Humboldt County MeFites Unite!
posted June 13, 2012 8:19 PM   RSS

I just bought a big new house and would love to have the handful of MeFites in this county drop in for drinks and homemade pizza! You will be welcomed by my four sweet kitties. Perhaps later this summer or September, depending on people's schedules.
posted by porn in the woods to Proposed (2 comments total)

Hello, I am up for this. Anytime is fine with me.
posted by cairnoflore at 12:42 PM on June 14, 2012

I am moving to Arcata with another MeFite, arriving the first week of August. From Newfoundland, Canada! So we would love to come if this happens.
posted by oulipian at 6:51 AM on July 1, 2012

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