10 posts tagged with calendarsarehard and tincc.
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Goating Is Easy, Calendars Are Hard!
The calendar has pulled that trick again where First Wednesday falls on the first of the month, which is...this week! That's very soon, but there's still time to make plans to join us at the Original Billy Goat Tavern for tiny beers and excellent company. Even if - especially if! - you haven't joined us before, we'd love to see you on Wednesday. [more inside]
Remember, Remember the Goat of November
First Wednesday is on the first of the month in November! Don't let it catch you by surprise. Join us at the Original Billy Goat Tavern for tiny beers and excellent company. [more inside]
Here We Come A-Goatening
It's about to be first Wednesday again! Let's go enjoy burgers and tiny beers and excellent company. [more inside]
Let Us Goat Then, You and I
Did you know this Wednesday is First Wednesday again already? Where did July go? Join us at the Original Billy Goat Pub for drinks and friendship! [more inside]
Another First Wednesday at the Goat
First Wednesday is on that trickiest of calendar days this February - the first day of the month! Please join us at the Original Billy Goat Tavern, followed by karaoke later in the evening. Newcomers are always very welcome. [more inside]
First we Goat, then we Frog
Meet at the Billy Goat Tavern. Drink tiny beers, eat a double with cheese, talk about / to the dapper bartender. Then around 9, make your way to the Blue Frog, and let the ambiance wash over you.
Lunchup: Crepes
Crepes on Tuesday at Crepe Bistro at 186 North Wells Street. [more inside]
lunchup: Ramen
lunch, Tuesday the 9th of December (calendars are hard). Ramen place on the north east corner of Wells and Lake called Ajida(maps are hard).
November Brunch at RMH
Let's go to the Ronald McDonald house in Hyde Park and make brunch for the families of sick kids.
Now with different and accepted by RMDH date! [more inside]
How is there not a February Goat on the books yet?
The first Wednesday of February is fast approaching. LET'S DO THIS.
Oh and hey guys by the way look what I found. [more inside]