13 posts tagged with karaoke and tinybeers.
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First Wednesday: November Vote for the Goat
After a few months of trying elsewhere, we're returning to the Billy Goat for this first Wednesday because 3 years ago we were here for the Cubs winning the World Series and also we haven't found a better permanent place. I'll be there after work around 6 and we'll be there for a few hours probably and then I'm planning on heading up to Carol's Pub for karaoke and burgers. [more inside]
August Goat is a Go!
After work, we shall nonetheless gather at the Goat on this, the First Wednesday of August 2019. Tiny beers, grilled meats, unexpected party room complications! Wheel of Fortune. Internet jukebox. All this can be yours, if you join us. [more inside]
Goating Is Easy, Calendars Are Hard!
The calendar has pulled that trick again where First Wednesday falls on the first of the month, which is...this week! That's very soon, but there's still time to make plans to join us at the Original Billy Goat Tavern for tiny beers and excellent company. Even if - especially if! - you haven't joined us before, we'd love to see you on Wednesday. [more inside]
Remember, Remember the Goat of November
First Wednesday is on the first of the month in November! Don't let it catch you by surprise. Join us at the Original Billy Goat Tavern for tiny beers and excellent company. [more inside]
Here We Come A-Goatening
It's about to be first Wednesday again! Let's go enjoy burgers and tiny beers and excellent company. [more inside]
Let Us Goat Then, You and I
Did you know this Wednesday is First Wednesday again already? Where did July go? Join us at the Original Billy Goat Pub for drinks and friendship! [more inside]
Another First Wednesday at the Goat
First Wednesday is on that trickiest of calendar days this February - the first day of the month! Please join us at the Original Billy Goat Tavern, followed by karaoke later in the evening. Newcomers are always very welcome. [more inside]
Fly the Tiny Tiny W
So, of course, first Wednesday is this week, but there's some sort of sporting event closely associated with the Goat and the question is: do we go? [more inside]
Hey are we doing this?
It seems that since calendars are hard, we have not put up an event for our monthly meetup at the Billy Goat... [more inside]
Nope, You Did Not Miss It!
Apparently, I am not the only person to think "oh, shit! GoatFrog is tonight!" but it's not. It's next week. And anyway, there is no Frog anymore. . . . . Oh, I made myself sad. But don't you be sad! You can still join us for First Wednesday! [more inside]
Quite possibly the end of an era
The Blue Frog is shutting down in January and there's a pretty good chance the owners will have alienated the staff so much that everyone will throw in the towel before then, so this might be the last First Wednesday. If you've ever been, you'll want to join us this time. If you've never been, you must join us this time. [more inside]
Goats & Frogs Next Week
Right? I'm reading this calendar correctly? First Wednesday in November is a week from today? Hopefully, cause I'll be Goat Frogging. You should join. [more inside]
November Rain Goat
Inquiring minds want to know if the Metafilter Last Supper picture is hanging on the wall at the Goat still. Why don't we check it out and also have a meet-up? [more inside]