5 posts tagged with northcarolina and triangle.
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Triangle 20th Meetup - Saturday, July 13th

It has been almost 20 years since the first post on MeFi, so what an opportune time to get together here in the Triangle of North Carolina! Maybe we can even make this a regional thing and lure some MeFites down from the mountains, off the Outer Banks, and "y'all too, Fort Bragg!" Let's start a discussion in this thread about where, when, and what we want to do in general terms before we nail down the details. [more inside]
posted by Rock Steady on May 22, 2019 - 40 comments

NC! Triangle! Meetup! Time!

**Please note the date change! Sorry for any confusion!**

It's been too long since the Triangle Contingent got ourselves together, so let's meet up to eat some good food, drink some tasty beverages, and/or bitch about HB2. We've decided on a picnic with board games at Weaver Street Market on Sunday, May 29th at 4 pm! [more inside]
posted by Rock Steady on May 12, 2016 - 67 comments

Triangle Biscuit Harvest Festival

Let's get together for biscuits, as discussed in the last Triangle area meetup thread! NOTE REGARDING LOCATION: this is just to let IRL let me post with confirmed date and time - REAL address will be provided via mefimail to people in the 'Attending' list on this page. [more inside]
posted by research monkey on Aug 14, 2014 - 76 comments

Triangle 15th Anniversary Meetup

Hey, it's been too long, and we should celebrate the big 1-5 in style. I'm thinking dinner somewhere and then casual drinks nearby for people who want to join up after dinner. I'm suggesting Raleigh because that's closest to me, but we could certainly do it elsewhere in the Triangle if that works better for people. [more inside]
posted by Rock Steady on Jun 25, 2014 - 62 comments

Let's go to China in the Paris of the Piedmont

I've been memailing mediareport about it, and we both agree that we need to have another meetup in March. I was thinking Gourmet Kingdom would be a great option because it's quiet during the week (meaning not quiet on Fri/Sat), it has a challenging/intimidating/exciting/fun Szechuan menu (attn: vegetarians: the braised eggplant is amazing!), and it's in the Chapel Hill/Carrboro part of the triangle, thus satisfying the "our turn" part of the rotation. There's ample parking, and plenty of nearby watering holes for afterwards should we want to maintain conversational momentum like last time in Raleigh. Would any Thursdays in March be bad for anyone? What Thursdays work best for you in March? What Thursdays work worst for you in March? Why wouldn't you want to meet up on a Thursday? What is it about those damned Thursdays? Do you know anybody named Thursday? Are they coming? Would they be embarrassed?
posted by oceanjesse on Feb 15, 2014 - 64 comments

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