9 posts tagged with Calgary and meetup.
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Calgary Meetup
Hey everyone! We're planning a little "meet your fellow Calgary MeFites" night, over board games! Join us if you can, should be great.
Calgary May or June Meetup?
Given the number of responders in the recent Alberta-related threads, thought this might be a good time to propose a meetup for sometime later this month or in early June! [more inside]
Irish Cowboys Untie!
So lizbunny proposed a meetup, and it seems like we agreed on March 20th, but the event is listed as having happened. Thus, a re-post. [more inside]
Irish cowboys unite!
If we aim for the middle of march, we can still call it "in lieu of St Patty's Day". [more inside]
Calgary October meetup
October meetup for those that are interested in meeting up for drinks and possibly something to eat.
Suggesting mid-week meetup so those that work downtown can attend, although if there is a consensus for the weekend, we could meet Oct 12th/13th.
Lizbunny suggested the Unicorn on Stephen Avenue (map). Beer selection there is good and they usually run specials, food is standard pub fare.
Suggesting mid-week meetup so those that work downtown can attend, although if there is a consensus for the weekend, we could meet Oct 12th/13th.
Lizbunny suggested the Unicorn on Stephen Avenue (map). Beer selection there is good and they usually run specials, food is standard pub fare.
Calgary Hop In Brew
We're having the meetup now at the Hop In Brew Pub [more inside]
Calgary Stampede Meetup
Stampede is on in Calgary in early July and promises to be a fiesta of people slacking off work early. May's meetup was fun, does anyone want to meetup again during Stampede week? [more inside]
Calgary meetup!
Calgary Meetup at the Hop In Brew [more inside]
Calgary Meetup
Let's get together again, Calgary/Southern Alberta! Friday Sept 17th, 7:30pm, Kawa Espresso Bar.