11 posts tagged with bicycle.
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bike tour to Portland
Me & sibilatorix are leaving Santa Rosa today (June 24) on a recumbent tandem bicycle headed for Portland. Keep an eye out for us, and if you're on a Pacific Coast bike tour, we should totally meet up and/or ride together! Recumbent tandem. Hard to miss. We'll be state park hopping, staying at the hike & bike sites. [more inside]
Ride from London to Amsterdam
Ride with us from London to Amsterdam from 12-17 September, and support a good cause or two! Two (optional) days in the UK, two in Belgium, and two in the Netherlands (last year's route).
Never thought you could do a long-distance ride before? Well here's a gentle one! [more inside]
Fat-Tire Flyer: The Birth of Mountain Biking with Charlie Kelly
I will be speaking at the Berkeley Public Library about my bicycle adventures and my book, Fat Tire Flyer: Repack and the Birth of Mountain Biking. [more inside]
"Rock n Roll Bike Skool" Fundraiser Party
Costume party at the Bicycle Kitchen!
I thought some people might be interested in this. Plus, I'm helping them spread the word. It's a costume fundraiser party with some bands and DJs. The theme is werewolf high school(?). Tickets are $13 suggested donation.
Please check out more info of the party.
The fundraising is for this project.
Ride London Freecycle
1 August is the Ride London event, where a route through central London will be closed off to motor traffic [PDF], and everyone is invited to come and cycle through the safer, more quiet streets. Let's ride together for a stretch! [more inside]
Sunset Bike Ride to Richmond Hill, 17 June from 7pm
Several West London branches of the LCC are organising leisurely group rides to converge at The Roebuck pub on Richmond Hill. We'll watch the sunset, and then ride back en masse after dark. Groups will leave from departure points in Ealing, Hammersmith, Hounslow [PDF], Wimbledon and other boroughs. Departures vary between 7pm and 8pm, so see links or inside for details. [more inside]
Really casual bike ride (or walk) + lunch
How about a pretty short, slow, sweet little bike ride on the Minuteman trail (or, a walk option instead)? And some lunch? OK, last chance, you 'Maybes!' If no one but cocoagirl and me are there at 10:30, and no one has switched to 'Attending,' then she and I may head elsewhere instead of to Spy Pond. But if anyone does switch to 'Attending,' then we'll see you at Spy Pond as planned. So, if you'll be there, switch over your response! [more inside]
Bike to the Sea ride & lunch
Bike to the Sea is a ride on trails and streets starting near-ish the Orange Line in Everett. I'm going to do the 14-mile 'family ride' (despite not bringing family). I'd love MeFite company! [more inside]
Human Power Challenge
Oregon Human Powered Vehicles is hosting the annual Human Power Challenge at Portland International Raceway. [more inside]
Tiny Fix Bar Night & Group Ride
Miss Kaz and I started a bike gang. Our first event is a bar night at one of our favorite tiny local watering holes that will end with a short, three mile group ride to the best monthly dance night in town. If you don't bike, we won't tell. [more inside]
Halloween Critical Mass
COSTUMES. ON BIKES. [more inside]