15 posts tagged with UK and meetup.
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All Welcome to Manchester Dems Abroad Meet 'n Greet at Port Street Beer House
Hi all, my friend and I are organising a Democrats Abroad Meet and Greet event at Port Street Beer House on Wednesday 17 July, 6-9pm. All are welcome, hope to see you there!
Brighton UK Meetup
Southern-softie Mefites unite! Train strikes permitting!
MEATliquor, Brighton, Friday 7th Oct, 6pm.
MeFi London
I'm visiting London March 5 - 16. London meetup? To tempt you further, here's a list of things I can rant about if asked: GOATS, how much I love Swedish pizza, the Sonoran Desert, why space opera is the best genre, and What Not to Do During Disaster. [more inside]
Hunterian Museum; Towards a Scientific Model of Disability
Hey, Metafilter! Are you in or around London? Do you like looking at things preserved in jars? Have I got a meetup for you... [more inside]
London pre-Pulp drinks in Brixton?
Pulp is playing Brixton Academy! Holy crap! [more inside]
Oh to be in England
The Whelk is on a rolling business trip of Northern England and environs and would like to grab a beer with some awesome English Mefites. I'll be in Manchester May 29th through 31st, York on June 1st, Leeds on June 3rd, Sheffield June 5th, Notthingham June 7th, Liverpool on June 9th through the 11th and the London June 12th and 13th. What's the best for everyone? I'd imagine something in Manchester or London. [more inside]
Town or gown?
Cambridge pubs, taverns, beer gardens and taprooms: the illustrated guide. [more inside]
East Midlands?
It's starting to warm up, the pubs are plentiful, how about an East Midlands meetup?
I'm based in Nottingham, you may be around that area, and it might be a delight.
Heck, we could go to the Trip to Jerusalem and go hang out in one of the caves...
A snow-free (but still cold) meetup in York!
Hi everybody! parmanparman is heading up our way to do some work/research and I thought that'd be a lovely excuse to scrobble together what few (but awesome) MeFites we have around here. What say we get together this Friday, February 25th, 6:30pm for food and drink? Venue tbd, suggestions welcome!
York meetup at the Rook and Gaskill!
It's been a while...are all you Yorkshire folk ready for another get together? I am! [more inside]
Drinks and Churchill's War Room in London
Hi Mefites -- Mrs. Dream and I will be in London on vacation later this month. Anyone interested in a Sunday meetup on October 24th?
Let's meet at Walkers of Whitehall at 1pm for lunch and drinks, then walk down to Churchill's War Room, which is open until 6pm. Get as drunk as you like in honor of Churchill.
I'll set up a MeFi sign on the table at Walkers. I'll update later with a phone number if I'm successful in jailbreaking my iphone and getting a SIM card.
Birmingham West Midland Meetup
The long national nightmare of getting my visa is over and I am coming to Birmingham to study next week. Would anyone in the Midlands (and elsewhere) be interested in a meet-up the weekend of October 8/9? It's been five years since I have been in Birmingham so suggestions of great places will be greatly and gladly appreciated.
The Lamb, 6:00pm, Thurs. September 16th, London. YAY.
A long, drawn out nightmare with my visa is finally all sorted out and I'll be in London from the 15th-17th! If you're not too meetup'ed out, please come have a celebratory drink with me. Looking forward to it (you have no idea how much)! [more inside]
Londoners, come join us for a drink in Camden
I just moved to London for grad school. Anyone up for a pint? [more inside]
The iamkimiam welcome meetup (Leeds/York?)
As the esteemed iamkimiam is due to make her arrival onto English soil soon, I submit that we should have a bit of a do in her honour. (As in, we sit in a pub with some cloudy drinks and make increasingly little sense over the course of a number of hours.) [more inside]