North Bethesda, MD  IRL events around North Bethesda, MD RSS | iCal | showing:

5 attending
9 maybe

Small Press Expo: Mefi Comics Nerds Unite

Will you be at the Small Press Expo this year? Are you a comics enthusiast who lives in the Baltimore/DC area? Come have a drink on Friday night! [more inside]
North Bethesda, MD at Marriott Bethesda North Hotel & Conference Center, 9PM by Narrative Priorities - 13 comments

1 attending
3 maybe

Small Press Expo

Small Press Expo is the premiere event for graphic novels, the comic arts and cartooning -- at least, that's what we like to tell people, although in my absolutely biased opinion, it's true. SPX is amazing, and if you're anywhere nearby, please check it out. [more inside]
North Bethesda, MD at Bethesda North Marriott Hotel & Conference Center, 11AM by darksong - 5 comments