Sensationnel, la quinze ans de MetaFilter! Rejoignez-nous pour La Course de Garcons & Filles de Cafe!
posted July 10, 2014 4:56 PM   RSS | iCal | +googleCal

Mon July 14 at 6:00 PM, Daley Plaza
50 West Washington Street, Chicago, IL, USA (Map & Directions)
"On July 14th 2014 the French will take over Daley Plaza, in a celebration organized by volunteers belonging to many organizations under the umbrella of the French Consulate. Le clou du spectacle, the show stopper? It will be la Course de Garçons &; Filles de Café, bien sûr! This is when waiters or wannabe waiters compete in a 200 meters sprint that involves running as fast as you can while balancing a tray full of (plastic) glasses — without spilling a drop of grand cru."
Registration is FREE and open to anybody willing to get wet! I've signed up and you can too! Qu'est-ce qui pourrait mal tourner?

All that excitement and more, including music, food, and sports-- all free. After the race we'll see if we can't sneak in a game of ptanque and hopefully gorge on many, many pastries.
posted by eamondaly to Meetup (5 comments total)

And obviously you needn't participate in the race, but perhaps you could come cheer folks on? Vous pouvez bien sûr!
posted by eamondaly at 5:45 PM on July 10, 2014 [2 favorites]

By the way, I have confirmed there will be vendors for crêpes, croissants, glaces, and especially vin et bière.
posted by eamondaly at 2:04 PM on July 11, 2014

In the drink ticket line, of course.
posted by eamondaly at 3:44 PM on July 14, 2014

Ici! Ou sont les Mefis?
posted by Iridic at 3:49 PM on July 14, 2014 [2 favorites]

posted by eamondaly at 6:10 PM on July 14, 2014

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