Pub Trivia - If Lee Isn't Major
posted September 1, 2011 5:08 AM   RSS | iCal | +googleCal

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors
Thu September 8 at 7:00 PM, Maple Leaf Pub
514 Elgin St, Houston, TX, USA (Map & Directions)
Barring any inclement weather from a potential storm named Lee, let's try once again to go for the gold at Geeks Who Drink Pub Trivia at the Maple Leaf Pub. Steak, potatoes, drinks, trivia, we all know the drill by now. Let's do this!
posted by PapaLobo to Meetup (11 comments total)

Freude, schöner Götterfunken
Tochter aus Elysium,
Wir betreten feuertrunken,
Himmlische, dein Heiligtum!

By which, I mean, I'll be performing Beethoven's 9th with the Houston Symphony. Alas.
posted by jph at 6:59 AM on September 1, 2011

We're on our way to the pub.
posted by Runes at 4:30 PM on September 8, 2011

SOMEhow, and I honestly don't know how it happened, but we took first place tonight. We totally flubbed the audio round (German cover band wtf?) and barely scraped by on everything else. But it all comes down to when you throw down your joker and we vaulted ourselves from fourth to first by strategerizing it right. Kudos to all!!!

And, by way of whatever, I mention here and now that our Metafilter based team places on the podium the majority of the time in Houston pub trivia. Tonight was MY first gold medal but certainly not the first gold for us overall.

What does this all mean? Well, the Maple Leaf Pub is the only Houston bar who's associated with Geeks Who Drink that actually rewards the effort--2nd place gets a $20 bar tab coupon and 1st place gets a $30 tab. So as long as we continue to place second or first we're guaranteed at least one round of free drinks--and maybe even some free jalapeno poppers which, by the by, are the best I've ever had ever. Any Houston Mefites who are on the fence (or those who've only attended once or twice in the past *cough*SpecialK*cough* please do consider (re)joining us on a regular basis. It's loads of fun!

Grats to "It's Obviously That Guy From American Idol" for tonight's GOLD MEDAL win! A definite team effort! See y'all in two weeks!
posted by PapaLobo at 10:37 PM on September 8, 2011 [2 favorites]

"The Baseballs and they're awesome!" was the music round that we flubbed. I'm blaming it on the noisy bar and the crappy sound system. Yeah.
posted by Runes at 6:46 AM on September 9, 2011 [3 favorites]

If you guys will distract them next time, I'll sneak in and fix the EQ on their INCREDIBLY CRAPPY sound system. Then we can flub the round due to our beanplating, rather than being unable to hear.
posted by MexicanYenta at 7:17 AM on September 9, 2011 [2 favorites]

Also, how weird is it that PapaLobo and I grew up just a few miles apart in an isolated corner of New Mexico that no one is ever from?
posted by MexicanYenta at 7:21 AM on September 9, 2011

Here's the story of "My Grandfather's Clock", which amazed the quizmaster that anyone got right.
posted by Gridlock Joe at 8:35 AM on September 9, 2011 [3 favorites]

Yes, between that and Lansing, MI, you were the champ of esoteric knowledge last night!
posted by MexicanYenta at 9:23 AM on September 9, 2011 [2 favorites]

I think we've got a source for our next team names: Vocabulary Fail
posted by Runes at 11:32 AM on September 9, 2011 [1 favorite]

Recap's up!
posted by Gridlock Joe at 12:02 PM on September 9, 2011

Omg guys, so my brother's friend drove up to my apartment yesterday and got out of a car that had a bumper sticker on it that said "Nerdrape." And I was like... "wtf..." So naturally I told her the whole story about the safeword being bananas (clearly she was someone who might need to know about the safeword) and then we all laughed at the fact that this is one little sign that we're shuffling toward the singularity.

Sorry I wasn't able to be there. Hope I can make it in a couple weeks. (There appears to be no reason why I might not be able to.)

Congrats on Victory!
posted by jph at 9:55 AM on September 12, 2011 [1 favorite]

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