South Korea lets meetup!
posted June 6, 2011 10:19 PM   RSS

Hi! I'm on my way back to South Korea, gonna be there by June 11th, and I notice there are a handful of us living, vacationing, working, etc in the ROK. Lets meetup shall we? It's a month later, so here's the update: I'm in Seoul now, I'd be really excited for a meetup. I know cool places and great bands to see, and I'm open to suggestions!
posted by nile_red to Proposed (2 comments total)

I'd be in, I'm in Gumi. However, I'd be willing to make the trip to Seoul on a weekend or during my vacation in the beginning of August
posted by FakePalindrome at 4:23 AM on June 28, 2011

Hey cool! I'm also up for travelling outside of Seoul on a weekend..
posted by nile_red at 7:40 AM on July 11, 2011

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