The Rocks, Australia  IRL events around The Rocks, Australia RSS | iCal | showing:

5 attending
0 maybe

Mr. Zarquon comes to Oz, Pt. 3

I'm heading back, landing March 31st and in Sydney and then Melbourne for two weeks. The last time I did a "hang out with MeFites to reset jet lag" it actually worked, so maybe I can do it this time in Sydney? Updated: 6:30pm Glenmore Hotel [more inside]
The Rocks, Australia at Glenmore Hotel, 6PM by mrzarquon - 40 comments

5 attending
4 maybe

Saturday, April 20: Sydney, NSW

We'll be meeting at noon, Saturday 20 April at the Glenmore in the Rocks for lunch and drinks.

2 attending
1 maybe

Sydney, NSW

I'm an American in Newcastle for a few weeks (until May 12), with not much to do except work, during the day. So, I was thinking if anyone was bored and wanted to meet up, it might be fun. Dinner or drinks, maybe? Or perhaps something next weekend (May 5/6)? [more inside]
The Rocks, Australia at Australian Heritage Hotel, The Rocks, 12PM by Philosopher Dirtbike - 15 comments

11 attending
3 maybe

Sydney meetup?

Hey all, I'm going to be in Sydney for a couple days next week and would love to meet up at a bar and see those of you from MeFi I never get to meet in person. I have no idea where to meet up, but Thursday night next week (August 4th) somewhere downtown by the circular quay would work best for me.
The Rocks, Australia at The Australian Heritage, 6PM by mathowie - 105 comments