Asheville, NC  IRL events around Asheville, NC RSS | iCal | showing:

5 attending
3 maybe

It's Been A Long Time Asheville

Let's have a meetup! How about a Sunday afternoon / evening at the Salvage Station? [more inside]
Asheville, NC at Salvage Station, 4PM by mygothlaundry - 27 comments

4 attending
6 maybe

Ashevegas, baby!

Asheville NC meetup. Possibly at a venue serving beer or beers. Mid July? [more inside]
Asheville, NC at The Bywater, 3PM by genmonster - 27 comments

0 attending
0 maybe

Asheville, NC meetup?

Hey, never been to one of these before, but I'm in Asheville, North Carolina and just wondering if there's any other nearby mefites who might want to grab a beer at an indeterminate future date
Asheville, NC by crayz on May 7, 2012 - 5 comments

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0 maybe

Asheville, Saturday, May 7th & Sunday, May 8th

I'll be passing through Asheville on the evening of Sat, May 7th on my way to visit my brother in Ohio, and hiking in the area with a pal on Sunday May 8th. She wants to go someplace a bit out of the ordinary, if possible, and I'd like to see spring wildflowers and/or waterfalls, if possible. We'd almost certainly be up for drinks and food on Saturday or Sunday night as well - i.e., we'll be out and about and would totally love to have MeFite company. Anyone interested in a day hike and/or dinner? Queer bar recommendations welcome, too.
Asheville, NC by mediareport on Apr 29, 2011 - 8 comments

Past Events

3 attending
1 maybe

We're moving to town and would like to meet the local mefites

Mrs. schyler523 and I are moving to the area in early February and it would be nice to have a nice pint and whatnot. We'll likely be too busy to hang out until the 15th or so, but any date after that is probably fine. We're familiar with Jack of the Wood (our favorite bar) and the beergarden, but other ideas would be welcomed.
Asheville, NC at Asheville Arcade, 7PM by schyler523 - 26 comments

0 attending
1 maybe

Recent Work by Felicity Green at the De Soto Lounge

Mostly photographs, maybe some drawings and paintings. The opening will run from 5:30 on Thursday, August 26 until god knows when. Come early if you wish to eat cheese cubes. Drink specials at the bar - if you do not know the De Soto, it is in the Eldorado building right off 240 on Haywood Rd, next to the Blue Ribbon. It's a great divey bar with a wonderful jukebox. The show will be up through the end of September. Hope to see you there!
Asheville, NC at De Soto Lounge, 5:30PM by mygothlaundry - 2 comments