4 posts tagged with wandering.
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Taters on the Road Again

Well our last adventure did not turn out so well, but the Taters are ready to brave a new venue. Let's try Phoenix Landing this week, on Wednesday. Geeks Who Drink Trivia starts at 7:30, so aim to arrive by 7.
posted by DiscourseMarker on Oct 21, 2017 - 12 comments

Trials and Trivia-bulations

Hey Taters! Since last we spoke, McCabe's on MassBar & Grille had unceremoniously changed their Geeks Who Drink trivia nights, and we were left wandering the streets of Camberville in search of questions to answer. [more inside]
posted by DiscourseMarker on Sep 28, 2016 - 18 comments

ThePinkSuperhero vs The Witches

ThePinkSuperhero will be visiting her old stomping grounds in Salem, MA on Sunday, September 18th. Things will be a bit witchy, but not as witchy as they get in October, so people are encouraged to come up, wander around, and get their snack/dinner on. [more inside]
posted by robocop is bleeding on Sep 1, 2016 - 22 comments

Mefites Eat Barbeque and Watch Bernie Williams' Band!

Barbeque, Bernie Williams, and metafilter: let's meet at the pedestrian plaza next to the Flatiron Building opposite Madison Square Park at 2PM, and then head to the Big Apple Barbecue Festival. I'm not able to make it to this anymore, but if anyone ends up going, have fun! [more inside]
posted by ChuraChura on Apr 22, 2016 - 19 comments

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