Board Games on Veteran's Day
posted October 28, 2015 1:06 AM   RSS | iCal | +googleCal

Wed November 11 at 11:00 AM, Private Home
Bowers Rd, Frederick, MD, USA (Map & Directions)
I will be hosting a Games Day in my home on Wednesday, November 11th. This is Veteran's Day and is a holiday for federal workers. Start time is 11 AM, but people come and leave as they please, and since we tend to play shorter games it's easy to work in if you come after the start time.
There will likely be about 8 or 10 people total, excluding any mefites who attend. Most but not all of these folks are associated with Games Club of Maryland (

Partial games list is found below. People are welcome to bring their own (relatively short) games as well. The idea is to have enough people to split up into at least two groups, so everyone can play something they like, and so that we can recombine as people arrive and leave. This is not the right location if you desire to camp out and play one war game all day.

A variety of drinks and snacks will be on hand. You are welcome to bring some of your own but it's not necessary. We will be ordering dinner.

There is a woofy, furry dog (border-Aussie) on the premises. She is totally sweet but if you have serious dog allergies or fears, it probably won't work.

Please memail me for the street address if you are thinking of attending.

Games on hand will include but are not limited to:
Can't Stop
Pegs and Jokers
Play on Words
Poker cards and chips
Qwirkle and Qwirkle Cubes
Ticket to Ride
posted by mysterious_stranger to Meetup (1 comment total)

Sounds great! Unfortunately I'll be out of town :(
posted by numaner at 10:51 AM on October 29, 2015

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