2 posts tagged with orphans.
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PDX "seasonal holiday of your choice" potluck dinner
Open invitation to any Portland Mefites who for whatever reason aren't planning to spend the holiday otherwise occupied visiting or being visited by relatives, and are interested in getting together during the weekend of Dec. 22nd - or perhaps 29th? - for a relaxed and calorie-filled nondenominational dinner. I'd be willing to host, as well as roast or smoke meat of some sort. People could bring side-dishes / desserts / drinks - you know, the usual. We can toast the season, have some fun, and avoid sitting home alone in the dark drinking box wine and feeling maudlin and sorry for ourselves! Yay! [more inside]
Thanksgiving potluck for PDX "orphans"
I don't have family nearby - but I won't let a little thing like that ruin a perfect excuse to cook a big ol' turkey! Any other MeFites who don't have Thanksgiving plans and want to do a potluck feast are welcome to join me on Saturday Nov. 26th.
EDIT: Time changed to avoid a Civil War-like conflict. [more inside]