60 posts tagged with GeeksWhoDrink and meetup.
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Trivia: Who Popped Queen Elizabeth's Cherries Jubilee?

(EDIT 6/7: Postponed to the 14th due to Real Life.) Now that hockey season is almost over (and no more games are scheduled on Thursday nights), we're going to head back to the Maple Leaf Pub for Geeks Who Drink trivia night. Steaks are served starting at 7, trivia begins at 8. Come one, come all!
posted by Gridlock Joe on Jun 5, 2012 - 20 comments

The Spanish Inquisition Must Be Stopped!

Is anyone up for trivia this week? [more inside]
posted by MexicanYenta on May 21, 2012 - 5 comments

Trivia: Return of the Fluffers

This Wednesday it's Geeks Who Drink / At the Kelvin Arms, whaddaya think? / Last time out, we came second / (That's better than we reckoned) / And this week's performance won't stink! Translation: Trivia night at the Kelvin Arms. Be there or be a regular quadrilateral. Our last outing, we ("Backstage Fluffers for Triumph of the Will") Meet at 7:30, trivia at 8.
posted by Gridlock Joe on Apr 30, 2012 - 11 comments

Trivia: Three in a row?

Last time we (Davy Jones' Locker) wound up in solo possession of second place, netting us a $15 bar tab for this week. The previous excursion we (In the Vault, Bob) wound up winning second in a tiebreak. Can we make it a third straight trip to medal territory? Join us at the Kelvin Arms and see! (MexicanYenta's suggested team name: Grand Forks Olive Garden.) Meet at 7:30, trivia at 8. Edit: Postponed for a week due to Real Life.
posted by Gridlock Joe on Mar 10, 2012 - 9 comments

Trivia: Quantum Leap Day

Previously: Last time, we won the second-place tiebreaker in sudden death. And quizmaster Scott is buying us a round this time for the win for best team name. And so Dr. Metafilter finds himself leaping from trivia night to trivia night, striving to put right what once went wrong and hoping each time that his next leap will be the leap home. ..Oh, wait, what? It's just Leap Day, not Quantum Leap Day? Guess we'll have to put the DVDs down and go out for trivia at the Kelvin Arms.
posted by Gridlock Joe on Feb 26, 2012 - 7 comments

Trivia: In The Vault, Bob

We were thisclose to a second-place finish last time we met for Geeks who Drink trivia at the Kelvin Arms. The Best Team Name theme will be that old Dating Game staple: Where is the strangest/best/worst place to “make whoopee?” We'll be in the vault at 7:30 for trivia at 8.
posted by Gridlock Joe on Feb 13, 2012 - 5 comments

Pub Trivia - Insert Clever Title Here

"The time has come," the Walrus said, "To talk of many things: Of shoes--and ships--and Polish Oompa cover bands-- Of cabbages--and kings-- And Gordon Ramsay's Sex Dwarves-- And whether pigs have wings." [more inside]
posted by MexicanYenta on Jan 11, 2012 - 18 comments

Trivia: Wednesday makes it a trifecta for us

After brief discussion, we're going to send Metafilter's best and brightest up for Geeks Who Drink trivia Wednesday night. Little Woodrow's Midtown. 7:00 for steaks and socializing, 8:30 for trivia.
posted by Gridlock Joe on Nov 28, 2011 - 11 comments

Trivia: Occupy the Maple Leaf Pub

It's trivia night at the Maple Leaf; it's also a heavy hockey night with 10 games scheduled. Our schedules dictate that Thursday is going to be our night for trivia (at least this week; we can discuss other options). Come join us and help us outnumber the hockey heads!
posted by Gridlock Joe on Oct 31, 2011 - 7 comments

The Thing 3: Trivia with a Vengeance

Hey guys! It's time again for Boston/Cambridge area Geeks Who Drink pub trivia. We must continue our trivia dominance over the rest of New England nerdery. We will of course be at Tommy Doyle's in Harvard Square again, but your guess is as good as mine as to which floor. Maybe we'll be on the roof. Who knows--it's all part of the adventure. At least one of us will be wearing a MeFi t-shirt.
posted by DiscourseMarker on Jul 12, 2011 - 37 comments

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