the 31st, Town Hall Tap, 7-ish. If no one pops up to offer something else, I'll confirm this tonight or tomorrow.
posted by GenjiandProust at 7:53 AM on April 24, 2011

I'm rather new here - though I lurked for many years - and I've never been to a meetup. I'd like to go to this one. I'll see if I can make it, though my anxiety and shyness may be an impediment to getting there. I know they shouldn't be, but still...
posted by Clinging to the Wreckage at 8:14 AM on May 3, 2011

I can show up without any pants if it would make you more comfortable.
posted by Demogorgon at 1:48 PM on May 11, 2011

Well, if there's a no-pants arrangement I'll be there with bells on. And nothing else. I'm actually psyching myself up to get to this, so I hope to see you all there. I didn't mean to make a big deal of this, but that's just what I do...
posted by Clinging to the Wreckage at 12:42 PM on May 12, 2011

This looks like a date I can make, I think.
posted by ZeusHumms at 12:51 AM on May 18, 2011

My wife, son, and I happen to be in Minneapolis that day, so we plan to join you there. All of us will probably be wearing pants, or given the weather forecast, shorts.
posted by lukemeister at 8:50 PM on May 27, 2011

I was stoked for this but regrettably have to chump out on tonight! You guys won't regret Town Hall Tap, though. I recommend the beer cheese soup and the Brie curds unreservedly.
posted by clavicle at 9:34 AM on May 31, 2011

I'll be over there as soon as I can after 7. Maybe more like 7:30.

I've never been to one of these things before. Do I just say something like... "I'm here from the Internet" and they'll send me to the right table?
posted by kingbenny at 11:51 AM on May 31, 2011

I will print out a MetaFilter sign, kingbenny, so you only have to wander around awkwardly and stare at people for a little while. I would wear my shirt, but then you guys might think it's the only shirt I own.
posted by cabingirl at 2:59 PM on May 31, 2011

Oh man, I almost forgot that today was the day! Whew! See you all soon!
posted by SemiSophos at 4:24 PM on May 31, 2011

Table acquired, should anyone be checking. We are to the right as you walk in and toward the back.
posted by GenjiandProust at 4:44 PM on May 31, 2011

Sorry, I thought I posted at 4 PM saying we couldn't make it, but I forgot to press the "Post" button. I hope to meet you all another time. We did get to meet Demogorgon, who gave us an awesome tour of the U of M yesterday.
posted by lukemeister at 8:51 PM on May 31, 2011

how did it go? sorry I missed. if there is another old timer meetup scheduled please share ...
posted by specialk420 at 9:31 PM on May 31, 2011

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